• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
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Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.

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  • 50 weeks
    Coming Soon, Really

    I've been a bit under the weather since Trotcon, but feeling better now.

    This weekend I need to work on putting together some poni stuff for my niece (she's up here for her birthday), and my inability to do basic things makes that a bit difficult. So I may be delayed a few days on the Trotcon retro and the other long post I still really really want to share with y'all.

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    7 comments · 393 views
  • 50 weeks
    Twilight's Enigmatic Clarification (AI ≠ LLM GAI)

    To head off any possible confusion, I've added a clarification to TEEE's story page and a note at the top of the chapter explaining that TEEE was not written using LLM generative AI (the story actually predates this technology by several years).

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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    7 comments · 404 views
  • 51 weeks
    Trotcon '23 Author Party! (Saturday)

    • Where: the Fairfield Inn just north of Dayton convention center
    • Suite: 324
    • When: Saturday Jul 8 '23
    • Time: 9:30pm to 1am
    • How: You may need to text me at 513-290-6836 to get into the hotel. If not, just head on up.
    • What: Trotcon Fimfiction author/fan party! :pinkiehappy:

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    8 comments · 346 views
  • 51 weeks
    I will be at Trotcon. Still alive.

    I remain alive, and as of June 13th am now the number of symmetries in a cube.

    I will be at Trotcon.

    Please contact me if you're there! (Or even if not, that's okay too.) :pinkiesad2:

    I might do an author party. I'll announce it with another post. Signal boost would be useful.

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  • 57 weeks
    I am still alive and also at AnthrOhio

    Sorry for disappearing. Ironically the thing I wanna talk about is the thing that keeps me from being here at FF or getting anything done. :facehoof:

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The End (No Spoilers) · 12:14am Sep 22nd, 2019

We just watched the rest of Season 9.

We're still crying. Good stuff.

And, now...?

The show may be over, but G4's still only just begun. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 10 )

This chapter ends... but a bigger story still goes on.

I'm hoping to get together with some friends later on and watch it. Sounds like it's going to be a wonderfully emotional time!

I am looking forward to the prime time special. It would be interesting to see what the Neilson numbers are for it.

I hope everypony that has ever watched tunes in, just to show how much we love our ponies.

Is that episode 26 or is there something more? I don't know what they're running because we no longer have cable.

24 and 25 are the finale, and 26 is kind of a bonus wrap-up episode. They're all wonderful.

Thanks for the endorsement. :)
(Though I'm still waiting to see them, myself.)

And indeed, lots of fanfiction not yet written!

Did the last episode air today? I haven't seen the last 6 or 8 episodes.

No, but the last five leaked early. We waited until now (when the one we were missing aired) to watch the last three, which are the season finale and the wrap-up.

I'm here if you need a hug.
Real talk: Daniel Ingram fucked me up for a good week with that final song. I legit broke down at work a few times. I had to tell people that one of my best friends just died. Because that was how it felt. :raritycry:
But take it from someone who has been through it: It will pass.

I'm thinking about setting up a Post Finale support group.

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