• Member Since 24th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Tuesday

The Sonic Mage

An unorganized mess who try's to work by a schedule, and fails repeatedly. Oh well. Nobody's perfect.

More Blog Posts40

  • 87 weeks
    Chapter Update

    Chapter 9 of A Time to Act is now published. Have fun and let me know what you think!

    0 comments · 101 views
  • 89 weeks
    An Overdue Chapter Upload

    Finally posted a new chapter for A Time to Act. Please read the Author's Note.

    0 comments · 85 views
  • 144 weeks
    Chapter Update

    New chapter coming out with a note at the top. Enjoy!

    0 comments · 158 views
  • 145 weeks
    A Long Overdue Status Update

    I have no idea if anyone is going to read this at this point, but let's do it anyway.

    I haven’t been very active on this site in recent time. There are a few reasons for that: Quarantine affecting my mental health and draining me of all my energy. A loss of interest in MLP as a whole. Writer's block. And a myriad of other personal issues that make it difficult for me to really do much.

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    6 comments · 183 views
  • 182 weeks
    A Brief and Overdue Status Update

    I feel that I should explain the lack of activity from me in the recent months. To save time, I'll quote myself from a message I sent an acquaintance:

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    2 comments · 256 views

We Need to Save YouTube!!!! · 11:41pm Nov 20th, 2019

For those of you are unaware, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently discovered that YouTube was in violation of the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), a law that is meant to keep companies from gathering data on children under 13.

Of course every child lies about their age online.

Now this wouldn’t be such a problem if it weren’t for the settlement that the FTC and YouTube came to over the violation.

Instead of holding the YouTube corporation responsible, and punishing them, they’re effectively putting all the responsibility and pressure on YouTubers.

Yes, I know, that makes no sense.

Now content creators, like Markiplier for example, have to mark every video they have and will post as either for children or not for children.

If they mark the video as “for kids” then it becomes unsearchable, impossible to comment on, and can’t be monetized.

If you label as “not for kids” (or for kids), but the FTC thinks it should have been the other way around, then they can either:

A) Delete the video
B) Delete the channel
or C) Fine the “offending” YouTuber approximately $42,000 per flagged video.

Does this sound insane? Because it is.

Ignoring the existence of the YouTube Kids app, or that the guidelines set by the COPPA law itself are vague, non-specific, and weirdly worded, the YouTubers were not the one’s violating the law, it was the corporation!

If this is allowed to go into effect, this will kill YouTube as a platform, and leave many career YouTubers with out a job or source of income.

There is good news, however.

Firstly, there is a petition on Change.com HERE to stop this.

Secondly, the FTC have temporarily opened a page until December 9th, where people can leave comments on this situation, to consider changes. The link to that page is right HERE.

I beg of you, sign the petition, leave a well written, articulate comment, and share this information on every group forum or blog post you can. Share it on every social media platform you can access, DM large YouTubers like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdipie, everybody & anybody.

The videos I’ve linked below go into further detail about how this will destroy YouTube, as well as the problems with COPPA itself.

Please everyone, we need to save YouTube.

Comments ( 2 )

I submitted a comment. Best I could do.

Every little bit helps.

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