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Retro Arena: Doom (PS1) vs Doom 64 (N64) · 7:12pm Dec 2nd, 2019

​A new edition of Retro Arena is up as we have another battle of the Doom games. Unlike the last time where it was between two ports of the same game, we pair the PS1 version of PC Doom to the original Doom 64. During the 90s, this series for several years dominated the genre in many ways. It made an impact in such a way that studios purchased the Doom Engine to develop their own FPSs. That’s how influential this series had become, and even Lucas Arts wanted to make one with a Star Wars theme. It lead to the creation of the Jedi Engine for Dark Forces and the Build Engine for Duke Nukem 3D. Unfortunately, Id eventually lost their power through licensing their engines when Epic Games came out with Unreal.

Even though it has been since February that I posted the last edition, I will try uploading every month. The point of these articles is to give prospective between two similar games. Meaning, what difference could both studios have done to make their version better and what is lacking. It’s the same thing for this edition between a PS1 port and an original N64 title. Id tried to port these PC titles over to the N64 and PlayStation One when the genre was still new. The PS1 might’ve gotten many but how many of those were truly great additions or Game of the Year worthy. With the N64 it often received quality ports like from Quake and original games that took advantage of the tech such as Turok and Perfect Dark. With both coming out early into the consoles’ life cycles, how much of an impact did they make? Which game is the true Slayer of Doom?

Doom (PS1) vs Doom 64 (N64)

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