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The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?

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Mareplane! Explained · 4:33am Nov 29th, 2019

It's a long road to the airport, a long road you have traveled. But it doesn't matter because your flight has been canceled.
The Red Parade · 12k words  ·  36  4 · 913 views

Highly recommended you read Mareplane! first.

Humor is subjective. that's why some jokes go over people's heads. But that's okay, because I've broken down ever single joke, pun, and non sequitur in Mareplane! so people can hopefully understand it better.

So without further ado, here is every single joke I made in Mareplane!. Oh, and spoilers (duh).

  1. First of all, the title is obviously a play on the word “Airplane.” It is stylized as “Mareplane!” in honor of the movie it is parodying, which was called “Airplane!” which was also a parody of the movie “Zero Hour!” Spoiler, Zero Hour! wasn’t very good.
  2. Luggage carts are crashing into each other and the C-terminal of Canterlot International is on fire and nobody notices.
  3. While going through her memories, one of the flashback voices is doing something… very interesting in the cockpit of their plane. 
  4. One of the unicorn workers guiding a plane sneezes and sends the plane crashing into a hangar (stolen from Airplane!).
  5. When asked if she’s ‘alright,’ Rainbow says she’s not ‘all-left.’
  6. A vendor is selling beets (beats) of silence.
  7. Twilight asks Rainbow if she’s been on a plane and she says yes. Twilight then explains what an airplane is as if Rainbow has never been on a plane before.
  8. Twilight asks if Rainbow wants to talk about her accident. Rainbow says no but talks about it anyways.
  9. There’s a fourth wall break that notes that the italicized text is a flashback.
  10. Rainbow gives Twilight a very detailed description of their mission but doesn’t tell her when it happened because that part is classified.
  11. Rainbow says that she liked Lightning Dust only describe her with negative qualities and then states that she hated her.
  12. Rainbow and Lightning Dust hit a bird strike. A bird strike refers to when a plane flies into a flock of birds, but in this case they run into birds that are literally on strike. 
  13. A train conductor is calling ponies to their flight.
  14. Another fourth wall break with an intentional misspelling of ‘morosely.’ 
  15. The banter between Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth is largely based on the Winningverse depiction of these two ponies. 
  16. Apparently there is “a half year of experience” between Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker, meaning that each one probably has around a quarter of a year of flying experience. Explains a lot. 
  17. Cloud Kicker asks Blossomforth for the weather, and Blossomforth asks ‘whether or not what?’
  18. Cloud Kicker breaks out into song for the line “This is the story of a mare,” which is a parody of “This is the story of a girl.”
  19. Berry Punch somehow rolls down the cockpit window to throw out her cup (sort of inspired by Airplane!, in which the pilot flies the plane as if he’s driving a car).
  20. Cloud Kicker jokes that on their last flight they hit some pegasi.
  21. Berry Punch says they are ‘taxied and ready to load’ instead of saying they are ‘loaded and ready to taxi.’
  22. After being instructed to turn 180 degrees, Berry Punch asks if it is in Celcius or Farenheit, thinking the controller is referring to the weather. Blossomforth suggests that the controller is referring to Kelvin.
  23. When Berry turns the plane around, she does so like she’s reversing a car, including putting a hand on the passenger’s seat and looking out the (nonexistent) rear view mirror. See joke 18.
  24. When the plane ‘taxis’ to the runway, it is pulled by a literal taxi which then crashes into a baggage handler.
  25. Blossomforth says that ‘I don’t know’s on third,’ a reference to the Abott and Costello baseball skit.
  26. Cloud Kicker asks who ‘Roger’ is after Berry confirms the plane’s runway number. She then confuses clearance and vector for the names Clarence and Victor (these were the names of the copilot, pilot and navigator in the Airplane! movie). 
  27. The very funny numbers of 69 and 420.
  28. Berry Punch mixes up her phrasing, saying let’s get this ‘road on the show’ instead of ‘show on the road,’ ‘stallions and gentlemares’ instead of mares and gentlestallions,’ and ’fasten your bathrooms and refrain from using your seatbelts’ instead of ‘fasten your seatbelts and frain from using the bathrooms.’ 
  29. When preparing for takeoff, Berry Punch and Cloud Kicker treat the plane like it was a car, disengaging the parking brake and shifting the plane into gear. Again, see joke 18.
  30. The airplane takes off by flapping its wings as if it was a bird.
  31. There’s a beet of silence on the plane. 
  32. Octavia asks if Rainbow is nervous and she says yes. Octavia then asks if it’s Rainbow’s first time (on an airplane) to which Rainbow replies that she has been nervous plenty of times before (stolen joke from Airplane!).
  33. Octavia casually practices her cello while on an airplane.
  34. Daring Do is reading a very short novel titled ‘things you can do with a degree in Equestrian.’ (No offense to language majors). 
  35. Daring Do says her name is Daring Do, but asks Braeburn to call her A.K. Yearling, a completely different name.
  36. Braeburn is first said to take the seat on her right, but then the statue is also on Daring’s right, and Braeburn is suddenly on her left. 
  37. The first instance of the indescribable statue of Nameless the Unnameable (who used to be a king). Also the start of the running gag of the same name.
  38. While they talk, Braeburn’s accent disappears and Daring suddenly picks it up.
  39. There’s another beet of silence.
  40. Braeburn then introduces himself as Daring Do while Daring Do introduces herself as Braeburn.
  41. There’s a reference to Star Wars in the line “you ever hear of the tragedy of Nameless the Unnameable,” parodying the lien “you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”
  42. Berry Punch asks for some water, which Lyra gives to her by pouring the bottle onto her head.
  43. Lyra hits her head on the way out, starting the running gag of Lyra hitting doors.
  44. Berry Punch greets the passengers with ‘good mourning’ instead of ‘good morning.’ Foreshadow much?
  45. Berry Punch says “Hi, I’m an alcoholic” when introducing herself and the passengers respond as if they were in an AA meeting.
  46. Equestrian Air is the best and only airline in Equestria. So I guess they’re also the worst?
  47. Berry Punch gives dates instead of landing times. She also says the weather is ‘pretty bad’ when giving the weather.
  48. Berry Punch lists her traffic violations, which are all related to cars and not planes. How do you cross a double yellow in the sky anyways?
  49. Berry Punch doesn’t take her hoof off the PA button.
  50. After describing her part violations in great detail, Berry refuses to talk about her more recent violations because it’s “private.”
  51. Minuette walks through the door and opens it after she walks through it (start of the running gag about the door).
  52. Berry Punch casually mentions that they may have hit a bird. Fluttershy is in tears.
  53. Minuette asks Rainbow if she’s joined the mile high club after seeing her leave the bathroom in a distressed state. If you know what the mile high club is, bonus points.
  54. Instead of being a snarky teenager, Sparkler actually speaks like a high English noble.
  55. Trixie’s magic trick involves summoning a line break.
  56. When explaining Trixie’s trick, Sparkler instead explains a completely different magic trick involving cups and balls.
  57. While Octavia finds Vinyl’s words very interesting, we are unable to see Vinyl’s words because there’s nothing there.
  58. When Lyra asks if Rainbow is okay, she says that she’s not okay because she’s Rainbow Dash (her name is not Okay, her name is Rainbow Dash). 
  59. Blossomforth asks if Berry wants her to get the door. Berry says no and then asks her to open it. (Kind of stolen from Airplane!)
  60. Instead of getting the door Blossomforth just yells that it’s unlocked.
  61. Derpy arrives for a mail delivery even though their on a plane.
  62. Cloud Kicker is reading a newspaper before she gets her daily paper from Derpy.
  63. Berry Punch asks if she needs to sign for her package to which Derpy says no. Berry Punch signs anyways, but she signs the package instead of the paper.
  64. Blossomforth shreds her bill immediately. Why does she even have a shredder on a plane anyways?
  65. Berry Punch says “you should have” instead of “you shouldn’t have.”
  66. Berry Punch has a drinking problem in that she literally has a problem trying to drink. (Stolen from Airplane!)
  67. Cloud Kicker has a smoking problem in that she literally starts smoking. 
  68. Berry Punch threatens to turn the plane around. She also activates the PA while trying to drink from her bottle.
  69. Minuette is performing dental surgery while on a plane (stolen from Airplane!). Also a callback to her old name, Colgate the Dentist.
  70. A passenger asks Minuette if everything is okay to which she replies “no, everything is fine.”
  71. Lyra asks Minuette to check on the pilots to which she says “no, I’ll take care of it.”
  72. Minuette phases through the door again.
  73. Lyra asks Rainbow what they were talking about, to which Rainbow replies “Yeah, pretty much.”
  74. Lyra and Rainbow try to phase through the door but fail.
  75. Blossomforth ‘puts out’ Cloud Kicker by beating her with the fire extinguisher.
  76. First instance of the ‘Nuts!’ running gag.
  77. Berry Punch manages to break the autopilot by spilling drink all over it.
  78. Caramel breaks his computer in the same way Berry Punch broke the autopilot.
  79. When Twinkleshine asks which ‘Red’ she should go find, Caramel just replies ‘Yeah!’
  80. Rainbow is said to be ‘biting her lip’ but the ‘her’ is actually Cloud Kicker. Oops. (Start of the pronouns running gag).
  81. The same bit occurs when Minuette rubs ‘her’ foreleg but is actually rubbing Rainbow’s foreleg.
  82. Lightning Dust says “this is a whole different kind of flying, altogether,” and everyone in the cockpit says the line altogether (also stolen from Airplane!)
  83. Lightning Dust only has a flyer’s permit which means another person with a flyer’s license must be in the cockpit. This is a jab at the American driving system, where learners with permits need someone with a license to be in the car with them when driving.
  84. Lightning Dust pulls a Berry Punch and mixes up her phrasing, saying that everything is ‘crystal okay’ and ‘A-clear’ rather than ‘crystal clear’ and ‘A-okay.’
  85. Raindrops ‘passes’ Nurse Redheart the scalpel by stabbing her with it. Ouch.
  86. Raindrops states that the first rule of scalpels is not to talk about scalpels. If you get the reference, you get it. (Also note that Raindrops isn’t even a doctor, so why is she assisting Redheart in an operation?)
  87. When Twinkleshine says that something is up with the plane, Redheart says “I sure hope there is.” Take it as you will.
  88. There is an orchard attached to the operating theater which is also attached to the dispatch center.
  89. Big Mac and Redheart both share the nickname ‘Red,’ which leads to the ‘Red’ running gag.
  90. The Royal Air Commission apparently just picks random ponies to be air traffic control supervisors. Nice.
  91. Redheart has Caramel to fill them in on everything that has happened so far. He then begins to do so, starting with the beginning of the universe.
  92. Lyra finds Doctor Hooves, who is wearing a lab coat and stethoscope, and then says she’s not sure if he’s a doctor (based on Airplane!’s introduction of Dr. Rumack).
  93. Doctor Hooves only says one thing and one thing only: Don’t worry, I’m a doctor.
  94. Minuette asks Lyra to help Dr. Hooves, but Lyra says not to worry because she’ll do it.
  95. Rainbow rubs the back of ‘her’ head only to rub Minuette’s head instead.
  96. Redheart insults Rainbow and Lightning when she thinks the radio is off.
  97. Redheart somehow reaches through the radio to slap Lightning.
  98. Redheart insults them again thinking the radio is off.
  99. Redheart gives the dispatchers a series of increasingly complex orders that make less and less sense. In particular, she has Fiddlesticks play music, Clear Skies to get her food, and Big Mac to kiss her, which he refuses to do.
  100. Lightning Dust comments that Blossomforth’s figures don’t look so good. Instead of graphs, Rainbow finds some poorly done doodles.
  101. Pegasi at the Wonderbolt headquarters are casually running into walls.
  102. Soarin is introduced as a Lieutenant but his rank suddenly changes to Sergeant. This is the start of the ‘Soarin’s rank’ running gag.
  103. Big Mac notes that there’s a lot of listening going on, referring to the frequent use of the word by Redheart and Spitfire.
  104. Spitfire takes off her sunglasses to reveal she’s wearing another pair of sunglasses. Start of the sunglasses running gag.
  105. Berry Punch asks Cloud Kicker a bunch of questions about remembering, including the 21st night of September (from the song September), the Titans (from Remember the Titans) and the Alamo (Remember the Alamo!). She also asks about Flight Camp, which makes no sense since she is an earth pony.
  106. Lyra finds her conversation with Dr. Hooves to be calming, even though all he tells her is not to worry because he’s a doctor.
  107. Lyra bangs her head on her way out.
  108. Redheart is randomly checking out a patient in the middle of the dispatch center. She also tells the doctors to give the patient 50 ccs of morphine, which is way too much. I think. I don’t know, I’m not a doctor.
  109. Caramel puts Spitfire on the ‘line’ (meaning she puts her on the radio) and also literally puts her on a taped line.
  110. One of the plane’s windshield wipers randomly breaks off. 
  111. There’s another beet of silence.
  112. More fourth wall breaks of sarcastic remarks negating some of Spitfire’s claims.
  113. Rainbow makes a remark about Spitfire having a stick up her rear, thinking she won’t hear it, but Lightning repeats the remark into the radio (stolen from Airplane!).
  114. Spitfire takes off one of her many sunglasses.
  115. Redheart says “you don’t have to tell me twice,” which means she agrees, but Soarin’ tells her again anyways. 
  116. Spitfire asks how many souls, or passengers are on board. Caramel gives her the number of soles, or feet/hooves on the plane. 
  117. The running gag of Nameless the Unnameable appears again.
  118. Redheart gives out more instructions, and when the hospital calls in the middle, she gives them the order to give her a raise.
  119. Spitfire takes off her sunglasses again.
  120. Spitfire tells Redheart that it is important to keep calm, then freaks out when reading a report.
  121. Soarin’ points out Spitfire is reading the report upside down.
  122. Soarin’s rank changes again, first to Staff Sergeant, then to Master Chief.
  123. Minuette asks if everything is okay then just leaves when Rainbow tells her everything is not okay.
  124. Lightning Dust acts as a navigator and gives directions as if they were driving a car, and Rainbow maneuvers the plane like a car, doing things like using her blinker and changing lanes. They even somehow miss a turn.
  125. Lightning Dust says ‘two things’ and then lists three things.
  126. Spitfire tells Rainbow and Lightning to look out their left window and they both look out the right window. Spitfire somehow sees this and corrects them.
  127. Spitfire takes off her sunglasses again.
  128. Soarin’s rank again changes to Master Sergeant-At-Arms, which I don’t think is a real rank.
  129. Rainbow storms out and smacks Lyra with the door.
  130. The pronoun game running gag returns as Redheart rubs ‘her’ forehead and actually rubs Spitfire’s forehead.
  131. Soarin’s rank changes again to Colonel.
  132. The ‘Red’ running gag returns.
  133. Big Mac and Redheart casually do the hokey pokey. Or is it the pony pokey?
  134. There’s another beet of silence, this time in the dispatching center.
  135. Big Mac and Maud Pie have a very ‘heated’ conversation then abruptly fall in love. 
  136. Lightning Dust runs down the plane’s control panel, which include things found on a car like the gas pedal and the speedometer as well as the dreaded check engine light.
  137. Lightning Dust tries to turn on the radio and accidently causes the plane to nosedive instead. Real smooth, LD.
  138. Spitfire takes one drink from her bottle and throws the rest away, pulling out a new bottle instead. Redheart does the same. (Inspired by the water cooler scene from Airplane!)
  139. After being asked ‘what’s up’ (what’s going on?) Big Mac replies with ‘Airplane One,’ as in Airplane One is literally up in the sky. 
  140. Fiddlesticks asks for a break, and Redheart tells her to ‘take five’ (slang for taking a break). Fiddlestick complies and takes five (line) breaks.
  141. The news is described as ‘now-o-clock’ instead of a time like the six-o-clock news.
  142. The anchor’s name is ‘Willy not that upset about it,’ a pun for ‘Really not that upset about it.’
  143. The correspondent’s name is ‘Collin the police,’ a pun for ‘Callin’ the police.’
  144. The Braytish correspondent uses the british spellings of the words ‘color’ (‘colour’), ‘gray’ (‘grey’), and ‘armor’ (‘armour’).
  145. The airplane seats have somehow been arranged in a circle reminiscent of an intervention group meeting.
  146. Vinyl says something insightful without words.
  147. The statue strikes again.
  148. Lyra literally goes to check on the engine and make sure its doing okay. The engine is also alive.
  149. Lyra has somehow fit her lyre in her pocket.
  150. The song Lyra sings is a parody of Airplanes, a song by B.O.B. Discord also appears to do the rap part.
  151. The engine then hops out of the cargo hold to reattach itself to the wing.
  152. Ponies are running into walls at the University of Canterlot. 
  153. The phone operator asks Twilight to hold. Twilight agrees and continues to hold the phone, even after Shining Armor asks her to put it down.
  154. Shining Armor breaks the fourth wall to deliver the line “That’s exactly what she’s expecting us to do,” which makes no sense. (Reference to a line from Airplane!)
  155. Spitfire again takes off her sunglasses.
  156. After Spitfire says “Celestia knows what will happen,” Celestia suddenly appears and clarifies that not even she knows what will happen. She is also never addressed by any of the characters in the dispatching center.
  157. Soarin’s rank changes again to private first class.
  158. Spitfire gets awkward around Bon Bon and asks a series of nonsensical questions. (Based on a scene from Airplane!)
  159. ‘Gendermarie’ is a play on the French police force ‘Gendarmerie.’ 
  160. Redheart and Caramel have a talk which features words that sound the same (Read, Red, and Ready). 
  161. Big Mac has a confusing conversation with reporters about the model and callsign of the airplane (again inspired by the Who’s on First bit by Abott and Costello). When he tells the reporters the model is ‘What,’ they think he didn’t understand the question so they repeat it by saying “what’s the model of the airplane.” Big Mac then confirms that What is indeed the model of the airplane, confusing them further. When asking about the callsign, he tells them the callsign is “The Airplane One,” but the reporter thinks he is asking “the airplane one?” leading to him asking again, “What’s the callsign of the airplane.” Big Mac says that ‘What’ is not the callsign of the airplane but the model of the airplane. This goes on for a bit. 
  162. Lightning delivers a non sequitur by contradicting herself when saying “it’s not like I can’t fly this plane by myself but I can’t fly this plane by myself.”
  163. Spitfire breaks the fourth wall again by saying “that’s what they’re expecting us to do” (stolen from Airplane!)
  164. The ground crew casually teleports to the tower despite the fact that none of them are unicorns.
  165. When going over their credentials, instead of explaining his qualifications Big Mac just says “I went fishing once.”
  166. While giving instructions to the various agencies, Redheart mentions that the Royal Investigative Service, the Royal Tax Service, and the Royal Guards are all there. Probably after Blossomforth for not paying her bills.
  167. Lightning Dust randomly tells Rainbow she loves her.
  168. Lyra gets hit by the door again, this time because Minuette literally took the door off the hinges to hit her.
  169. Rainbow hears Spitfire’s warning even though she doesn’t have the headset on.
  170. Lightning Dust mentions the artificial horizon, which is a measure primarily used by helicopter pilots.  
  171. As he reads out the plane’s altitude, Blueblood complains that Rainbow is being an asshole by not keeping at a certain level (stolen from Airplane!). 
  172. Blueblood panics and jumps out the tower window (stolen from Airplane!). 
  173. As everyone dramatically reacts to the plane landing, Big Mac just sneezes. Stoic as always.
  174. The brake breaks (as it does in Airplane!).
  175. Trixie uses line breaks to ‘brake’ the plane.
  176. As the passengers leave, they do so in means that don’t make sense. Dinky and Sparkler fly away despite being unicorns, and Braeburn and Daring teleport even though neither of them are unicorns.

And that's that. I hope you enjoyed the story.

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