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Snakeskin Ducttape

Ooooh! Butunz!

More Blog Posts44

  • 133 weeks
    A personal social museum

    Hey, everyone. Sorry for being so quiet lately. I've been a little tired in general, and I've wanted to take a break from fanfiction for a while, not a big break, mind you, just for a few weeks, and I've sort of been doing that, but I've also checked in most days to check comments, and nagging myself that I should write, so... it's like the worst of both worlds, not doing anything, but also not

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  • 147 weeks
    So very tired

    One of the reasons I don't write more news like this than I do is that the latest blog post is going to be on my profile's front page and the latest news about my writing for quite a while, but I still felt like I should write something. Because... well, there seems to be some people who genuinely want to read what I write, weird as that feels to say out loud. I mean, there are a few

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  • 185 weeks
    Sunset Shimmer at Hogwarts story mission statement

    I am not feeling very eloquent today, or least not this moment, but I've decided to nonetheless try and give an update on what's going on, and why I'm writing an crossover where Sunset Shimmer ends up at Hogwarts and not something else.

    So why this story and not other stuff? What gives?

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  • 191 weeks
    physical recovery period

    okay, so, i have not been in an accident or something like, it was relatively minor operation, and it has been in the works for a while, but i got a summons on a very short notice.

    so right now i am typing and using the mouse with my left hand, and i am not super enthusiastic about stuff since my right wrist hurts quite a bit, so i will be brief.

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  • 191 weeks
    Just a general update

    You know how there's this sentiment that a lot of people don't go to the hospital even when they should?

    I'm not entirely convinced about that's a valid feedback to give in general. I mean, the medical community have enough on their plate, even without pandemics, without everyone going to see a medical professional every time they have the flu, or a stomach bug, or something.

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Your OC as a cameo in An Establishment of Exclusivity? · 4:08pm Nov 5th, 2019

I guess I’ll start with some general news about my writing, as I always do.

I haven’t even started writing for the upcoming chapters of the mlaabq sequels, but I’m still making progress. That is, I’m getting ideas and slowly getting into the mood of writing. That’s progress, since that's one of the most time-consuming part of writing, at least for me. For a while there, I thought that bouncing back from the final chapter of mlaabq and the five other stories perhaps wasn’t going to happen at all, especially with a new job that I find very draining. Thanks to everyone who has shown their support.

Like I said, I have some ideas. They’re kinda out there, as in, they feel like they could derail a story and just… I’m struggling with words here, but simply put jump the shark as I’ve been warned of on my discord channel. Not to toot my own horn here, but I feel that could have happened a lot of times during the course of writing the story, but planning and pacing and keeping the tone consistent kept in on the rails.

I think that’s it on the writing actually. Now for… well, a writing-related topic, but not quite the same one. This is where the title of the blog becomes relevant.

So, several people have expressed interest in having their OCs, former human OCs, appear in An Establishment of Exclusivity. I thought that was flattering, and could be an interesting addition if I splice it in in a tasteful manner. Then I thought about it some more, and figured I should make a blog and see if anyone else is interested.

So my proposal is this, I give examples of some scenes and images I plan on including in my upcoming chapter(s) for the story. I describe them vaguely, such as what’s happening, where, and what the mood is, and people can freely request to have their characters included.

So if anyone is interested, here’s what I’d like to know about your character:
- Appearance. Colors, age, hairdos, and other features, including clothing, it is not a clothing optional club.
- What they would do in the scenarios describe. I probably won’t have time to characterize them, I just plan on having them appear in the background. Won’t hurt to include some description of their personality, but these are supposed to be brief appearances.
- What Equestrian natives might think when seeing them.
- And really anything else you can think of.

Transformed characters only since that’s what the story is about. Not just ponies, but if you have a too out there creation, like I don’t know, a sentient transport helicopter or a giant squid, I might have trouble fitting them in. I don’t plan on including any “anon”s, unless you can really woo me with you wiles. Also, I don’t see a reason not to play loose with any timelines, OCs from different eras can all join in.

I see three scenes in what my thoughts are for the upcoming chapter where it would be easy to fit in some characters in the background. One is a glimpse of the inside of the club when spirits are high, there’s a full on dancing-on-the-tables-and-swinging-in-chandeliers-party going on as the band on stage are playing some high speed, cheerful music.

The other scene is one where the mood is somber. The band has slowed down and let the guests collect themselves, and they play some sad tunes about remembering their old lives, and the former humans sit down and most of them sing along.

And then there’s a scene where Spencer screens people standing in line, just like the first chapter.

(I’ve already picked the songs, so don't worry about that :raritywink:)

So, if anyone is interested, do share. Preferably here on this blog, so it's easier to keep track of, in case there are more than a few who think this sounds fun.

Comments ( 58 )

I'd like to, but none of my OCs are going to be remotely suitable for this sort of story.

I can think of an OC to nominate, but it would ultimately end up kind of self-serving (especially since your library appears to be empty and I can't tell if you read the associated stories or not). Oh well, no big.

I wasn't thinking that any character making a cameo would actually be part of the story. It would more be like seeing Boba Fett half-hidden in the background of a comic panel. Or hey, like how Eddie, the Iron Maiden mascot, is in an image of Battle Angel Alita.

Also, I have a library, but had this nasty habbit of adding stories to my favorites list when I was trying to add them to my read later list, and I didn't wanna bother people with a notification I didn't intend to be there.

Aha! My thought wouldn't fit well for it anyway, in that case.

As for the accidentally adding to Favorites instead of Read Later, you could always turn off the quick add option from the Favorites settings. You know, if that was something you were interested in doing. It seems like you have a pretty good system though, so....

Whelp I’ve found the perfect place to bring this guy in!
- He goes by the name of Hard Light. He looks like your standard black changeling but disguises himself as a white and blue unicorn when with ponies. He can always be seen wearing a green cloth jacket. He is 21 years old and tends to have a bit of a messy look. When in the club and with only other ‘humans’, he likes to shapeshifter into a 501st ARC Clone Trooper from Star Wars, without a helmet. His clone form looks like your standard clone, crew cut and all, but has a goatee and a milky white left eye.
I would hope he would appear in the club scene so we can see him at his finest. That being, his clone form doing the ‘Jumpstyle Stamp on the Ground’ dance with (hopefully) another biped. Hard Light is fairly easy going and likes warfare and military things. He often keeps to himself but isn’t afraid to be himself in front of others.
- If any Equestrians were to see him, they will probably think he is whacky, strange, but fun. And that he would get along well with Discord.
-Hard Light decides to go along with this name because he believes that since this is a new life/body it deserves a new name. He is also obsessed with Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and will probably make a reference whenever he can. His name Hard Light, pays homage to his clone character back on Earth, playing off of the blaster bolts the clones fire look like light and hit like a solid.

I could make my library public if you want though, it's not a secret :twilightsheepish:

Right on. Getting a few ideas here already. Hope you don't mind if he sticks to a quadruped stance, just so I don't specify whether the former human changelings knows how to take human shape or not.

I don’t mind too much. I will say tho, to help with your research, that it was shown that changelings can take the shape of anything, from rocks, to ponies, to bugbears. So I would say it’s safe to assume they would be able to take a human form. Wouldn’t mind terribly much a pony clone tho. Human mode best but the pony not far behind.

Hmm, an OC? Sure, I got one.

Otto Correct
Appearance: Yellow with a red mane and dark eyes. Wears headphones and a too-big hoodie, often trips over it.
What would they do: Constantly misread or mishear people. Or pretend to for maximum cringe. Seeking employment as a secretary or a stenographer.
What would ponies think of him?: Well meaning, but thoroughly exasperating.
Anything else: I dreamed him up solely to have the MLP universe curse autocorrect as much as I do. Also, he knows all the fonts. But not their names.

Hmmm... I like this idea.

Candice. Used to be human. Turned into a pony to save her life. Wound up as a white pegasus with silver tipping on wings, hooves and ears. Yellow mane and tail. Also has white tail feathers. Picture can be provided. She can fly but not incredibly well but also has half strength unicorn magic. Pure white glow to her magic and when she uses it, the base of her wings glow instead of a horn.

Her main interests are science, magic, puzzles and Twilight Sparkle (has a crush on her).

Lemme see what I can come up with real quick...

Swetha Singh
Female Lamia Pony - Front half Pony, back half (three quarters?) Snake.
Turquoise coat/scales/whatever the hell a lamia pony has.
Saffron mane
Typically found wearing a scarlet sari
A little bit of a troll. Likes to introduce herself as "Danger Noodle" when meeting locals for the first time.
Is obviously of Indian decent, to other humans at least.
- Upbeat scene - Would probably volunteer herself be used like a jump rope
- Somber scene - Would be coiled up off to the side of in the corner, meditating (somehow).
- Screening scene - "Am scary cober. Have much venom. Don't heck with me."

Lashanda Brown
Female Thestral
Black. Black all over.
Typically wears a white blouse
Ponies are usually taken back by how loud she is for a thestral.
Is a sassy black woman that don't need no man, is proud of it, and ain't 'fraid to let you know it.
- Upbeat scene - Totally would be the lead singer.
- Somber scene - Is like 120% ready to smack that sucka that's being too loud.
- Screening scene - "Y'all need Jesus" or "Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!"

Just a warning, you're getting the six. You can use any, a few or none. It is up to you. Let's do this!

Brute (formerly Jackie/Jacqueline)
- Yak, male, wiry yet thick black and grey fur, huge horns, mentally a 14 year old girl in super strong/beefy adult male yak body but slips into being a true yak at times, probably wear a suit that doesn't fit well due to all his fur, probably can't see his eyes.
- Upbeat scene: Would probably be one to break loose, maybe even break something as doesn't know own strength yet.
- Sombre scene: Passed out, probably due to Upbeat scene.
- Screening scene: doing best not to rip his suit/looking intimidating.
- Native thoughts: He is yak. He is out of place.

John (formerly big brother now older sister to Jacqueline)
- Deer (doe actually) with very short horns, tawny brown coat, honestly don't know about hair, originally a mid to late teens male now adult doe, if Brute must wear suit John must wear dress (Brute's orders).
- Upbeat scene: either hiding due to deer instincts or trying to get Brute under control and failing.
- Sombre scene: relaxing with others probably at a table or booth.
- Screening scene: hating her dress.
- Native thoughts: She is an exotic delight.

Cremator (formerly William)
- Bipedal female emerald green dragon with wings curved back horns following but not touching her scalp, young (around Smolder's age), possibly jeans and a band shirt.
- Upbeat scene: either doing something crazy or mocking John.
- Sombre scene: relaxing with the others.
- Screening scene: prodding John.
- Native thoughts: Wary of the dragon.

Shield Breaker (formerly Jacob)
- Unicorn, greyish deep blue coat, white mane and tail (mane longer than tail), mentally 14 year old boy in adult unicorn body who thinks unicorns should be uppity due to run-ins with some so-called higher class unicorns, though often drops the act due to his youth, probably well dressed but wearing his bandoleer of knives and other cooking utensils (master at wielding many knives at once for cooking).
- Upbeat scene: fun with Brute or arguing with someone about unicorns being best.
- Sombre scene: probably sulking in a corner or passed out with Brute.
- Screening scene: putting on his unicorns are superior persona and failing.
- Native thoughts: tries hard but fails to fit their mold.

Comet Streak (formerly Schmidt, the German exchange student)
- male bat pony/thestral, charcoal grey coat with wispy faded blonde mane and tail, has purplish black leather of bat-like wings, same age as John and Cremator, mister suave dressed in best suit.
- Upbeat scene: making himself know to a lady. Maybe catches someone falling to then flirt with them.
- Sombre scene: making himself known to a lady.
- Screening scene: flirting with ladies in line.
- Native thoughts: dark and mysterious heartbreaker

Boo (formerly Huo)
- female changeling, kinda looks like your Barney character in changeling form but usually travels as a plain looking female brown pegasus with blue streak to her mane and tail, age unknown but adult, tanktop and shorts or skirt (maybe both?), being of Chinese descent, she holds family dear but has been low since her arrival and becoming a changeling has meant normal ponies shun her, she is happy with he odd little makeshift family.
- Upbeat scene: having fun with Cremator.
- Sombre scene: Relaxing with the others.
- Screening scene: Trying not to stand out.
- Native thoughts: It's a changeling! Run!

I also have a yeti in development but they are yet to be designed and probably wouldn't fit in the club height wise.

They are probably all up on pop culture. Cremator, Comet Streak and Boo are probably the main music ones.

I'd like to contribute, but first I must ask a couple questions:

1. How much clothing is required? Would just a shirt work, or are pants also necessary?
2. What are you looking for for the entrance screening scene? Just what they're doing while waiting in line, or are you looking for a reference they would understand?

Oh sure. I see changeling transformation as both an instinct and a skill, so while changing shapes into humans is totally doable, most of the former humans, or even none of them, has as of yet learned how.

Is Clippy the Windows Office Assistant his cutie mark? :raritywink:

If there's a wild party going on, what would he do? What's he into and what would Spencer ask him?

Got an OC you want featured? :pinkiesmile:

Any reference on behavior, and what would Spencer ask her?

No lamia appears in the source material though right? I might have her in the club anyway for kicks. Not so sure about Lashanda though, I understand that dark-skinned Americans and their culture, and the portrayal of it, is a very, very sensitive topic for the people living over there, and I don't feel confident in trying my hand at portraying it. I think I got the reference you were getting at though :derpytongue2:

What interests to they have? What can Spencer query them on?

I get the feeling there could be a lot of non-ponies appearing here, and I figure that most of the transformed humans are now ponies, with other species being a minority. So I'll prioritize the ponies you listed, with the changeling and dragon after that.

What interests to they have? What can Spencer query them on?

Lower body clothing is required, though not restricted to pants. Skirts and dresses perfectly acceptable, as are things like kilts.

Any information could end up helpful when it comes to the screening process, but what they're into might end up more helpful. Actually, I should ask everyone that. *edits the comment*. What stuff to they like? Tabletop RPG, science fiction, police procedurals, music, etc.

I'll see who would fit.
To the filing cabinets!

Absolutely fine with it. Was why I posted the whole six to give you options. They can be used alone, in pairs or in groups though some of the pairs can cross, eg Brute and Shield Breaker as they were best friends as humans.
For pairs it would be: Brute and John, Comet Streak and Shield Breaker, Cremator and Boo.

Also, so hope that cutie mark is Clippy. :pinkiecrazy:

Brute - Pop music and basketball.
John - Basketball fan/former player.
Shield Breaker - Video game fan.
Comet Streak - Secretly the RPG tabletop one. Probably try to be discreet about it.
Creamtor - The metal head of the group.
Boo - Movie buff.

Their interests would be very wide in their fields.
Also, everyone except for Boo is very new to the world and their changed forms. Boo, though a former human, has been around much longer.

I'm gonna saw that Swetha watched a lot of those 90's kids western cartoons, and could probably query off of that stuff pretty easily.

Leshanda, on the other hand, is probably a stage play/musical nut, so she'd probably be able to tell you all about those Broadway shows.

A female unicorn, around 19/20. Human name is Janice, but goes by Pen Name in public. Her cutie mark is a quill and inkpot. She has a drab green coat, and a two-tone brown mane and tail. The mane and tail are long but unstyled, only brushed to remove tangles. She would wear a hoodie over a t-shirt with sweatpants, adapted for ponies (though that's a given).
-Upbeat scene: Would probably be wherever the food is most of the time, but might get on the dance floor if a song she likes comes on.
-Somber scene: She'd be offering a shoulder to cry on for those getting particularly melancholy.
-In line: Would be reading a book while waiting. When getting screened, she'd stutter a bit but answer it decently quickly. Would answer questions about memes or nerd trivia even faster.

Well Venerable Ro wouldn't fit in very well, (he's likely bigger than the building!) Which is a pity because he'd love to use the "do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup" line. Being an ancient loong rather limits your social planning to outside venues, preferably ones near a large body of water.

However, given that Ro hoards knowledge by choice, he has had to come up with a number of different methods to gain access to the halls of academia over the millennia. Foremost among these is the shapeshifted form of an distinguished unicorn scholar, August Lore by name.

August carries over his coloration from his draconic form, namely a soft golden coat, and an ivory mane/tail. Of particular note is his flowing beard and mustache, a holdover from his loong form of which he is justifiably proud, regardless of how it may complicate his goal of passing unremarked. The Mark is an old tome standing on end, golden light spilling from betwixt it's pages.

Clothing might be a bit of an issue, dragons have even less use for clothing than ponies do, and centuries-long naps are not conducive to maintaining an up-to-date wardrobe. Or any kind of a wardrobe really, cloth ages well, but not that well! In a pinch he could probably work up a serviceable robe out of snow-silk, I'm sure nopony would mind if he "borrowed" a few clouds for materials...

Ro/August has a penchant for sly practical jokes, jokes that hinge on the victim being unable to reconcile their suspicions of wrongdoing with August's incredibly dignified bearing. The Monty Python scene, "Biggus Dickus" is exactly the kind of thing he likes to pull on people.

On the subject of pranks, he might "accidently" forget to tune his disguise against the club's security measures. He's entirely capable of pulling the very-large-creature-in-a-very-small-room trick, the look on somepony's face when they come muzzle-to-snout with an eighty-foot loong looping comfortably in their ten foot square office is a rare prize indeed. (It's the eyebrow-waggling that really does it.)

On to the subject of scenes, he's very fond of dragons (for obvious reasons), so he'd probably get a question along those lines. If not, something that sounds like one thing but actually means something entirely different.

I.E, at the beginning of the night Spencer lays down the ground rules and asks if anypony looking to get in has any questions.

August: *raises hoof*

Spencer: "What's your question?"

A: "I teleported bread."

S: "What?"

A: "You told me to."

S: "...How much?"

A: "I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days!"

Ah yes, and he would absolutely give out good-sounding but amazingly bad advice to any entitled ponies trying to sneak in, the more embarrassing the better.

As to the upbeat scene, Ro's never been much for partying, he's too sedate by nature, and too cautious by habit. On the other hand, he's more than pleased to accept compliments, and loongs are second to none with illusion magic. He could make some impressive additions to the fog machine effects if the mood/opportunity struck.

And finally, the somber scene. Ro is old, by anyone's standards, old enough to have seen countless generations, old enough to forget nearly everything of a human lifetime lasting less than a fraction of his total existence. Getting some of those memories back, even memories of the most mundane things, would be a precious treasure indeed. No weeping or anything, but perhaps bolting upright and whispering something about remembering the smell of asphalt in the summertime as if it were the most extraordinary thing. Something like that relating to the song?

Ah, and he's a bass-baritone, tends to rumble his words when distracted.

Might have at least one of your characters interacting with someone else's OC :eeyup:

Like TMNT?

Alright. Might take a shot at dancing with the song. Would she try and eat while dancing, and does she like bar snacks?

I take it he's a former-human-now-dragon who arrived in the distant past from where the show is set? I wonder if I should mix it around a little and have him be newly-arrived when the story takes place, since that would fit more with what I had planned for the background. Would that be fine, and if so, how was he when he was much younger, and could he take the shape of a pony then too?

If she could manage it, she probably would. Bar snacks are definitely on her eat list.

Of course. Giving you all six gave you options. Once they are in your hands and world, they are yours to play with. I just give a rough idea of them.


Well the shapeshifting is just one facet of a vast knowledge of magic, you live long enough and you'll figure out how to do just about anything. It's actually a comparatively recent development, time was that scholars were happy to have a loong visit their library, but those idiot chromatics off in the dragon lands have given us all a bad name! I remember how it was back in the days of the unicorn conclave, they knew what proper dignity was, young master Starswirl could cast his way through a hurricane without so much as raising an eyebrow. But now the moment any pony sees a hint of scale or talon they all scatter like terrified foals!
Old-dragon griping continues at length.

Hmm, he was much more of a hellion back in the day, understanding of course that Equestia and the surrounding lands were far more inimical a few thousand years ago. Incredibly proud and a very short temper, "only" about half-again as large as Discord, but the absolute last person you want drinking in a rowdy venue.

Had a real penchant for lightning magic back then if I recall.

So I mean, you could have him, but he'd pretty much inevitably pick a fight with summat, and then there's a furious lightning-spewing loong for the bouncers to wrangle.

Most likely. If it was on the air between '94 and '08, she's probably seen it.

Well if that's not a no, then I'll fudge the timelines a little so he's anewly arrived when the story is currently set :eeyup:

Hah, got a pretty good idea already.


Have fun then! Oh, and you'll likely want to leave off the "Venerable" part of the name, if you're using the young firebrand.

What's his human name? Is Ro short for something? Robert? Roxanne? :trollestia:


Venerable Ro is the name of an unthinkably ancient bronze dragon from the Dragonlance series. As to his real name, I've/he's quite forgotten.



Honestly, I confess to being rather uneasy about this, it took him about a hundred years to mellow, before that he was a friend to no being or beast. Sure it was a monster-infested wilderness back then, but he was still "that guy", and nobody wants to remember being "that guy".

Straight forward and friendly.

Entrance question, Who is the queen?
Answer Freddy Murcury

Name: Grim (Daniel) Resolve

Appearance: Tall, somewhat slim minotaur with green-tan fur and a dark brown crest. He has blue-grey eyes, bluish grey horns that curve down like a Black Dragon from D&D, and he wears plated battle robes with an eveningstar.

Possible Cameo Placement: Every visit, Spencer takes the eveningstar from him, even though Daniel tries to convince him otherwise. It never works, but it's just ritual at this point.

Attitude: Strong, silent type in public, but fairly awkward yet animated with fellow former humans. Basically, your standard high functioning Autist, but without the violent tendencies. Highly self aware, but still learning.

Personality: Heavy role player, used to LARP. Plays as the big strong minotaur, but is really just a huge nerd for D&D, MTG, and a bunch of other obscure 70s-80s games like BattleTech. Knows more old school references than most things newer than 2010.

Alright, keeping that in mind, see if I can work with that.

Who is the queen? Her name is Chrysalis, and she is one fat bottomed girl :derpytongue2:

Yeah, haven't had a minotaur yet. I can't remember the name of that one you find in Cania in Hordes of the Underdark. Either way, Spencer could say, "Look out, Nasher Alagondar is coming to get youuuuu!"

What's an eveningstar? Does he have a necklace that Frodo/Aragorn gets in LoTR?

Fire Brand. Looks like a CMC-aged unicorn colt. Has dark blue coat and long brown mane. Tail looks similar to mane. Wears glasses.
Interests: weapons in general and firearms, military history (his name comes from WW2 aircraft), music, audio cassettes. Musical tastes: metal (glam, heavy and thrash), pop music from 80s, classic rock.
Originally was Russian student. Has drinking problem.
Clothing: Motley Crue T-shirt, denim shorts, Czechoslovak army jacket.

By the way, sorry for my English. It's not my native language.

I take it he was an adult as a human? He's probably done what he could to recreate his clothing style as a pony, unless to came to Equestria with his clohtes, in which case htey wont fit and it will look adorable if he's trying to wear them :yay:

Count me interested. It's always been fun picking out little cameos in other stories if I recognize the characters, and I wouldn't mind playing where's waldo with my own. I'd be alright with repeat appearances for that matter if you ever just need to fill a random background presence.

Name - Presence Wave (formerly Michael)
Appearance - My portrait image and this for an idea of appearance and outfit. Though with how well he's adapted (see Native Reception) it's really the only place he wears the outfit to.
Special Talent - Can perceive, absorb and redirect the flow of energy around him. Magically speaking he's only slightly above the average unicorn, but direct enough energy his way and he can punch back well above his weight class. The talent also translates to a form of "reading the room." Picking out the general vibe in an immediate area, or pinpointing specific moods, and being able to subtly change the mood's "flow." Though if the mood in an area is on the strong side it tends to overwhelm him (see below).
Upbeat Scene - Would likely be outside during this. While he may be an extroverted introvert, the rowdiness would still be a bit much for him. Especially when coupled with the latter portion of his special talent (as above). Most likely he'd be mingling with some of the more amicable natives who get shuffled out of the line but still hang around.
Somber Scene - Not really sure where he'd be during this, and what he'd be doing would probably depend on the songs picked. If nothing else I'd say he might slip a little magic in to keep the general mood from becoming too depressed.
Screening Scene - Also, not sure how I'd see him here as a lot would depend on the references made. Which I've honestly never been good at immediately recalling without some sort of prompt. Granted when I read the first chapter I had a small scene that ran through my head with maybe half a dozen references, but I've since forgotten the details at this point...
Native Reception - Has adapted to fit in with the native population well enough to be somewhat uncanny. Being a unicorn helps of course, but while he does get a bit homesick he also adopted a bit of an "eyes forward" attitude towards his situation. If anything, slipping between cultures draws out his hidden extroverted side with it all being a strange new world to experience first hand (or hoof as the case may be).

In this case he came to Equestria with his clothing.

Fire Brand became student just to avoid conscription. Also, I have forgotten to add that one of his interests is video games.

Also you can expect swearing with his adorable voice and shocked faces of other ponies.

Noted. Sounds like an action-adventure character, which can be tricky to fit into a more mundane story. Gonna see if I can work with him in a screening scene perhaps. Or have him overwhelmed in a somber scene.

Someone with a special talent in making sounds would bleep out all his swearing around ponies :derpytongue2:

"Then the Lord of Neverwinter shall meet his match."

An eveningstar is essentially a two handed mace/morningstar. The difference between those two is the type of head on the shaft.

Nah, he just has a ring on a thin chain. Also, no, it is not the One Ring, either.

Do Foal Protection Services exist in this story?

It's the two ring :derpytongue2:

I've never heard of that being called an evening star. I would've thought I would considering all the fantasy RPGs I've played :derpyderp2:

Most likely, but there might have been an exception made for any adult humans finding themselves as foal. Because, you know, taking away people's freedoms is like, tyranny or something.

Either clippy or a fancy "Æ", to denote him trying and failing:pinkiehappy:

As for what ha'd be doing at a party? Trying to have a serious conversation, but always mishearing things in the worst way. As for what his question would be... I dunno, "dislexics of the world...?" "Untie!"

Heh, nice. For knig and country!

Not such a fancy character over here. It's just part of our neighbors' alphabet. They're weird and grumpy, but I guess they're mostly okay.

It's more of a joke, though. They really are the same thing. I just prescribe to the Mordhau way of differentiating them. Plus, Grim can have a giggle by saying "Nighty-night" when thumping cronies. I love personal in-jokes, helps when I want someone to think I'm unhinged.

Never really saw him as an adventurous character to be honest. If anything one of those trouble finds its way to him kind of themes with the defensively reactive nature of his magic (needs the energy sent his way first in order to redirect it).

Of the two I'd personally probably lean towards the screening scene since there's two ways to fit in. Either in line himself or chatting with some of the locals off to the side, but that's just what I'd lean towards.

Say, are you still taking volunteers? Finally worked up my OC and was just made aware of this journal.

Sure, go ahead. Been too busy to write lately anyway, so nothing is set in stone yet.

A'ight, here goes:
Sapphire Moonlight (formerly Edward)
- Female unicorn mare, former human male. Sapphire blue coat, long, wavy raspberry-colored mane with aquamarine highlight that falls down, covering the left side of her face despite her best efforts. Wearing a blouse/shirt and a skirt. Introverted. Anxious and uncomfortable, not the kind to usually frequent this kind of clubs, was most likely dragged along by friends.
- Upbeat scene: Sitting down, trying to make herself less noticeable.
- Sombre scene: More relaxed now that the excitement died down. Maybe even picking up a conversation now that she doesn't need to yell over the music.
- Screening scene: Shifting and fidgeting with her skirt. She's actually become accustomed to not wearing clothes most of the time, and is nervous she might stand out now that she is.
- Native thoughts: Her shyness makes her cute and masks any body language that's odd to them.
- Interests: She was a full-on geek back on Earth: movies, scifi, fantasy, tabletop, videogames, you named it, she's dabbled in at least some of them at some point in her life.

Noted, if I take some liberties with his behavior, I can work with it. The sombre scene wouldn't have anyone talking for example.

Anything more specific with his interests? Because every real person is into that stuff.

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