• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2015
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Thought Prism

Founder of Thought Prism Games. Check out my work at thoughtprismgames.com!

More Blog Posts132

  • 9 weeks
    Another Rising Flames Progress Update

    It'll probably be another two weeks before chapter four is ready, give or take. It's needed far more editing than any chapter so far, and also more than any chapter to follow, most likely. Actually, this single chapter has probably undergone more revisions than any other piece of fiction I've ever worked on. I went overboard on the original version due to my desire for drama, which led to drama

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  • 20 weeks
    Rising Flames Progress Update

    Just letting everybody know, it's going to be a bit longer before Chapter Three drops. In addition to refining our editing process to be more collaborative (I was letting my mindset from my game development work bleed into here, when my priorities with Rising Flames are very different), Spell Check and applezombi pointed out a bunch of issues with my outline that I've been diligently

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  • 23 weeks
    My new company: Thought Prism Games!

    I’ve got an exciting announcement today! Some of you might have been wondering what I’ve been up to outside the fanfic front, and now I’m ready to share at last. I am proud to announce and launch my new card game company: Though Prism Games! I have two fresh releases: Carddrop, a nifty little dexterity game to enjoy with regular playing cards, and Veebar, a fun two-player experience for all ages.

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  • 30 weeks
    Rising Flames Release Date!


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  • 36 weeks
    Free Giveaway of my book!

    Since it’s been over a year since release, and I don’t think anybody else is going to buy it at this point, I’ve decided to release my original fantasy novel from last year for free! You can read it right in dropbox here, or download the file. It’s an EPUB, so it’ll

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On the Finale · 4:20pm Oct 13th, 2019

Now that I’ve had a night’s sleep to *ahem* compose myself, it’s time I shared my thoughts on the series finale. Because it was nothing less than beautiful. We’ve shared in their joy, watched them push past their sorrows, and now these little ponies we’ve known and loved have come full circle, passing the torch of friendship to the next generation. But, like Twilight’s memory book, we’ll always be able to look back on the show with great fondness, and relive it all again.

I’ve never been the most emotional person, but in truth, I was full-on sobbing by the end credits, the first time I’ve even gotten so worked up over a television show, and only my third time with media overall. (The other two being The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Maquia, if you’re curious, but that’s not super relevant right now.)

The final three episodes weren’t flawless, of course. While I didn’t mind the Discord-is-Grogar twist, I would have preferred if his reasoning had been to orchestrate a sort of stealth reformation in the form of continued teambuilding exercises leading to eventual friendship, thus extending the four villains the same chance he was given. ‘Grogar’s’ constant emphasis on the importance of working together alluded to such. Not to mention, how did Cozy Glow know how to use her unicorn magic so effectively, to the point she could even make portals, something the likes of Starlight or Twilight haven’t been shown doing? Midnight Sparkle could, but she wasn’t controlling them so much as just ripping space apart. We know the bell doesn’t transfer knowledge, otherwise Cozy would have been able to use the chaos magic properly as well.

By extension, was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic perfect? No, of course not. I could name dozens of shows with better animation, better music, better voice acting, or better overall writing. But none of those shows surpass MLP’s heart. The soul of series, the worldview our pastel equines conveyed to us, one which I’d argue is more noble in its intent than some religions. Anyone who’s been nitpicking the plot to shreds, or worse, sending threats to the show’s creators over sinking their favorite ship, which I have sadly heard is a thing that’s happening, has completely missed the point, the same message that’s been present from the start. That being: we should look out for eachother, help eachother, and make the effort to be a better people, even if it isn’t always easy. (Dammit, I’m tearing up again as I write this.) Forget just little girls, or even us in the brony community, every man, woman, and child the world over should see this series. It’s certainly been translated into enough languages already, and if they did, I think the world would be a much better place than it is today.

Godspeed, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Godspeed.

Comments ( 4 )

Same here. Already the next day and I'm on the verge of bawling my eyes out. Over a silly cartoon. I never realized how much this affected me.

Excellent critique and thoughts about the finale. I'd post my thoughts but I'm still an incoherent mess lol.

Very well-put indeed. And if any long-time fan didn't tear up at that last song, they may not have a soul.

(Also, knowing Discord, he may have figured that reformation was an unspoken part of the thwarting process.)

Thank you.

I was full-on sobbing by the end credits, the first time I’ve even gotten so worked up over a television show

I mean, uh, it's like we are here right? Smack in the middle of a nutso fandom, so I expect no less! Also, that's how I end up with most episodes, so yeah, I guess it gets worse with age.

Nice level-headed review, too. And "hi!" again.

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