• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago

The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

More Blog Posts280

  • 1 week
    The Paul Rudd Solstice!

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky, the home of the Big Stick, likes to welcome you to come on over for the Summer Months! It's the Big Sticky's annual Summer Solstice STICK EVENT! Every year, we dance around the trade marked Big Stick and chant a pray that was found in some cave five thousand years ago and speak it backwards! AND IN SPIRIT, THE BIG STICK WILL

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  • 5 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are back open for the month of May! YEE HAW! Bring your family and dogs all down to The Big Sticky and get a free complementary breadstick basket! And don't worry, it was only made of Gluten. And no, we don't provide Gluten Free, get out. And if you're the one of ten thousands sending us emails demanding Gluten Free, we have the

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  • 10 weeks
    Paul Rudd Showers Bring Paul Rudd Flowers

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are closed. That's right there y'all, we're closed for the season. Don't come here! WE'RE NOT HERE! We've got plenty of illegals though cleaning inside. ITS THE MONTHLY BIG STICKY SPRING CLEANING! So if you come on down here.... just don't. No.....
    or else....

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  • 14 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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  • 18 weeks
    You Take My Paul Rudd Away Baby

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a hootin' and tooin' Valentine's Day! Now it seems like we're late to the hoedown, but over here at the Big Sticky House, WE CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S ALL MONTH LONG! We have fun for everyone for all ages! For the kids, we have Make your own Heart activity, where the younglings take out a human beating out

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Epstein Didn't Kill Himself... · 5:27am Dec 11th, 2019

It is I, Baby Jesus, for I have returned for my month of birth! Bow before me puny mortals, or you shall be sent to the Lake of Fire! Yes, it is I, the REAL Baby Jesus and...oh what the hell, you've already seen my disguise. Really, my true identity is...GORBI! YOU FUCKING HUMAN BEING MAY HAVE SEEN THROUGH MY DISGUISE, BUT I SHALL COME BACK WITH MY ALIEN ARMY AND DESTROY ALL OF YOU! I SHALL DESTROY ALL OF YOU BY MAKING A VERY BIG AND INCONVENIENT HOLE IN THE EARTH! THAT'LL SHOW YOU HUMANS! AND DON'T THINK BABY JESUS IS GOING TO COME AND SAVE THE DAY...I'M NOT JEWISH! and while I'm going...can you please not touch the orb...please don't touch. it. That's all I'm asking of you guys. I know I'm going to come back and destroy the Earth, but could you please don't touch the orb. My dad is going to kill me if he finds out that I let someone but him touch the orb. So...be a pal and..don't touch it...if you touch it then you're a big gay...so uhhh..yeah...I'll be back...

Hello it is me and it's that time of month again, time for another update...and this time, I've got GREAT NEWS FOR YOU ALL!!! After several long months since March, I can finally say...I did it. i redid the whole plans blog, it's all looking nice and stuff. I mean, remember, the old plans blog thingy was just one big long blog with no real organization, but now...it's all organized. And while I may have lost some followers and gotten some more dislikes (Which by the way, CHEERS for the 94th dislike for Universal Magic. EVERYPONY TAKE A DRINK TO THAT!!!) it was all worth it and hopefully it pays off in the end. Probably not, but it helps me and I'm sure it helps you in some capacity.

So everything is done, I did the little clean up thing...so here's a list of everything that was updated and changes that I made during the Clean Up period, in case you want to go and check out the changes yourself. Spoilers, I added some plot details to episodes that I haven't quite figured out at the time of writing it before... :

What was updated…

- Added shorts
- Added details to the Hangover Saga IV – VI Episodes: 318, 332, 492
- Added details to the 2 and 3 of the Pegasi Trilogy Episodes: 232,504
- Added details to the 2 and 3 of the Earth Pony Trilogy Episodes: 237, 543
- Changed details for Desert Episode 565
- Updated the Graveyard and added some corpses
- Added details to the Three Siblings episode 592
- Added My Little Pony: Universal Magic: Presents: Retro Pop City to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added My Little Pony: Universal Magic: Presents: The Adventures of Mercenaries of Future City to Alternate Universal Magic
- Reformatted the structure of Alternate Universal Magic a bit
- Added Console Wars to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added The Surreal Episodes to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Resurrecting the Dead Episodes from The Graveyard to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added 28th Century to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added POV other character episodes to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Hearts and Orgy Day Alternate to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Ryder Book Series to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Pony losing his job to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Scootaloo the Orphan to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Ultimate Battles to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added The Lost Episodes Saga/Chronicles to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added The Lost Episodes Saga/Chronicles: Episode 130 Details to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added G5 Universal Magic to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Multiple Holiday specials to Alternate Universal Magic


- Added Universal Magic Forever in Alternate Universal Magic
- Added The Elements of Secondary to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added Universal Magic: Kidz Bop Edition
- Added multiple new shorts to the Shorts
- Added shorts to The Ghost Shorts, relating to The Ghost Trilogy
- Added the PSA shorts to Shorts
- Added court Cases of Stalia to shorts
- Added Short Ultimate Battles to Shorts


- Added more shorts, mostly weird universe crossover sort of…weird, but it’s there…
- Added Splinter Cell to Parodies to Alternate Universal Magic
- Added 44 additional graves to The Graveyard, bringing the total to 77…that’s a lot of dead bodies…
- Added Universal War 3 to Specials
- Added The Bathroom to Shorts
- Added The 50th Stone to Alternate
- Added The Stones to Alternate
- Added Universal Life to Specials Alternate
- Added some more graves to the graveyard, total now 81 graves…
- Updated Universal magic Forever, added the matrix thingy…
- Added A TLF episode, Episode 478, replaced the Walter Mitty episode
- Added The 2000’s Episode, Episode 476, replaced the episode, Nostalgia, now just called The 2000’s Nostalgia
- Added silly TK/serious Knight episode, Episode 435, replaced the old Project Fall episode, but still called Project Fall
- Slightly Updated Episode 438 Project Portal
- Updated Episode 257, Douchebag Duel
- Update The Unfit Sitter, Episode 30
- Updated Greens is for a Dick, Episode 33
- Updated Episode 262, The third Discord Episode in the discord trilogy
- Updated Episode 409, the grandparents episode
- Updated Episode 183, The Lone Wolf, added an old detail idea?...
- Added Random part of the Plans Blog…finally…
- Updated Sunshine and Fart Ending, added a little detail, Episode 750
- Updated Random Ending, gave plot details, Episode 749
- Slightly Updated Episode 464, The Endless Train
- Slightly updated Episode 369, added an incest lore thingy…
- Updated the Third SJW man episode, Episode 245, added villain…
- Slightly Update Sister Trouble, Episode 234
- Updated Episode 231, The Festival, added villain
- Slightly Updated Three’s a Company, Episode 623
- Updated Episode 616, The Ryder episode with a title that has nothing to do with Ryder…and the title that has nothing to do with the main story…whatever…
- Updated Mercenaries of Future City, Episode 303, added plot detail
- Updated Mercenaries of Future City 2, Episode 389, added plot detail
- Updated Mercenaries of Future City 3, Episode 488, added plot detail
- Updated Mercenaries of Future City 4, Episode 511, added plot detail
- Updated Mercenaries of Future City 5, Episode 548, added plot detail???
- Slightly Updated Episode 308, the 69 episode with the evil sex goddess…
- Added more graves to the Graveyard, total now 85 Graves…
- Slightly Updated Episode 345, the third gangster squad episode
- Slightly Updated Episode 361, the 3rd unicorn episode
- Slightly Updated Episode 331, Ideas
- Updated Episodes 314, 315, and 599, the big mac trilogy, giving plot details
- Updated Episode 334, The Tom Cruise/ Scientology one…
- Updated Episode 593, The second Crystal universe episode, with the Elements of Secondary…
- Slightly Updated Episode 342, The first crystal universe episode…
- Updated Episode 447, the second winter forest episode, plot details were added…
- Updated the graveyard again, now with a total of 86 graves…
- Slightly updated Episode 343, trolling 343…
- Updated Episode 694, the golden statue was changed to the ghost of pivot pony 08
- Updated Episode 707, was originally the VR Matrix, but was changed to the “Ghost” of the Moon King
- Updated Episode 347, added plot details, The Other Side trilogy (yes I finally figured things out)…
- Updated Episode 568, Final Episode in the Other Trilogy with plot details…
- Updated/Changed Episode 438, added the plot for Project Night Sky to the plot of Project Portal to spice things up and to make room…
- Updated Episode 428, changed it to Other Side Trilogy II and added plot details…
- Updated the Graveyard yet again, now with a total of 89 graves, 11 more to go before 100…
- Slightly Updated Episode 132, A Hearth Warming Apocalypse…
- Slightly Updated Episode 239, Neon Hell
- Slightly Updated Specials section, Christmas part, added wish list…
- Slightly updated Random, added asylum thingy…
- Slightly updated Episode 433, Pivot Pony 08 returns
- Slightly updated Episode 669, the final episode in the 69 episodes…
- Slightly updated Episode 340, the Ching Chong Bing Bong connection
- Slightly updated Episode 65, Ghost
- Updated the Idea Jar for the Remastered Edits
- Updated Season 1 in ACT I, added the Episode 5 remake details, forgot to put it in the first time…
- Updated ACTS I – V + Equestria Boys for smooth transition and easier user operation

So with that being said...the whole thing is finished...so what's next? Well...like I said what I was going to do...write that short that I promised. Although what about the encyclopedia thing though? Well...I was going to do it, but maybe a little bit later I'll do it. Like...for now let's just take a break because that will require me to write more, organize a lot more...just...take a break from it for now...

So...my next step is that short that I promised y'all. Now remember, shorts are supposed to somewhere between 3,000- 5,000 words long, at least that's the target goal to keep it in check, but you never know. So generally the idea is that I could probably write a short in a day, but I don't want to rush it, as that is always my fear when it comes to writing believe it or not. So I'm going to still take my time with it. Expect it within one to two weeks from now, assumingly...maybe it'll be released on Christmas as a little Christmas present for you all. I mean I did do one other thing this year and write that Christmas Special for UM...so uhhh...it's the Christmas season so maybe check it out if you haven't.... I'll just leave this link here for you...

Universal Magic Christmas Special...

I have no shame...

So yeah...and also expect it you be up on Mane, so there you go...and then afterwards I'l get back to the Episode 23-3 Prologue..it's been a while...it might take a while to get back into the groove of writing...but I shall persever...haven't givien up in the past 7 years of Universal magic now have I? Also...yup..that's right...you read that right...Universal Magic is almost...ALMOST 7 years old...my little bbay is growing up...*Cries a little* sunrise...sunset....sunrise...sunset...

Also if you haven't noticed I slightly updated my home page...if you want to check it out...

So yeah, that was update for the month...so uhhh....


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