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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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MLP: FiM Finale Review: Where the Magic Happens · 11:19pm Nov 11th, 2019

So, I guess it's time..... It's more than a month now and I can finally sit down and write a review for the very Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic..... I needed a very long time for this. Accustoming to the end, dealing with it that it's over, coping with it..... I am still coping with it. And I am not sure if I am ready to write a review just yet. But it is an entire month now and I have seen the Finale ten times. So it's now or never.
I am not even sure if what will come out here at the end will be a review or if it should be called one..... But here are my thoughts and feelings about the Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the last three episodes of the best TV show that ever existed.....

We have Cozy Glow returning to do another attempt at conquering Equestria. Let us start with that, I guess..... I feel saddened that she chose this path. We have seen this before, she tried it before. But she wasn't actually hurting anypony, except for the betrayals of fake friendships. Now she went to new lengths and new lows to gain power. She shot Twilight in the face, knocked her against a wall and knocked her out. She threatened Twilight's friends with their complete destruction, when they were trapped and helpless and weren't a danger for her. And she proceeded to kill them when she had the chance to, with the powerful magic she came to possess.
It's the second item on this list that causes me to ponder..... Why did she want to destroy them, when they were no threat for her anymore? Is my theory about her wrong, is she really a hopeless evil just like Chrysalis is, after all? Or does her trauma go that deep, that she still felt threatened by them even though they were sitting in a cell with their magic blocked?
She shouldn't, really. Even if they would have been free or if they would have managed to escape, she had all that magic from Grogar's Bell, she would have defeated them with ease. If Cozy Glow wants power to protect herself, then she had it already. She had more power than them, there was no way how she could have perceived them as a threat. No reason anymore to destroy them to keep herself safe. Which only leaves one possibility; pure and utter sadism, joy from letting others suffer, from seeing them writhing in pain, from killing them..... That she is evil, pure concentrated evil and nothing else.
But the throne room battle was interesting..... Cozy felt overwhelmed by it. She had all that magic. She took out the guards just fine. She knocked out Twilight. She stole Celestia's and Luna's magic. But when Twilight's friends charged at her, she was suddenly shocked and overwhelmed. She felt visibly threatened by them. She had a hard time battling them. She didn't even attack them, she just dodged, despite all that magic she possessed. Even more than that, she did not cast her shield spell to protect herself from their attacks. She did nothing of that, just dodged, and then they managed to defeat her. Cozy let all of that happen to her, without fighting back, without shielding herself.
Cozy was completely overwhelmed by their group attack, almost paralyzed..... why? Despite all her power, she felt overwhelmed by their attack, why didn't she use it?
They've outnumbered her 7 to 1, but so did the guards before and she had no problems with taking them out, so superior numbers wasn't what overwhelmed her there..... But there was authority. There was something Twilight and her friends had over her that the guards didn't have and that was authority over Cozy.
The guards don't have more authority over Cozy than they have authority over any other citizen of Equestria. Cozy did not have to care about them. She does not even know them. But she knows Twilight and her friends. And they have authority over her, a much closer and more direct authority than the guards have, the authority of teachers. Cozy saw them every day, was under their authority every day, during the time she was taught at Twilight's school. Perhaps, this was the reason she did not attack them and why she did not even defend herself against their attacks. It was their authority that overwhelmed her, the authority she still felt from her time at Twilight's school.
This reaction of Cozy is, considering what we've seen her do in the Finale, surprisingly in line with my abuse theory I have about her. If she was abused and if her abuser was a figure of authority, perhaps even a teacher, this would explain why she was too overwhelmed to fight when being assaulted by Twilight's friends. She took out the guards, but then these close authorities attacked her and this brought flashbacks of the abuse she had to endure and so she felt overwhelmed and couldn't act. Other than trying to flee from their attacks.....
Despite her powerful magic, she felt very much threatened by them. And she was scared when they all attacked her, so scared that she did not even fight back, in a state of almost pure paralyzis. I think this is where it still shows that Cozy Glow is not truly evil. Twilight's friends were still locked up when she threatened to completely destroy them, no threat to her in that moment, but being in their presence, Cozy felt their authority anyway. Authority that brings with it flashes from her troubled past. And if she can make those flashes stop by eliminating the ponies of authority that, just like her abuser, attacked her..... then killing definitely seems like the lesser evil to Cozy.
I struggled with seeing her do those things and that still makes me sad..... but I still don't think that Cozy is actually evil at heart. I'm not even stereotyping her as a weak, scared and innocent foal..... Foals are capable. Children can do horrible things if they choose to, I speak of personal experience that goes very far back for me..... But in Cozy's particular case, I do not think she is truly evil, but rather steered by a traumatic past.
There is still a vulnerable and sensitive filly behind this facade of lust for power and sadism.
And I hate seeing her encased in stone now..... Chrysalis and Tirek deserve it. They had it coming. There is no past trauma that makes them being villains; one an otherworldly, demonic creature born from an evil and equally demonic tree, the other one a power-hungry tyrant who probably even killed his own father to rise to power, they are truly evil. Especially Chrysalis.
But Cozy Glow is not and so I hate it that she is encased in stone now..... Especially because we do not know if she is even still alive in there. Discord survived being encased in stone, but Discord is a chaos entity, while Cozy is just an ordinary pony. Then again, we have seen ponies survive petrification. Twilight became petrified by a cockatrice once and so did Mudbriar just recently. Both of them are still alive. So Cozy can still be alive, too. But at the same time, we don't have a guarantee that the magic used in this case is not lethal or that all petrification magic leaves a pony alive and can be reversed, like it was planned in Rockhoof's case.
Strictly speaking, we have never seen petrification magic that is lethal and there has never been confirmation that lethal petrification magic exists in Equestria. But I'm still not sure that lethal petrification magic doesn't exist in Equestria, there are many spells we don't know, and if it does exist, then it would make sense for Celestia, Luna and Discord to use such a magic considering what threat Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis posed for Equestria. They have always dealt quite mercilessly with villains.
So, for all we know, Cozy Glow could be dead now, and that bugs me tremendously. All I can do is hope that she isn't, that the spell isn't lethal. And that Twilight lets her out eventually and gives her a proper chance. Cozy deserves it.

How to continue..... Writing this isn't easy. Tirek and Chrysalis..... Not many surprises there. Chrysalis was always completely irredeemable. Nothing unexpected, especially considering her aforementioned origins. We've never seen a single reaction by her that gave reason to believe that there is a shred of good nature in Chrysalis. Even when Starlight offered her forgiveness, Chrysalis just mocked her. And even when she experienced the feeling of true friendship for a short moment, Chrysalis purposely fought against it and made it fizzle away with a powerful scream. She didn't like the feeling of benignancy when it came over her, so she decided to stay evil. There is no hope for someone who experiences how it feels to be good, but rejects that gift and chooses the dark side by their own free will.
I always said that there is only either eternal imprisonment or death for Chrysalis. The latter could have become true now, for all we know. But for Cozy's sake, I hope that it's not.
There was nothing surprising happening with Chrysalis, however, I love that we got to see a showdown between Chrysalis and Starlight Glimmer! I didn't believe this would happen anymore, since Chrysalis never showed any interest in coming back just for the sake of getting revenge on Starlight, surprisingly. Even when she clearly had the chance to, she didn't go after Starlight or try to kill her. In the end, Chrysalis was more interested in being powerful again and trying to conquer Equestria another time, and revenge on Starlight was more of a side note for her.
But now we got to see this regardless and, wow, was it epic! It was short, sure. Very short. I expected it to be much more elaborate, an encounter akin to Twilight's legendary fight against Tirek, but what we did get was epicness at its finest:

Short, but sweet. And that was all I needed, really. I just wanted to see what happens once Chrysalis and Starlight meet each other again and considering how bad it looked for it that this would ever happen, I am very happy with what we got here. I could watch this short battle the entire day.
Something I was more surprised about was Tirek's role in the Finale. I halfway expected him to get reformed or to at least do a step towards reformation. For Tirek, I can see some hope. Cozy Glow seemed to have warmed him up a bit and it was unexpected to see him saving this bird, instead of ignoring its plight. The latter is what made me think he could turn around one day and join the good side, such a reflex only happens out of care, so he did care a little for this bird's safety, in a way that probably even surprised himself.
But no such thing did happen and Tirek was in on the plan just as much as Cozy and Chrysalis were. But some good in him can be sensed, as minimalistic as it might be, and it's probably just too early right now. Maybe one day he and Cozy can turn their back on the villain life together..... granted they are still alive and that Cozy will get released someday.

And of course we had a fourth villain to meet in the Finale..... or did we? Seeing Grogar revealed to actually be Discord blew my mind. I think I can't even properly put it into words how that makes me feel, still..... Overwhelmed, mind-blown, these are all just words, I don't think they suffice to describe this feeling. It came completely unexpected, it came completely out of nowhere, there were zero hints that gave it away. And yet, knowing this now, a lot of things make more sense suddenly, or rather, a very different sense. I will get more into this, but preserve it for its own blog entry. This is definitely something that needs to be discussed on a broader scale and in an exclusive space for it.
Until then, this development simply amazed me. The best and most brilliantly executed plot twist I have ever seen in all of my TV history. This alone makes the Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic stand on a very high note.

And then there has been the best thing about it, for me and also in a general sense..... I talked a lot about her already, but it would be unfair to not give her a place here.....

THE BIG HERO MOMENT. Hyper Sonic, formerly known in the fandom as Lemon Crumble, becoming the Greta Thunberg of pegasi and convincing her fellow people to fly into battle against Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis and to help the other pony tribes. She alone, of all the pegasi, was concerned for the other tribes, so she did what she had to do and made the other pegasi realize that they have to help, fulfilling her duty as the hero she is.
This moment and her deed are remarkable for me. During the entirety of Season 9, after I really got to know to Hyper Sonic while doing research for "Dreamwalker Dash" and planning her role in the story, I hoped she would get a big role every time there was a Friendship School episode. And every time my hopes were shattered. Seeing her having gotten this big role I was hoping for now, in the very Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and doing such a heroic deed on top of that, this is the one moment that makes the Finale special for me.
It is incredibly hard to let go of this show, to cope with the thought that I might not see all of them ever again very soon..... But Hyper Sonic and what she did makes all of this easier, she gave me a gift on the way into the life after My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and this is making everything so much easier. She has become one of my favourite ponies at the start of Season 9 and I'm probably one of the few who can say of themselves that one of their favourite ponies saves them.
I am eternally grateful for it that Hyper Sonic exists and for what she did for Equestria and what she did for me. Her heroic deed will never be forgotten and the monument I'll be creating for her with "Dreamwalker Dash" is the least I can do for her in return, to give her something back.

And, for fairness' sake, she was not the only one. Another background pony stepped up to the task with an unexpected speaking role and heroic deed:

Raspberry Dazzle, formerly known as Candy Grapes in the fandom. Everyone talks about the Grogar Twist, but let us talk about this a little, too..... One surprising thing about the Finale is the sheer number of background ponies who got speaking roles. Hyper Sonic and Raspberry Dazzle and then also Dandy Dispatch, Tender Brush, Berry Sweet, Cotton Sky and Berry Punch.
We rarely hear a background pony speaking and if we do, not counting "Slice of Life", then it's one or two at most. But here we have seven background ponies with speaking roles, all in just one episode! This is unprecedented in the entire show's history, that an episode not centered around background ponies has that many background ponies speaking in it and I am glad this happened.
Obviously, not every background pony could get that chance, but this was the last time ever we could have a background pony getting an unexpected speaking role and the number of background ponies with speaking roles is staggering here. I'm so glad this was possible before the show ended.

And with the mention of background ponies, we come to what makes this episode the most epic Finale a season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has ever gotten..... Everyone has come together to save Equestria. All ponies, thanks to Hyper Sonic, Raspberry Dazzle and Sandbar, but also the griffons, the dragons, the changelings, the yaks and the hippogriffs, thanks to Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream, as well as the kirin and even the buffalos!
So many were there, coming together and coming to the rescue..... Tempest Shadow, Gilda, Sparkler, Ember, Flim & Flam, Prince Rutherford, Party Favor, Twilight's mom and her dad, Moondancer, Lyra, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, even Garble, Sunburst, his mom, Starlight's dad, Grandpa Gruff, Thorax, Terramar, Trixie, Chancellor Neighsay, Autumn Blaze, Rain Shine, Spitfire, Soarin', Fleetfoot, Surprise, all the other Wonderbolts, Pharynx, White Lightning, Big Mac, Zecora, Gabby, Derpy, Night Glider, even Little Strongheart and Chief Thunderhooves, Scarlet Heart (and that even as the only one of the crystal ponies who came to help, we have seen many heroes in this showdown), Snowflake (Bulk Biceps), November Rain, they all came and fought for the safety of Equestria.....
Griffonstone, the Dragon Lands, the Changeling Hive, Yakyakistan, Seaquestria, Mount Aris and the Peaks of Peril coming together to save Equestria in a large showdown, the ultimate proof for it that Twilight had just the right idea and that her Friendship School works, all the nations standing and fighting united just like Twilight envisioned it..... That was an epic moment of the likes that I can't even find words to describe it, of such an intensity that I'm almost speechless..... There was no way for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to end on a more epic scale than it did with this display of unity and friendship.

And after this, right after this, it was when the emotions started..... Seeing Twilight and her friends sitting in Donut Joe's donut shop and eating donuts together to celebrate their victory and spend some more time with each other, that almost cracked me. Any longtime fans here who still remember this place and what meaning it holds? You better be, because it would be a shame if you don't.
Donut Joe's, it's where they have all gathered after the Grand Galloping Gala that we saw in the Season 1 Finale, the first big event they have spent together as friends..... The place they've retreated to after the Gala has gone so nervewreckingly wrong for each of them, where they realized that it would have been better to enjoy the Gala together instead of chasing their dreams and ambitions there individually. One of the very first lessons they've learned together as friends.....
This place holds so much significance and that was where the first two thirds of the Finale ended..... The symbolism there, the memories this brings up..... This moment alone can make you cry. And it almost did for me.
And then Fluttershy had to say this sentence, "It's like the end of an era"..... Like she knows everything..... This cut into my heart like the strong metaphoric blade it is..... Coincidence? I don't know, but hearing this sentence was searing hot. And yet, this was just the beginning.....

And now, let's go to the place where the magic happens..... Ponyville. The very last episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic..... Writing about this one is the hardest.
It was like I imagined it. Not the exact events that transpired, but the feelings. I always imagined that the very last episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will be a very emotional one, feeling exactly the same how "The Last Problem" felt. And that's what happened. It felt exactly as I always imagined it.
The most tragic about it, aside from the obvious feelings we as fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have while watching it, is that Twilight had to move away..... Go and imagine this for a moment.....
Years ago, she moved to Ponyville so she could stay with her newfound friends. That's a big thing she did, moving into an entirely different town, even moving away from her own family, because she found just the right friends in that town and because she never wanted to be separate from them ever again. She decided to live in Ponyville after they had defeated Nightmare Moon together because being away from them again was unimaginable for her.
She moved to Ponyville just for them..... and now she had to move away again, back to Canterlot, because she is meant to rule Equestria after Celestia and Luna stepped down from the throne, had to leave them again..... This is exactly as sad and tragic as their tears showed, in that moment when they all broke down crying in Twilight's castle shortly before they left for Canterlot. Even Applejack cried and we know how serious it is if Applejack, who usually bottles up her sadness, starts to actually cry. Seeing them getting so forcefully separated, it made it even harder to watch this..... Now they cannot see each other very often anymore, living away from each other with their lives happening in two different towns..... This makes for the second-saddest ending of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic imaginable, seeing them getting separated after watching them as friends and all the things they had to go through in their friendships; drama, joy, sadness, even saving the world countless times, for years.
They are still friends. When I saw "The Last Problem" for the first time on the livestream more than four weeks ago, I was thinking they all broke up because their friendship couldn't handle this separation; because Twilight was mad at them for seemingly not caring about her move to Canterlot and that she has to leave them and because a fight about this started that teared them apart, a fight their friendship never recovered from again. The episode made you think this, until the last few minutes of it.
This wasn't what happened, so it turned out as the second-saddest ending imaginable, but second-saddest still means an amount of emotion that is almost not manageable for me. It got even sadder when Celestia and Luna announced their leave from Canterlot..... That they leave for Silver Shoals, to live there from now on. This is a decision by them that feels a little weird, that they don't just stay in Canterlot in a house inside the city somewhere, instead of moving into a retirement home, they aren't that weak and, by alicorn standards, not even that old yet, are they? It pours a bit more salty tear water on the mills of the possibility that their time has come and that this is why they have retired now..... Which is speculation and mostly it teared me apart to hear that they leave Canterlot.....
The second big tear-jerker moment of the episode. They lived in Canterlot for more than a thousand years, at least, and ruled Equestria from there that entire time. And we've seen only a few years of their rulership, a mere glimpse compared to the generations they have seen come and go, but this is such a fundamental and drastic change, that they retired and left Canterlot. Something that was there for more than a thousand years suddenly changed..... This is a feeling I can't even comprehend. Rarity was still right when she said that the ponies of Equestria are on edge because it's the first shift in royal power in over a millennium. She knew exactly what she was talking about. I can completely feel it.
And then the very end of the episode..... Seeing Ponyville again, one last time, in the future..... With so many ponies I know being older or grown-up..... This was when the floodgates fully opened for me. Seeing Ponyville in the future and this song accompanying it..... I already cried six times during the Finale, five of which during "The Last Problem" and I know I will cry a couple more times.
This entire episode has so many details..... And especially the end in Ponyville has so many..... I could not even discover it all yet. So this is far from the last time that I will talk about this episode here.
Pinkie Pie now has a foal and is in a romantic relationship with Cheese Sandwich..... Wow, this came unexpected..... The same goes for Rainbow Dash and Applejack and for Fluttershy and Discord. The latter is not too surprising, at least Discord always had a crush on Fluttershy. But the former, Rainbow Dash and Applejack..... That is even more unexpected than Pinkie and Cheese. They're doing chores on Sweet Apple Acres together, I've already seen fans say that this is vague and that everyone can make up their mind about that in whichever way they want, but really, this is more than obvious, them doing chores on Sweet Apple Acres together makes more than clear that they live together and if they live together..... you can make the math.
Then there are Big Mac and Sugar Belle, who live together on Sweet Apple Acres now and have a colt together..... And Sandbar and Yona who have taken over Rarity's boutique in Ponyville it looks like..... We've seen Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake as adults and I could spot Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Twist as adults, even Peach Fuzz! It makes me happy she is one of the fillies I could see in the future, I feel very connected to her.
And then Silverstream and Smolder and Ocellus in Twilight's Friendship School..... It looks like they stayed as teachers there. While Gallus became a royal guard in Canterlot, the first griffon in Canterlot's royal guard, and Yona and Sandbar stayed in Ponyville to take care of Rarity's boutique. Rarity also implied she had business to do in Yakyakistan, I wonder what this means, has she moved there at some time during the decades that passed?
And I'm not surprised that Gallus never returned to Griffonstone, there is nothing for him there and no one who waits for him there, so he went and made Equestria his new home.
Starlight and Sunburst were there, too, still running Twilight's school together..... as well as Trixie who is probably still student counselor.
And, the best was saved for last, my Crusaders were there, as well..... Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have become friendship teachers at Twilight's school. This made me the most happy, seeing them one last time and finding out what the future holds for them.^^ :heart:
An unexpected future for them, I felt, I was thinking they would have enough to do with helping ponies with their cutie marks. But now that I write this review, I suddenly realized what they are teaching there..... When we saw Scootaloo in the classroom, there was a cutie mark drawn on the blackboard, that looked like their cutie marks. They teach how beneficial it is for a friendship if a group of friends has a common profession or goal, like they have a common profession with helping ponies with their cutie marks, a profession that deeply connects them, even since before they have gotten their cutie marks. This is why they became teachers there. Their future seems to be a bright one and that is soothing to know at the end.
I have also spotted new windows in Canterlot Castle. The Student Six saving Equestria from a beast and one with Flurry Heart and the Crystal Heart, perhaps her coronation? Did Cadance and Shining Armor retire, too, at some time during these decades? I have to examine these windows closer, especially the second one..... And the same goes for other details, there is a lot I yet have to discover for myself before I can talk more about it.
Who I'm missing in the very last episode is Cozy Glow..... Has Twilight never let her out? Is she still sitting in a stone prison? I hope she is not..... It is a possibility, that Twilight has set her free at some point, even though Cozy wasn't seen anywhere in "The Last Problem". A lot happens in a few decades, Cozy could be anywhere in Equestria after all this time..... I hope she is free.

I guess this brings me to the end, for now. Interesting, how this review of the Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ends the same way as I started it, with Cozy Glow. I really care a lot about her..... I hope that I'm going to see her again eventually and that I can find out what became of her and what the future holds for her. Or, what it held for her?
One thing the last episode does is confusing me a lot, what is the current point in time in Equestria now? Is it the present right after Twilight's coronation or is it the future a couple decades later? It would have to be the future, as the last episode was essentially a timeskip..... unless somepony used a spell and took a look into the future and that is how we could see Twilight together with Luster Dawn. But how likely is that?
This is something I can't wrap my head and brain around right now..... It will have to wait.
For now, this is over. This still doesn't feel like a review, more like me mourning the end of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic..... But this has to do, it's what I could muster up after one month of coping. It also won't be the last thing.....

There is more to analyze in the Finale, in all three episodes. Especially in the last one. And there is more to analyze in the show in general, there are lots of things I haven't talked about yet. As well as reviews. I've only started publishing episode reviews here on FIMFiction.net at the start of Season 8. So I will copy all my episode reviews from Season 4 to Season 7 over here, too, to make the collection complete. And even then I still have more reviews to write, I have not yet written any reviews for the episodes of the first three seasons.
These won't be reviews for a new episode and maybe no one will read them since I'm only talking about episodes that everyone knows for years already. But more reviews for the show will come. And I will very likely also review new official comics once Season 10 starts in them. There is more material for many future reviews.
And there will be stories, of course. Do I even have to clarify that? I have ponyfic ideas for a lifetime and there is no way I will ever stop writing stories for Equestria. Not even if the worst case should happen and Generation 5 does turn out to be a reboot..... not even then I will stop with G4 ponyfics.

The book has closed for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic now..... But mine hasn't. I'm merely flipping over to a new page. You will hear much more from me.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, i Think its a Good way to end the Series. Just Wish others like cadence, shining Armor and flurry would have been shown too in the Time Skip.

Cozy, her Background shown would have shown. I mean, what motivates a filly to something as this? Plus getting turned into stone looks also unfitting as Punishment for a Child, given the nature of the Show.

But that's Why i love the Part of the fandom who wants a better Ending for her.

And if i may say this, the Story idea with her we had, would make more Sense Now


I do too, what in my review made you feel that I thought it's a bad way to end it?

I haven't even considered yet that we didn't see Shining Armor, Cadance and Flurry Heart in the future, somehow my mind didn't catch on this yet..... I was only thinking of Celestia and Luna, that we haven't seen them in the future, so far. If they are still alive? There was a tiny implication that their times might have come.....
It makes sense that we didn't see them, they didn't really have a reason to be in Canterlot or Ponyville on this one of all days, but it would have been comforting to know that they are still alive.....

Cozy, her Background shown would have shown. I mean, what motivates a filly to something as this? Plus getting turned into stone looks also unfitting as Punishment for a Child, given the nature of the Show.

You gotta see that from their position a little. Cozy has turned out to be a very dangerous enemy for Equestria; she is treacherous, manipulating and can easily tempt ponies into doing her bidding, she has managed to break into Canterlot Castle to get the book about Grogar's Bell and she would do everything to gain more power, no matter if it's just breaking in somewhere or killing somepony.
I can see where they're coming from with securing her in stone for the time being, as much as I don't agree with it..... they gotta keep Equestria safe. And I want it to be safe, too. I just hope that her imprisonment isn't permanent, only until they have thought of a way to drive the villain out of her.
I love the stories, too, I couldn't check them yet, but there seem to be many that have come to be because of the Finale and Cozy's fate. I need to read them soon.

None. I find the Time skip a good idea how things went. And i agree about shining Armor and co. I mean, they showed the cake Babies grown up, flurry would have been interesting.

I know. Its just, such a fate for a Child in a Child Show, it somehow feels unsettling. Though, i Think Cozy sort of felt regret, given she was terrified, compared to her "Friends", who were angry.

I hope you will Enjoy them and that you have Time soon too. I am confident it could help with ideas for the Story idea with her.:twilightsmile:

Also, have you seen the Art of cozy deserving better? I even saw Autumn blaze helping cozy


Yeah, I would have loved to see Flurry.^^ At least nothing was seen that contradicts "'Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!'", that at least is a relief. I still want to see Flurry Heart's future, though. Hopefully Hasbro makes the right decision and doesn't reboot for Generation 5.

I know. Its just, such a fate for a Child in a Child Show, it somehow feels unsettling.

It's not really a child show, though. If Cozy would be truly evil, just like Chrysalis, I would agree with the treatment. But Cozy has shown there is good in her, so she is not truly evil and there is something that makes her be that way. That's why her imprisonment is unjust and needs to be mended. Cozy needs to be given a proper chance, if necessary, with an excellent therapist. They should solve her problem and make her the filly she used to be again, instead of locking her up and treating her like a hopeless case.....

I hope you will Enjoy them and that you have Time soon too. I am confident it could help with ideas for the Story idea with her.

I will, just gotta look through the new fics that have been piled up since the Finale first. Gonna take a while, but I'll read them after I'm done with that.^^

Also, have you seen the Art of cozy deserving better? I even saw Autumn blaze helping cozy

No, none of it yet, sadly. But hopefully I can check it out soon. No, wait, there is one..... An alternate universe scenario, I'm not sure what it was about exactly anymore, but there was Cozy being snarky, but good-natured, wearing something like a japanese schoolgirl outfit and apparently working in Canterlot Castle in some way, welcoming guests. That's the only one I've seen, but I hopefully can see more soon.

Yes. You know, reminds me of something funny.

Agreed. I mean, they gave starlight a Second chance, and she tried to alter the Timeline. In a certain View, its serve than cozy's Action.

Good Plan! I look Forward to Work with You on the cozy Story idea for you and the other ideas. Though i admit, the former gave me a silly thought...

I Think thats part of the same Artist who Made that with Autumn blaze helping cozy. If you like, i could Show you.

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