Wanderer D 5,516 followers · 65 stories

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  • Thursday
    Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLVIII - It's Showtime Edition

    I've always wanted to start a blog with that.

    Good evening, FIMFiction!

    Those of you unfamiliar with my sleepy avatar, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: Who is this weirdo and why is he suddenly invading the site-wide news feed? Allow me to illuminate you.

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    43 comments · 1,509 views
  • 122 weeks
    SA: The Last Round

    "So, what do you think, Corejo?" Wanderer D asked, politely showing off the stack of papers in his claw.

    The burlap sack with the printed (in color!) face of Corejo remained silent.

    "I see, yes, yes!" Wanderer D cackled. "Ahahaha! Yes! I agree! This story should do fine! So, who's reviewing it? RT?"

    The sack that had the picture of RTStephens on it tilted just enough for a single potato to roll onto the table.

    "And we have two! Alright, team, I expect you all to figure out who's doing the next one, okay? Let's not keep the readers waiting!" He glanced expectantly at the several sacks with pictures around him. "Alright! Dismissed."


    "Ah, intern. Is that my coffee?" Wanderer D took the proffered mug and downed the contents in one go. "Excellent! No time to rest! We have to edit what the guys just handed to me."

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    110 comments · 9,005 views
  • 143 weeks
    SA: Round 186

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    The Dodge Junction train ramp was not where Floydien expected to be part of a reunion.

    He especially didn’t expect it to happen four times in a row.

    “Wait, Winter? What are you doing here?”

    Winter’s eyebrows raised. “On Summer vacation. What about you?”

    “Uh, same.”


    The two Angels looked to where the voice came from. Cynewulf came running up to them, a wide brimmed sunhat and sunglasses adorning her head. “Fancy meeting you two here!”

    Floydien scratched his head. “Same. Are you on vacation too?”

    “Yep! Had a blast down on the Horseshoe Bay coast.”

    “Well, ain’t this something!”

    All turned to the fourth voice. Knight strode up, his body decked out in fishing gear, complete with a fishing pole balanced over his shoulder. “Haven’t seen so many of us in one spot since vacation started.”

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    12 comments · 4,761 views
  • 158 weeks
    SA: Round 185

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter and Knight stared out at the bleak townscape. All around them, the fires raged unchecked as Ponyville's former occupants stumbled mindlessly about, their undead faces ravaged by rot and decay as they moaned for sustenance. Knight turned to Winter.

    "Ready to go?"

    Winter nodded and shifted a backpack. "Got everything with me. I guess it's now or never."

    Knight gave a wry smile. "That's the spirit. You do have your reviews, right?"

    "Of course!" he said, patting his chest. "Right here."

    Knight nodded and said, "Alright, here's the plan: we stick to the shadows as much as possible. From what I can tell, their eyesight isn't that good, but their sense of smell is excellent. We just have to stay upwind."

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    10 comments · 4,376 views
  • 166 weeks
    SA: Round 184

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “I see. Alright, I’ll let him know.”

    Intern twisted a dial on the small mechanical piece attached to his ear, retracting a blue, see-through visor from across his face. He turned to Floydien, crossing his arms. “It’s confirmed. Generation 5 is on its way. Season 2 of Pony Life is just around the corner. And the series finale of Equestria Girls was scrapped for a holiday special.”

    Floydien lifted an eyebrow. “And, what does that mean for us?”

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    10 comments · 4,526 views
  • 169 weeks
    SA: Round 183

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Over their heads the flak guns peppered the sky. The planes roared and sputtered. The clouds were dark, heavy with the child that was war. It was all noise.

    Cynewulf looked around the bend. “You know, I’ve been reading old fics. Remember Arrow 18?”

    Floydien slipped—a Floydien slipped—One Floydien came through the fractured time in the lower levels of the Sprawling Complex. “Uh, human in Equestria?”

    “Yeah. You know, we were probably too mean about those.”

    “They were terrible. I mean some of them. I guess a lot of everything is terrible.”

    “Well, yes. But anyway, I was reading it, and it occurred to me that what I liked about it was that it felt optimistic in the way that Star Trek was optimistic. It felt naive, but in a way one wanted to emulate. To regress back into it.”

    “Uh, that sounds nice?”

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    7 comments · 5,968 views
  • 175 weeks
    SA: Round 182

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “Okay, Winter, hit it!”

    Winter pulled a lever that ignited a rocket placed underneath the communal Christmas Tree. The tree blasted through a cylindrical hole and out into the skies beyond. It only took seconds for the tree to become a tiny red dot against the blue sky.

    Winter stepped away from the control panel and down to where Intern was standing behind a fifty-five millimeter thick glass wall. “We could have just picked up the base and tossed it in the garbage bin outside, you know.”

    Intern scoffed. “Yeah, we could, or we can go over the top in a comedic and entertaining manner that leads into our reviews.”

    “You’re getting all meta, now.”

    “Exactly! On to the reviews!”

    ROUND 182

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    6 comments · 7,992 views
  • 179 weeks
    SA: Round 181

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    For the first time in the year that he worked there, FanficFan finally experienced quiet in the Seattle’s Angels Compound. All the other reviewers had gone home for the holidays, leaving him and Intern to submit the last round of reviews of the year. However, with Intern off on an errand, FanficFan was left alone.

    With stories ready to be read by his partner, all the reviewer could really do was wander around the empty building, taking in all the holiday decorations left behind from the Office Christmas Party a few days prior, like office space holiday knick-knacks, lights strown about the ceiling and wreaths on nearly every door. Plus, there was some leftover cookies and egg nog, so that was nice. 

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    8 comments · 6,407 views
  • 183 weeks
    SA: Round 180

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Cynewulf lay in a grassy field. This was a curious occurrence, as the Seattle Angel’s Dyson Sphere-esque compound basement labyrinth did not usually have grass. 

    But like she had many times before, she’d been teleported here, and whether or not the sky above her was real or not, she didn’t mind. The grass was nice, and the wind was nice, and whatever happened happened.

    There was a great crash and Corejo stumbled into the grass to her right.

    “Oh, god, are we out? How did—”

    “No clue. I suspect that it’ll just take us back anyhow. Did you have the reviews? The machine came for me a few days ago, so I’ve got mine.”

    “I… Uh, I was late. I mean, we both are, unless you’ve been here for days.”

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    9 comments · 8,163 views
  • 188 weeks
    SA: Round 179

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter peered cautiously out the corner of the broken window, surveying the damage outside. He turned to his companion.

    "Looks like we're trapped in here," he said quietly.

    Intern grunted and adjusted the bandage on his arm. "Nothing we haven't gone through before." He looked up at Winter. "Got your reviews?"

    Winter nodded and patted his chest pocket. "Right here, where they're safe." He turned and looked once more out the window. "Now, it's simply a matter of getting through all those ponies." Winter shuddered as he took in the horrors before him.

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    10 comments · 5,262 views

Story Reviews » SA: Round 161 · 2:27pm Oct 26th, 2019

Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

Intern sighed, looking at his clock built into his heads up display for the dozenth time. He tapped his foot impatiently, arms crossed, and passing the time by whistling a formless tune. No wonder no one else wanted to invite the new guy in when it was going to be this boring.

His clock beeped. At precisely that moment, the mirror Intern stood in front of began to glow and churn. The sound of an engine revving up could be heard somewhere beyond the swirl of space/time.

Intern scratched his head. “I could of sworn we’ve done this bit before…”

His deja vu ponderings were cut short as a motorcycle carrying two people roared from out of the mirror, flying over Intern’s head. Instinctly ducking, he followed the bike as it landed on the far side of the room, its occupants remaining seated despite the laws of physics complaining that they should have been thrown and dashed against the walls. It came to an abrupt stop as the driver cut the engine, allowing the passenger to slide off.

The driver removed their helmet, revealing a human Sunset Shimmer as she flung her head back to allow her red and yellow hair to cascade down her back in dramatic fashion. She smirked at the passenger. “Right on time, just like I promised.”

Her companion took off their own helmet, DrakeyC’s revealed face grinning back. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll text ya when your next children’s card game is scheduled.”

“Looking forward to it.” With that, Sunset donned her helmet, started up her bike, then took off like a shot. She and the bike phased through the mirror, the enchanted device shutting down the moment Sunset was on the other side.

Drakey took notice of Intern looking cross at him. “What? I’m not late, am I?”

“No, you’re right on time,” Intern said, still scowling. “I’m just positive that I’m plagiarizing myself but can’t be bothered to go back and check to be one-hundred percent sure.”

A blank stare was all Drakey could come up with as a response.

Intern waved it off. “Nevermind. I’ll show you to your desk then get you assigned to the next round of reviews.”


"Cogito ergo sum" - I think therefore I am (Descartes)

Some things are simple and obvious when you are a rational and smart pony like Twilight Sparkle. But when you try to make a crazy mare like Pinkie Pie obey the rules of logic, you should expect at least some challenge.

But that's not a story about logic. It was supposed to be, but it isn't. Or at least not anymore. I think it's just a story about two friends spending some time together...

From the premise and summary, one goes into things expecting absurdity comedy like only Pinkie can provide. What I was not expecting was legitimate existentialism as the story deconstructs a cornerstone of philosophical thought, and does so in a way that is actually rather logical and brilliant. But there is definitely comedy to be had here, especially in the later sections of the story where the true context of Pinkie’s arguments come into light, revealing that her philosophy is internally consist with her character in a very amusing fashion.

The story doesn’t go too heavy on the philosophy, it doesn’t lose itself in its arguments and keeps them grounded in the narrative. And this is preferred, it makes the story more enjoyable as an actual story and not just Twilight and Pinkie debating the nature of the self. But it does poke a hole in Descarte’s most famous quotation, so once you’re done laughing at Pinkie’s revelations, you may find yourself reflecting on them in more detail and what they could mean for us all.

Pinkie Pie and a story about logic from the perspective of Twilight Sparkle. Where could this possibly go wrong?

In all the ways that are humorous, of course. Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd more than a little meta once you reach the mid section. BUT, if that’s your thing then you’ll get a kick out of this. And of course poor Twilight having an existential crisis.

Bit of a short review for this one but I’m hoping you’ll take a few minutes to dive into the madness of what makes us self-aware.

The Great War ended many years ago, but its effects live on in the ponies who fought and bled on its battlefields. A journalist interviews some of the War's greatest heroes, seeking to know the people behind the legends.

This presents us with snippets of varying length of a Great War Equestria fought against an enemy called the “Equalists”. One may presume it has something to do with Starlight Glimmer with a name like that, but we know very little of the Equalists’ ideology and reasons for going to war, and Starlight is never mentioned in any context, so like the Axis and Central powers, it may just be a term used to define an enemy of purposefully ambiguous nature. This is not a bad thing - the story does not get bogged down with details ultimately inconsequential to what the focus of the story is, it gives us enough to contextualize that focus in the world the story is set in.

The focus is on showing the war through the eyes of several members of the cast, who participated in it in various, radically different capacities. Character voicing is top notch, each chapter feels like it was truly being told by the pony it is ascribed to. Every entry commands attention and keeps you reading to find out more about the ponies and the war they lived through, at no point do things bore or drag.

This is not a simple “War is Hell” story, this is “War is Complicated”. War means different things to different ponies; it is simple and complex, glorious and hellish, straightforward and frantic. It is all of these things at once and more. War is the sum of the experiences of the ponies who experienced it, and not just the frontline soldiers, either. And this story creates some powerful images of what war means to each of the cast.

This is a series of short chapters interviewing the characters after having taken part in a brutal war.

War? In My Little Pony? Don’t sit there and be shocked. Ponies are very aware of war within the show. Heck, an entire alternate dimension exists due to time shenanigans that gives a glimpse of what a war in pony land would look like. This story, however, takes inspiration from The Great War, aka, World War I.

The tone is both a little downbeat but also very uplifting. Each character had a different role during the war and the author makes good use of each pony’s (and one dragon in one case) special talents. These are very much the same group of characters that understand the value of friendship, even in the dark times they are recounting. However, that doesn’t mean they will just lay down and let the enemy stomp over them. Ponies are willing to fight back if it means contributing to the greater good.

So don’t let the story concept hold you back. Get in there and see the endgame of a collection of characters that were put to the ultimate test.

Princess Cadence has a new hobby, and Twilight doesn't like it one bit. Now if only she could get some competent help with her crusade...

This is one of those stories set in its own world where silly things like “logic” and “reason” are suggestions that most ignore. The sheer premise of what Cadance is doing is already funny on arrival if you’re willing to buy into it, and we then behold the reactions of Twilight and some of her friends as they offer their own perspectives on it, which are just as absurd and illogical as Cadance’s new favorite past time.

There’s some light commentary on social inequality, racism, and the conflict between the working and the rich, but it’s really only brought up to demonstrate how in their own ways they’re all insane kooks in some way or another. Except for poor Twilight, who is left trying to make sense of nonsense. Faced with an insane world, what is a sane mare to do but give in and join the party?

Well, that silly title certainly doesn’t lie.

Yes, Cadence does indeed dance atop a floor of hobos and loves it. It gets even more ridiculous from there, believe it or not. And poor Twilight has to stare and watch.

Definitely don’t take this too seriously. However, don’t shy away, either. There’s some good comedy skits throughout that gives some surprisingly insightful commentary on society, human and pony alike. If you can see beyond the immediate presence, you can argue that the whole story is a big metaphor for social injustice.

Otherwise, if you treat this like a Monty Python’s Flying Circus sketch, then you’ll have a good time.

In the distant, cyberpunk future of Equestria, everything has a price--including love. And, if you're the sort of creature needs love to survive, you learn to do what you must keep you and your family safe.

And then some politician comes around to screw it all up. Time to have a word with him...

This story provides a brief glimpse into the operations of changelings in a futuristic Equestria, and establishes an interesting OC to lead them. It’s very short but very atmospheric, and does a great job developing its characters in its time span. The final line is a chilling promise of things to come for the world and leaves you eager to see more stories in this setting and with this character.

I picked this out because I have a passing familiarity with the crossover material and because the small prologue had an intriguing hook. Rest assured that you don’t need to be all that familiar with Shadowrun to understand the story itself, but I’m sure those that do will get all the little references sprinkled throughout.

To speak about the story, it’s a small but tightly plotted tale of espionage, intrige, and double-crosses. It gives you just enough information to figure out what’s going on, but doesn’t spell it out for you. I like that, leaving the reader to solve the mystery themselves as long as they are paying attention. But, in case you do want to know, the author spoils everything in the comment section, so be careful going in that you don’t scroll down too far.

And with that, load up and ship out!

“I think I might like it here,” Drakey said, having been given the introductory tour and complementary mini-replicator snack pack.

Intern nodded absently, leafing through the stack of papers Drakey had given him. “Just remember that the facilities are off limits when the lights turn fushia and you’ll do fine.”

“Right, right.”

“Well, I think that’s about it. I’ll get these turned in. Welcome aboard.”

Drakey gave a wide smile and sat down in his new, cushy chair. “Happy to be here. Will I be seeing you around?”

Shrugging, Intern said, “Probably. This place is huge but Angels always find each other when posts are due.”

“The destiny bubble in room A113, right?”

“Got it in one. It’s nice to have fate literally in our hands.” Waving over his shoulder, Intern walked off.

Drakey leaned back in his chair, keying in pokey on his replicator. “Yeah, this is going to work out just fine.”

Feel free to visit our group for more information and events, and to offer some recommendations for future rounds. See you all next time!

Are you interested in becoming an angel yourself? See this post for all the details on how to apply!

Report Wanderer D · 3,631 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
Author Interviewer

Pink, Fuzzy Alicorns Dancing on Hobos, by Star Destroyer

How you gonna play me like this, SA? D:

Memoirs Of My War is incredible, and I tear up every single time I read it at something or other. As the review said: it’s difficult but ultimately hopeful and touching. Of course, that’s true of everything Antiquarian writes.

I can’t wait to see Pinkie Pie vs Logic. Will this end well? No, I’m certain it will end an entire aquifer.

Oh, Drake? There's a strong addition to the Angels.

Memoirs looks super up my alley.

have you read Western Star?

Comment posted by Fracturedheart deleted Oct 29th, 2019
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