• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2020


I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.

More Blog Posts567

  • 230 weeks
    Important Update

    Hey guys. So, I'm putting my newest story on hiatus until further notice. I have quite a bit of stuff going on in my life right now, and important work that needs to be done.

    Hopefully by the time I come back, I'll bring chapter 3 of my story with me.

    Talk to you later.

    6 comments · 566 views
  • 231 weeks
    Good Morning!

    Anything interesting happen while I was gone?

    3 comments · 430 views
  • 232 weeks
    Caption Thi- ...never mind.

    14 comments · 510 views
  • 232 weeks
    Caption This #6

    5 comments · 468 views
  • 232 weeks
    Caption This #5

    8 comments · 509 views

The Leak · 11:05am Oct 24th, 2019

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