• Member Since 18th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 10th, 2023


Creative but trouble with focus, Average writing abilities, Love to Rp, Also don't mind editing stories, PM me for any details.

More Blog Posts54

  • 244 weeks
    Progress done so far!

    Hey! Progress is going!. 1k+ on Ch10 with it possibly being the longest chapter yet.

    This it folks, the last of the prefab before I go off the rails. Enjoy some fresh content from a more experienced mind than this story started with!!

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  • 244 weeks
    Well.... It's been a while.

    Hey! Well, I decided to work on Fed the Hand.
    Starting with some major changes in ch6. I really hated myself rereading the abilities I gave Ripper. So much was either scrapped/changed to hopefully be less cringy and 'my fist self insert fick' like. And I've moved my way up to chapter 9.

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    0 comments · 193 views
  • 274 weeks
    I need help finding people....

    I love to write, and love to chat Role-play.
    The writting is on hold until I'm done with college and after Basic.

    I searching for a group or just a few people wanting to bullshoot a story together through Role-playing by using Discord.

    The goal is for it to be relaxed, expansive to many character developments, and overall a "creative mode" kind of fun.

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    0 comments · 245 views
  • 297 weeks
    Update and Stort Poll-- If anyone reads this

    SO!!!!!! I've managed to get held hostage by a fic that I have no solid outline for........ And I am enjoying it, even if I should be doing a few college essays intread (Money can be involved if interested. PM for info). I have a general idea for the flow of the chapters, (CH4 coming soon) but I want to know: should I keep them to about half day lengths or do a whole day a chapter. I have the

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    0 comments · 268 views
  • 336 weeks
    To literally anyone.....

    This is an open invitation to a slightly different text based role play.....
    The idea is to essentially write a random story but let it have the (wonderful) chaotic, unrestricted flow of a rp. There would be no rules, the intro might have to be made up, and both parties (myself and up to 2 others) would be asked for permission and given credit.

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Progress done so far! · 1:39am Oct 7th, 2019

Hey! Progress is going!. 1k+ on Ch10 with it possibly being the longest chapter yet.

This it folks, the last of the prefab before I go off the rails. Enjoy some fresh content from a more experienced mind than this story started with!!

Deciding not to sleep on the streets, I meandered around town untill I found a big enough oak with most of it's leaves still green to sleep in. Staring up at the canopy, I wonder how I'd actually sleep up there. "Then again, I have slept in worse places before.... At least I can stare up at the night sky for once....." I shrugged before jumping to reach a low branch, slowly climbing up the trunk of the grand oak testing the strength of each foothold before continuing.

Less than five minutes later I find a nook big enough to stretch out on with a small gap in the leaves showing the brilliant lights of the night sky with the moon near the end of it's path. I chuckled as a tune came to mind, sleep and exhaustion pulling on me.

"Old McDonald had a deformed farm......with a hith hith here.....and a turrets syndrome chicken......"


I awoke to an all to familiar sensation of my head pounding as sounds around me seemed amplified. Rolling into my side and trying to hide away from the source, I let out a yelp as I feel myself falling.


Letting out a groan mixed with a yawn, I slowly get up and rub my snout freeing my sinuses as my wings come to rest at a half open position, similar in feeling like having your hands in a hoodies pocket. I open my eyes to see the midday sun, a lot of ponies staring at me. A lot of mares staring at me, with hungry, wanting kind of stares. Many red flags pop up as I mentally check the situation I'm in; for one, I'm shirtless and missing my sunglasses. Two, I have dew covering my scales that is reflecting the sunlight in what I'm certain is the classic 'Sexy Romance pose', and lastly and most alarmingly is the not-so-subtle scent of Heat....... After 'Che, the smell stuck in my mind as a precaution.

Playing the cards I'd been dealt, I gave a soft smile- making sure to not show my sharper teeth- and approached the closest mare. "Excuse me Ma'am, but I've seem to lost my shirt," I gave my chest and arms a quick flex, "and spent much of the night getting rather lost. Where may I find a clothing store and something to eat?" The mare, an earth pony with chestnut hair and a dull red coat, just stammers before her face turns many shades lighter and she faints. I take a step back in shock as a very feminine unicorn stallion cat calls, pulling my attention to him.

"Sweetheart, you'll want Rarity for your missing shirt, although you are quite fine without it..... Mhm.... Oh, and Sugarcube Corner for the snack. Although, if you want a meal, give me a call Hun...." He blew a kiss before walking away, a skip in his step.

Turning back to the mares that still were 'watching' me, I wordlessly asked for directions my mind stuck on pause. Following their instructions I decided to go to Raritys first as it was farther from the tree but would put me closer to food. And to hopefully get my mind back in order.

Thankfully nothing else happened as I arrived at the most ironic building. Carousel Boutique, shop and home to Rarity. Was built like a freaking merry go-round. With plaster ponies that had poles through them..... I shook my head before opening the door, a chime overhead signaling my entry.

Report Deathm0nger · 212 views · Story: Fed The Hand That Chaosed Me ·
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