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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Season 9 News 09/27/2019 · 11:23am Sep 27th, 2019

Just think that they were kids when they met, how times have changed.

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the final season of MLP! You know, for the past few weeks we've talked about how all things are coming to an end and as we grow older with each passing week we slowly accept that 'Gen 4' is not going to stick around forever. Yet even so, we find it best to look back at how Gen 4 truly got it's start reflecting on the very first season premier where we are introduced to the cast, met some of their family, were introduced to their hobbies, to Ponyville, and even introduced to this concept of how this MLP would stand out amongst all the others. Yet in all the excitement of what the first season had to offer, we almost forget to include one moment that would prove to be somewhat of a game changer: The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

It's said that you often share a special connection with your friends before you even know them.

Although these three weren't properly introduced till several episodes later, it was destiny that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, three blank flanks and outcasts among other fillies would band together to form the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', an not-so-secret club dedicated to the journey of self-discovery to 'make their marks'. It took some time getting used to these three, often we get irked at their childish antics, enduring them trying all of these activities (Only to fail every time) and their obliviousness of the obvious talents they've already had that would leave many fans either banging their heads on tables... Or hurling them like that guy who complains when Octavia isn't on screen for a reaction. But eventually, after four seasons since the day they met, once the Cutie Mark Crusaders discovered that together they have a talent of helping fillies with their own cutie mark problems (Even helping a school bully rediscover her own talent), only then did they finally achieve their hearts together as now they dedicated their fillyhood to reach out towards other 'blank flanks' to help them find their hidden talent (Although I admit it irks me when they start calling them blank flanks). Over the years we've explored their childhood experience, we've observed their insecurities through their dreamscapes, we've seen their bonds with family (Or 'honorary' family in Scootaloo's case), and we've even heard the many songs they've performed together (Many of which a BIG step-up from that severely awful talent show performance they did... I swear I thought my ears were bleeding). But now with a season dedicated to adding closure and stories coming to an end, we may be looking at ultimately the very last 'Cutie Mark Crusader' episode together as we take a look at the episode entitled:

Growing Up is Hard to Do

Now I know this episode was already released early and tons of my readers were too impatient to wait till tomorrow, but if there is any humanity from my fellow fans, I only ask for this one tiny thing:


Thank you, Rarity.

You're welcome, darling.

*Clears throat* Moving on... On one fateful day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are magically transformed into grown-ups, which to some fans would make someone think of that 'Big' movie with Tom Hanks (If there's a Piano reference that would be clever). Like all these types of stories, while they find being grown-ups and doing things they normally wouldn't do is fun at first, they quickly discover growing up the right way means to gain life experience and acquire wisdom that simply can't be rushed. Right off the bat, I can already hear people slapping their foreheads the moment they read this synopsis as brief as it may be (Course I could also hear the groans from those who couldn't wait for this episode to appear in the states, but that's beside the point). Quite frankly, I wouldn't blame the fandom considering that we've seen this type of story done before of children who desire to grow up yet often eat crow when they realize being grown-up is not always as fun as they make it out to be (I should know). But then, if we really take some time to think about it, this is a relatable issue that does not concern just 'MLP' alone but if it's anything like every cartoon we've seen over the years this is a common theme not to be overlooked.

Much like with characters like the cast of 'Arthur' or 'The Simpsons' or even 'The Loud House', years and years of these shows would already pass by and even the kids would still be the same age (Especially the infant characters). While Equestria itself may adapt to certain changes that fit our day and age, turning a once subtle fantasy setting with a few modern backgrounds or themes, for the longest time the Cutie Mark Crusaders have always been just fillies. But just as we know their voice actors can't stay kids forever, we always wonder how different the show would've been if a time skip were to take place between a couple seasons and thus giving the Cutie Mark Crusaders a chance to mature. Sure we've seen them explore new hobbies, we've seen them take more responsibility, and even getting their cutie marks should have been a sign that they are not kids anymore, although Applejack did say in a song that 'A Cutie Mark won't change you, no matter what you get'. And yet even after all that experience, fillies like Apple Bloom are still treated like kids (Even by a certain overprotective sibling, who acts more like a MOM than a SISTER) and thus I can understand why they'd be frustrated when they desire to be 'big ponies'... I mean it's not like we're asking for a "Steven Universe" two-year time skip or nothing (Great movie by the way, I highly recommend it).

But I think there's this question to consider: How the hay do the CMC grow up so quickly? We've once seen Apple Bloom try to rush into getting her cutie marks if we're talking terms of similarities and given that she has a natural talent for 'potion making' it wouldn't be that big of a surprise if somehow she took a page from Zecora's potion book and developed an 'Insta-Growth' formula for them (It's not like she hadn't done that before). While they could go the 'easy' way, we would think the fillies would wake up one day to find that it's not them who just grew up but all of Equestria as well, perhaps as a bit of foreshadowing of what could come in the upcoming Season finale. Regardless of how they decide to explore the girls' desire to have the same rights and opportunities as their older siblings, once again in terms of repeated stories the question will eventually come: Does being bigger always mean 'better'? We're probably going to get the same moral that we can expect like "While you still can't wait to grow up, appreciate the time you have to be young' and all that 'embrace your age' shtick, I just hope that this episode is at least enjoyable from start to finish.

Because overall, while this season has had a few entertaining episodes and many memorable moments for the fans, as of late half the fanbase believes that the current season is in a bit of a rut. While we've still had some good episodes, others complained about the endings of some episodes being unsatisfying conclusions in a season dedicated to providing closure. We can blame the writing, we can blame the acting, whatever you choose... But there's always that one nitpick that folks complain about and seeing those very episodes that have gained the most complaint I can hardly blame them (Although there are a few guilty pleasures, on my end). The fact is: The CMC have come a long ways since the day they were first hiding under a table when Nightmare Moon came back, they've proven not only to just be enduring supporting characters but they've become a beloved trio within the series whom some would say are worthy of their own spin-off series. Whatever comes with this episode tomorrow, we can only hope that while the backdrop feels familiar for fans who are going in knowing how the 'story' will play out, all we can hope for our fellow fans is that this episode has many enjoyable moments that make us forget that it has the makings of being a formula-induced episode that every sitcom has ever done since the beginning of television... Radio if we want to go far enough.

But the bigger question remains: What do YOU think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until next week faithful readers, this is the Dramamaster829... Signing off!

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