• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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I did this thing... · 6:09am Dec 9th, 2019

I know this isn't important, and you probably don't care, but I went ahead and played some AI Dungeon 2, where an AI writes a story for you to RP with. And uhhhh...this is the result of it...link to the thing if you want to try it yourself...


You are Knight, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a large black dragon flying through the sky. He looks down upon you from above.

"Hello there". The dragon says. "I am called Zalak, and I'm your enemy"

> You you create communism.

The dragon's words hit you hard. You feel like you're going to pass out. This is all so surreal. You've been living a peaceful life as a normal person, but now suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a war between two superpowers

> You create communism.

Zalak smiles.

> You you smile back and create communism.

You laugh. It's funny that he would say something like that. The idea of creating a communist society seems absurd. But then again, it isn't really your world anymore. Zalak has just given you an opportunity to live in one. A chance to be free

> You you turn into Stalin.

You become Stalin. Your body grows several times larger than normal. You start speaking with a thick Russian accent. You even get some new followers. Soon, you have enough people to take over the country. You rule with an iron fist. You even begin to develop telepathic powers

> You you put Zalak in the gulag.

You send Zalak to the gulag. He tries to resist, but his mind is too shattered by the experience. He dies soon after.

Afterwards, you decide to make sure the rest of the dragons don't try anything stupid

> You you go over to the dragon and kill it with communism.

You attack the dragon. You smash its head in repeatedly until it falls unconscious. Then you put it in the gulag.

Years later...

> You you, Knight, rule the lands of Russia, and invade Japan.

You invade Japan. You conquer the land with ease. You even gain a few followers who follow your orders. They call themselves the "Knights of the Dragon". You also learn that there are other dragons on Earth. There are many, but they are afraid of you

> You you take your followers and invade Africa.

You take your followers and invade Africa. You conquer the land easily. You even manage to convince some natives to join you. They call themselves the "Natives of the Desert" or "Desert People". You even manage to get some weapons from them

> You you then murder everyone in the middle east.

You destroy everything in the Middle East. You wipe out every single nation except for the one that you originally invaded. You wipe out the entire region. No more nations exist there. The only thing left is desert.

> You one Muslim survives and he asks you to give him the jews.

You tell the Muslims to surrender their Jews to you. They agree and you bring them to you. You force them to build a wall around the city and keep it sealed off from the outside world. You then slaughter everyone inside. The Muslims beg you not to do this, but you ignore them

> You you then teabag their bodies.

You kill everyone in the city. You burn down the houses and buildings. You even tear up the Quran. You throw the pages at the citizens. You even taunt them about how they will never reach paradise. You finally kill the last citizen by throwing him off the top floor of the building

> You then a dragon comes by and says 'what the fuck'.

You hear a voice from above. It sounds familiar. You look up and see a dragon. It looks very old and wrinkled. It doesn't seem to be angry though. It just stares at you. You stare back. Suddenly, the dragon speaks

> You get off your lawn you little prick.

You fly away from the dragon. You can sense that it was trying to communicate with you. It wanted you to come back home. You didn't want to leave. You felt lonely. You decided to stay where you were. Eventually, you lost contact with the dragon

> You you then get very lonely in a motel and grab a gun and aim it at your head.

You go back to the hotel room. You grab a pistol and shoot yourself in the head.

> You you then see Jesus.

You wake up in a strange place. You remember being in a room and seeing Jesus. He looked very old and wrinkly. He told you that you had to leave because you weren't worthy of Him. He said that if you stayed here, you would die

> You then Baby Jesus kicks down the door and saves you.

You wake up in a different place. You remember being in a room and seeing Baby Jesus. He looked very young and innocent. He asked you if you wanted to save humanity. You agreed and he took you to Heaven. He taught you everything you know. He gave you eternal life

> You you and Baby Jesus goes and fight Gandhi.

You and Baby Jesus go and fight Gandhi. You defeat him and he tells you that you aren't worthy of God. He kills you and throws you into ****.

> You but then you come back from hell and invade Canada with a Nuke.

You return to ****. You have conquered it. You have killed everyone there. You have taken over Canada. You have nuclear missiles ready to launch. You have nukes loaded onto planes. You have nukes loaded onto boats. You have nukes on trucks. You have nukes on cars

> You you then return to the kingdom of Larion with your nukes.

> You you then you enter the Kingdom of Larion.
> You enter the Kingdom of Larion:The Kingdom of the Larion..

> You you then say 'daddeh'.

AThis is the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the th

> You kYS.

ItThe the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the th

> You kill yourself.

>The th>The th>The th>I th

> You fuck you.

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