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The League of Sweetie Belles Personnel Files. · 12:10pm Sep 20th, 2019

Moved here since adjusting the chapter order over and over again was inefficient. Contains many spoilers for the League of Sweetie Belles, only read if you want context or have read all the chapters.

The League of Sweetie Belles

Cinder "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: orange eyes.
Cinder is a standard Sweetie Belle and the newbie in the League of Sweetie Belles. She is slowly learning how to develop into a unique agent but is otherwise pretty normal. She has an affinity for fire magic.
Developments: Cinder has demonstrated a unique ability to predict the nature of 'fate' or 'narrative' beyond what should be expected. She has also gained mild reality warping that usually expresses itself in the form of improbable papercraft. As it turns out, she is not, she replaced her world's original Sweetie Belle and was raised in her place. This sent her on a quest in the multiverse to find her origins.

Colonel/Captain Suzie "Sweetie" Mash, Founder

Defining features: human, white skin, Merodi uniform.
As the captain of the expedition team, it ultimately falls to Suzie to make most of the decisions and ensure the expedition team doesn't cause an interdimensional incident. She was among the first Sweeties in the League of Sweetie Belles, and as such has the honor of being considered a Founder even though she doesn't share a bond quite like what the other Founders have. Suzie herself is a generally level-headed and thoughtful leader, though she does have a bit of a temper and will let her wild side loose whenever she finds an opportunity.
Developments: Suzie has what is known as a Stand named U-Catastrophe. Its full effects are classified, but involve attacking entire societies with a curse. It takes the appearance of a large tree. Through rash use of this Stand in Vision, Suzie is currently benched by the government from taking part in missions.

Blink "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: no cutie mark, sunglasses.
Blink is one of the team's primary exploration agents, and easily the most effective of the Sweeties out on the field thanks to her versatile "Void" powers that allow her to alter the 'reality' of things, resulting in invisibility and intangibility with a wide variety of applications. In stark contrast to the stealthy nature of her powers, Blink is a quite the flamboyant showoff - outgoing, excitable, and friendly to just about everyone she meets.
Developments: Turns out, Blink is a type of ghost known as a Skaian and has bracelets around her ankles that let her survive in universes where ghosts can't exist. Her title is the Witch of Void, which is where her powers are derived from.

Squiddy "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: white inkling.
Squiddy is a contradiction akin to Blink - she takes the role of the team's 'muscle' while also being exceptionally fragile herself. She is exceptionally agressive and arrogant, and yet fights with ink-spraying weapons that are rarely capable of serious injury, much less lethal force. She's still extremely coordinated and determined to make the multiverse know who she is.
Developments: Squiddy is clearly traumatized by the war she fought on her homeworld, and really shouldn't be out in the field where there's any sort of warzone. That said, she won't accept the simple life either, so she's stuck in a poor headspace.

Technician Serendipity "Seren" Butler

Defining features: anthro, actually very young.
Serendipity is the ship's engineer and magic specialist. Simply put, she is a prodigy who has a natural knack for understanding different magic systems and, through that, understanding complex magitech. While she's certainly got more innocence than the Sweeties, her actual intelligence and engineering know-how far exceeds all of theirs. She's a sweet girl who wants nothing more than to see everyone smile.
Developments: Seren is from a 'magical girl anime' world where violence was everywhere and the power of family was everything. It's all fun and games until you realize she doesn't bat an eye at disintegrating 'the bad guys' off the face of the earth.


Defining features: is a Flat. Literally exhales memes. Monotone voice. What do you want from me?
Flats hail from a universe where everything moved like a really, really bad youtube animation. They bring alien physics wherever they go, existing as strange two-dimensional beings that can operate in a three-dimensional framework 'decently'. Burgerbelle is defined less by a personality and more by the idea of 'memes', and as such it is difficult to get a read on her and what exactly she means to the crew. She's somehow the second in command of the ship, and manages to keep things running despite looking like a fool all the time. How she does this is a mystery. Her powers can be considered like Pinkie Powers, except without the meta-Awareness thrown in.
Developments: Uh, not much? I mean, her world was destroyed, but virtually every Flat escaped and is now wandering Merodi Universalis.

Nira Wight

Defining features: dark aura, scars everywhere, often bleeding.
Nira is the ship's dark magic specialist. She is a prime example of 'dark is not evil', though her close relationship with the corrupting arts have jaded her and skewed her moral compass, ensuring that she needs to rely on others to keep herself grounded. She tends to be a mare of action, and is by far the strongest Sweetie aboard Swip, regularly wiping out threats with ease thanks to her particularly destructive nature. Most of her powers are channeled through her anger or her pain, hence the cuts all over her body. Unlike most the other Sweeties, she tends to keep herself.
Developments: Unknown to the crew, Nira betrayed Swip by forcing her back into her digital body out of a sense of insecurity. Nira's morality is skewed and she relies on others to keep her on the right track. She was originally from a terrible world under the direct control of a dark master, and Swip saved her from it. In exchange, she saved Swip form her world's situation.

Chalcedony Celia

Defining feature: tall, Rarity-like, cracked crystal instead of a horn.
Celia is the third-in-line for command, though in practice people tend to respect her more than Burgerbelle. Her primary purpose is to be the diplomat to peoples who take exception to the Sweeties' existence. She is well versed in multiversal law, interference policies, and government theory. While Burgerbelle leads expedition teams most often, Celia's known to do it often enough so the team gets to have some variety. Personality-wise she's a stable, thoughtful, and understanding individual.
Developments: Celia is not actually a pony, but a malformed Gem who tailored her form to be pony-esque for ease of communication. She is a fusion of two different gems: Moganite and Goshenite, a Rarity and a Sweetie respectively. Upon interacting with a dark curse in the waters of Equis Aurora, she fused with the being in an attempt to forge a peace. This fusion turned out to be permanent, giving Celia a greater sense of self and a new streak of dark magic. The jury's still out on what the effects of this will be. She is effectively the boss of Swip since Suzie has been benched.

Doctor Sweetaloo Blume

Defining features: smash the Cutie Mark Crusaders together, viola.
Sweetaloo is a fusion of three ponies, becoming an alicorn. However, unlike a true alicorn, the attributes of the three races were distributed around her body evenly, making all of them slightly weaker than they had been before. What she lacks in physical strength or magic she more than makes up for with her actions - as the ultimate Crusader, she understands destiny and identity on a fundamental level. As such she is the ship's counselor and psychologist. Her psyche is a three-way fusion of the CMC, creating an intelligent, determined, and reckless pony who seems self-contradictory at times. She is well aware of how odd her mind is, but she likes it that way. She appears as a young, but adult mare.
Developments: Sweetaloo is not an adventurer, but she has proven herself capable in the art of faking her emotions. She was fused from a teleportation accident.


Defining features: IS. A. SPACESHIP. Her avatar, though, is human with an 'ambiguously brown' skin tone.
Swip is an arrogant Sweetie-spaceship who always thinks she's being overshadowed. She is equipped with standard weapons, and advanced TSAB-make dimensional drive, and a full Sweetie AI. While it may seem like she's in the background most of the time, she really is the most important member of the team - the mission itself would be impossible without her. She wants everyone to be continually reminded of this. She has a bit of a complex, to say the least. She'd definitely take exception to being placed last on any given character list.
Developments: She was in an organic body for a while. Unknown to her, she was forced back to her digital form by Nira. However, she liked the body and the life she had, so she created an avatar for herself to interact. She has an adoptive sister named Rachel, a human. She thinks she can trust Nira.

Adder "Apple" Bloom
Defining features: Cinder's Apple Bloom. Has a lightsaber and named herself after a snake. Is pretty close with Cinder and has been known to jump into the multiverse with her.
Developments: Left her home to help Cinder find out the truth of her identity.

Allure "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: artificial metal horn, short, lets herself look a little older than the others.
In many ways considered the original Sweetie, Allure is the closest to a 'leader' the League has, even though she shared the responsibilities with the other Founders. In practice, Squeaky is more involved in the actual goings-on of the League. Allure is an optimistic and curious individual with a big heart. She had an adopted human daughter named Minna who spends a lot of time at the League given her mother's persuasion. She's considered very approachable, even if the Sweeties speak about her with reverence at times. She has the title Knight of Heart, which allows her to bend her spirit like a weapon.

Sweetie "Belle" Bot

Defining features: filly body, innocent mindset, digitized voice and thought pattern.
Bot is a very advanced machine that was designed to go on a killer rampage and just decided that wasn't for her. She's equipped with any number of weapons and deadly systems including missiles, lasers, and rockets. You wouldn't know this from talking to her - she acts like a child, and seems almost incapable of maturing at a normal rate. She is exceptionally attached to her friends and her sister, almost to a fault. She's also a bit clueless when dealing with anything non-digitized. Otherwise, she's a genius.


Defining features: eldritch, red eyes, deeeeeep voice.
Thrackerzod is an eldritch presence from the Eldritch Embodiment that stole a unicorn's body long ago, ending up fused with the unicorn's essence. She started out somewhat evil, but now has shown to have a deep (if often unspoken) care for her friends and colleagues. This connection even went so far as to get her to renounce the Embodiment. Her voice is deep, she knows the eldritch tongues, and her magic can drive ponies to madness, though she rarely does this. She's serious, calculating, and the intimidating one of the group. The other Sweeties fear her if they don't know her very well.

Squeaky "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: military bracelet, helium voice, earring.
Squeaky Belle was raised as a child military prodigy to fight a war in her homeworld. That war is over now, and she uses her skills to help Merodi Universalis' Military Division and the League of Sweetie Belles oragnization. Despite her origins as a military commander, she has a reputation as the mediator, keeping people who are supposed to be friends together - the glue that holds the League together. It's a little hard to take her helium voice seriously at times, but behind that squeak is an impressive tactical mind.

Sweetie "Belle" Brute
Defining features: deep, creepy voice. Deceased.
The founder that didn't make it. Back in the early days of the League, an encounter with a being known as the Collector resulted in Brute's death. She was known to be violent, clinically insane, and powerful - but was still a founder nonetheless. No one wants to speak badly about her, even if she wasn't really the best pony.

Sweetie Belle (The Sweetie Chronicles)

Defining features: crystal body, non-standard cutie mark.
The only Sweetie allowed to keep the original name, because Allure declared that 'she deserved it.' She's known as the Lost Sweetie, not because she's dead, but because she literally is lost - jumping from universe to universe in a vain attempt to put her Twilight Sparkle back together. The League has put many resources into trying to find her, to bring her out of her dimension-hopping trap, but they've found nothing. Absolutely nothing. But Allure demands they keep looking. They do not know the suffering she has been through since they last saw her. Maybe if they did, things would be easier...

Cryo's Team

Cryo "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: ice-blue eyes (contacts), ice powers, and ANIME DEMEANOR
Cryo is the self-proclaimed nemesis of Cinder. She is the master of ice magic (though it's completely harmless ice magic that can't harm anyone). She is determined to show herself to be better than Cinder in as much of a cliche anime "AHAHAHAHAA" way as she possibly can. To that end, she is creating a team to rival Cinder's.

Mattie "Rarity" Belle

Defining features: suggestive scarring patterns, dual whips, and black leather boots
Mattie is the deceased Sweetie Brute's sister - coming from a world where the barrier between 'story' and 'reality' was weaker, she ended up taking the role Pinkie Pies do in standard worlds; that of knowing. With the passing of her sister, she became more involved in the League until she became one of its few official non-Sweetie members. She's somewhat difficult to work with, not because she's unfriendly or mean, but because she's a blatant masochist who delights in making ponies uncomfortable with suggestive humor. Unfortunately for those who don't want to deal with her, she IS the League's primary access to meta-knowledge, so they have to put up with it. She's not a bad pony by any means, but she is a bit... much. Unlike most ponies from Equis Ultra Fast, she isn't stupid, but by her own admission that's due to not spending a lot of time there anymore.
Developments: Mattie is aware of Nira's treachery, simply choosing not to spill the beans about it because it's not time. She's taken on the role of leader for Cryo's little team.

Curio "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: green visor, curiosity powers.
Curio is a being known as a 'spectre' that has curiosity-based powers, and out here exploring the multiverse she gets lots of that. She loves tinkering with gadgets and has a fancy visor over her eyes that creates a HUD display. She's curious, level-headed, and likes to record data on everything she experiences.

Sriracha "Sweetie" Bell

Defining features: is an earth pony with a hot-pink pepper cutie mark.
Sriracha is a sweetie farmer who specializes in REALLY hot and spicy peppers, even though her talent is actually sweet peppers. (Sweetie BELL) She was picked up by Cryo to be on the adventuring team and she hopped on because HECK YES she wants to go on an adventure! She always wanted some more excitement in her life, which is why she grew hot peppers in the first place.



Defining features: Is a pegasus.
Nausicaa is the League's main bureaucrat, managing most of the paperwork and trying to keep some semblance of organization on the whole thing. Her job is immensely difficult and stressful considering how many Sweeties she has to deal with, so she often comes off as an antagonistic presence within the League. She's not well-liked by most because of how rigid and gruff she is, but most Sweeties understand why she is necessary. Somepony's got to mess with all the paper.

Jade Harley

Defining features: doesn't need any. Is a white-skinned human with dog ears.
Jade isn't a Sweetie, but she spends most of her time at the League itself serving as a sort of office dog. She's kind, intelligent, and goes 'BARK' sometimes. She's a ghost like Blink, and has the title Witch of Space. She manages a lot of internal affairs and is a good boost to morale around the League. She complains a lot about her alternate self who is basically a sex maniac. To combat this, she does her best to be innocent, caring, and understanding. Though she does have a habit of tinkering with machines that probably shouldn't be tinkered with. Also, dog treats are great.


Defining features: appears as a normal Sweetie, but regularly consults an invisible magic tablet computer.
Tab is a Sweetie whose mind has been altered slightly to make her highly analytical and intelligent. She works in the League on little research projects, generally involving adapting magic and technology the Sweeties discover in other universes. She's known to sometimes go on adventures, but most of the time she remains shut-in on her lab. Her tablet can analyze things hundreds of times faster than any organic mind and can assist here in casting complex spells.


Defining Features: human, mobile hair, SCIENCE!
Entrapta is Tab's assistant. While Tab is sensical and analytical, Entrapta is a mad scientist in every sense of the word. She will experiment just because she can, doesn't really care about consequences, and actually has a past of being on the side of the 'bad guys', though Tab generally keeps her out of that kind of trouble now.


Defining features: ANGEL.
Servitude is a Sweetie Belle who is also an Angel. She comes from a heaven-like world, but is far removed from it at this point. She's one of the most influential Sweeties when it comes to security in Celestia City and will find you if you break the law.

Silver Bell: A general term applied to male Sweetie Belles.
Skuldie Belle: The future-seeing Sweetie of Earth Shimmer,
Olse: An aging Sweetie from a space-age world.
Sweetie Belle (URBC): A Sweetie robot from the future who is currently not in contact with the LSB.
Swerve: A mad scientist alicorn Sweetie from a world with only alicorns.
Lemon: A yellow Sweetie with questionable definitions of 'relationships'.
Sweetie Sparkle: Sweetie Belle/Twilight Sparkle hybrid.
Onyx: A pitch-black Sweetie.
Engineetie: Sweetie-Engineer from the world Esefem. (Yes, the TF2 Engineer)
Swinerette: Spider-Sweetie. Not from Lai.
Swissaliss: Sweetie-Changeling Queen.
Changelings: Swuzz, Antlion, Ocelle.
Spider-Belle: This should be obvious.
Assorted Sweetie Names: Nord, Mitochondria (don't ask), Cerulean, Wrinkle Bum.

Beyond the League of Sweetie Belles

These six mares are distorted clones of the mane six who just keep popping up. They are currently members of the Expedition Division that handle less-than-savory missions.

Curaçao is the Captain of the group who speaks with a French accent and is a master of deceit, trickery, and complex planning. Her abilities focus on disguising herself or becoming invisible.
Developments: She's come to terms with her deceptive abilities, though still is uncertain about her tendency to deceive herself.

Red Velvet
Red Velvet is basically Pinkie Pie, except with a psychotic and dark sense of humor. She's a powerhouse with the ability to feed on others fear and nightmares until she becomes a mini eldritch abomination. She also has blood magic.
Developments: She only has the slightest bit of meta-Awareness and has taken to reading books on the topic of ka to expand her horizons.

Grayscale is an often monotone, observant individual with powers over gravity. She is pretty well grounded in who she is and uses her level-head to keep everything managed when there's chaos everywhere.

Havocwing is an angry bunny rabbit that shoots fire but deep down is just a big softy. Once you get past the swearing, anger, shouting and all that fun stuff.

Insipid is an idiot. She is well aware of this fact. Her ability involves copying the abilities of others, and somehow through sheer stupidity and creativity she is often able to use those powers in better ways than the original. She's an optimist that's a tad greedy but really just enjoys life at this point.
Developments: she and Shadow have a spell that can let them share minds and perceptions over long distance, learned from Brook and Sequin.

Starlight Shadow
Shadow (she goes by Shadow to avoid confusion with Starlights) is a master of Void magic different from Blink's. Her magic is dark, powerful, and will often completely counter the magic powers of pure arcane sources. She is a walking thesaurus that likes to learn as much as she can about everything. She has a pride streak a mile wide and used to be in charge before Curaçao took over, though she doesn't resent the earth pony for it.
Developments: she and Insipid have a spell that can let them share minds and perceptions over long distance, learned from Brook and Sequin.

The Crown Princess

Defining features: hard-light disconnected wings, crown of many gemstones.
The Crown Princess is a mare who the Sweeties saved from a horrible world. However, she blamed them for not arriving sooner and allowing her Rarity to die, so she ended up fusing with an artifact known as the Capricious Crown, creating what was essentially a new being. Driven to REBUILD THE CAPRIC EMPIRE and with a hatred of Merodi interference practices, she travels the multiverse looking for ways to keep universes from falling into the Merodi Trap.
Developments: The Crown Princess eventually removed her need to REBUILD THE CAPRIC EMPIRE, though she still hates Merodi interference. Her rage went down considerably after being trapped in a time-accelerated universe for a thousand years, getting to build her empire, and watching it crumble.

Erin Olsen: a human-turned-alicorn that is part of one of the worlds the Crown Princess has indoctrinated to here point of view.

Blumiere: mayor of Celestia City. Usually.
Evening Sparkle: A Twilight who runs the Relations Division.
Flutterfree: A Fluttershy that is Evening's closest friend and member of the Primary Expedition Team for Merodi Universalis.
Corona: A Sunset who is the Second for the Research Division.
Renee: A Rarity and sister of Allure who runs the Expeditions Division.
O'Neill: A human who runs the Military Division.
The Everykid: An aspect of the many-personality Everyman that is the Hat Kid from a Hat in Time. Since the Everyman doesn't care much about consistency, the Everykid gets to be a smug, creative, cute, excitable being. She works in the Archives.

Merodi Universalis: The nation the League of Sweetie Belles is part of.
Shimmy: A Sunset demigod who is responsible for keeping Earth Shimmer stitched together.
Brook and Sequin: A Twilight and Rarity pair who are just adorable.
Sunset's Isekai: an interdimensional bar run by a Sunset. Caters to all sorts.
Pinkie Emporium: A society of Pinkie Pies that is part of Merodi Universalis
Sparkle Census: A society of Twilights that is separate, but on friendly terms with Merodi Universalis.
Infinite Carousel: A society of Raritys that is separate and on decidedly unfriendly terms with Merodi Universalis due to their business practices.
USM: The United States of the Multiverse. Rival of Merodi Universalis. Ambassador Funny Valentine represents.
TSAB: The Time Space Administration Bureau, largest human-based society in the multiverse. Friend of Merodi Universalis. Nanoha Takamachi represents.

Most art done by LizardTales

Comments ( 17 )

Ok, nice and easy...

Well, that was a wonderful briefing. Now... how did I get here?

Probably because you follow me :raritywink:

-GM, master of mud.

That's the last time I follow you through a portal...

I was wondering what squidy looked like. For some reason I had a chilutlu on a girls body.

Did anyone else read through this just to see what it had to say about Sweetie Bot and Thrackerzod?

A lot of the pictures seem to be broken...

Which ones? Some entries don't have images.
-GM, master of once.

Odd... they all seem fixed now...

[access denied]
Did anyone else notice this it seems a little weird. Or is this just a standard thing for characters that have just been introduced?

Also I just had an interesting thought. What if whip and Nira are from two of the Amber ashes universes. That would be pretty cool

Standard for characters that have just been introduced.

I can't wait to see a picture of Distant Shores and her mom.

TSAB: The Time Space Administration Burao

I'm pretty sure it's spelled "Bureau'

Adder "Apple" Bloom
Defining features: Cinder's Sweetie Belle.

Is this a mistake?

Y'know, I've been wondering for a while... Why does Curaçao speak with a French accent? The island of Curaçao was largely originated by the Dutch, and the word Curaçao seems more like Portuguese, though there's a fair amount of debate on that...

We don't know.
Masterweaver's guess was spoken through the mouthpiece of Winter in the LSB chapters. His suggestion? "Silvertongue was terrible and had a strange sense of humor."
-GM, master of fun.

Hmm. Haven't gotten that far. Also I haven't read the fic with them in it.

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