• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
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Sibling writer and platonic love connoisseur. Cuddlefic Specialist. Analysis and fanfiction in dangerously wholesome G dosages. Support me on Kofi!

More Blog Posts98

  • 29 weeks
    AO3 Account + Helluva Boss Story

    Hey all, just a bit of an update blog.

    I've finally polished up my AO3 account after releasing my latest story there, my first one for Helluva Boss and my second non-pony story in literally years. I am very proud of it, so I encourage you to check it out. I blew through this story in a week, something I've not experienced for over a year.

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    1 comments · 239 views
  • 50 weeks
    Any Other Writers Going to CiderFest?

    I'm planning on attending my first CiderFest this year, and I'm applying for a panel, there. I have a lot to say about platonic affection's importance in humans and its wide prevalence in the fanfiction of our fandom, being sort of a specialist in it. Ideally though I'd like to have one or two other co-panelists to help guide and create discussion both among the panelists and with the audience.

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  • 53 weeks
    Worldbuilding Workout Issue 6 + I Met Carapace

    Artwork by Sinrin F

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    12 comments · 487 views
  • 61 weeks
    Guardian Angels Sometimes Have Shells

    Did you count the moons again like I told you to?
    You can use them to see how much longer it'll be before I come back again.

    Talents by my long-time collaborative friend, CitreneSkys.

    5 comments · 441 views
  • 62 weeks
    In Honor of My Friend

    Artwork by AAnotherpony

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    10 comments · 881 views

KoLB IMPORTANT UPDATE! Please Read! · 7:18pm Dec 12th, 2019

The familiar pitch of children's voices played in her ears, and far lovelier pictures now filled the alicorn's head.

"Thorax," she breathed. "Are those-"

"Hang on," Thorax giggled. "We're almost there."

As Thorax exited her path, the familiar warmth of the sun hugged Twilight's face and body, and she emerged from the passage with a cautious squint. When tiny, vibrant shells passed by, she gulped air, and her eyes widened despite the onset of painful tears.

A large chamber fitted with rows of carved windows filled her view, decorated with stone pillars that ran from floor to ceiling. In every corner and from every angle buzzed tiny changelings, with the occasional adult mixed among them. While some were tiny enough to mirror newborn foals, others perfectly resembled their elder counterparts, just micro in size. Radiant beams of light from the windows bathed them for the briefest of moments, rendering them iridescent, and drawing inspiration for flight paths that frequented such spots. The bugs raced around the open space, chasing, leaping on and playing with each other in an endless cycle of glee.

Twilight watched an adult pin a nymph roughly the size of Apple Bloom to the floor, not far from where she stood. With a devious grin they elicited frantic chirps by blowing into the nymph's chitinous underbelly.

Twilight's legs became jelly. Well, that was that. Starlight would have to make for an acceptable princess in her stead, because she was never going home.

~ 'Mornings are Never Easy, Twilight Sparkle', The King of Love Bugs

Made it this far, I hope? :trollestia:

As of December 29th, The King of Love Bugs will be three years old. Though a little over 80k in progress so far may be a drip in the pond for some of the more bonkers prolific writers around here, it's my longest story ever written, and something I'm proud of for such, being something of a short story oriented writer, myself. :twilightsmile:

And so in light of this event, I have a few announcements regarding the fic. :pinkiehappy:

  1. By the anniversary date, I have made a commitment to go through every chapter of KoLB and do some mass editing, in order for all chapters to match my current writing skill, or close enough to it. :raritywink: I've already gone through chapters 1-7, with 1-5 being those which required the most editing of them all. Lots of telling replaced with showing, lots of improved vocabulary and more detailed descriptions have been added. I've also added scenes to a few chapters, like the one above. If you feel so inclined, give the first few chapters a re-read and let me know what you think! :raritystarry:
  2. The next chapter of the story will follow up in January of 2020, and I will be making more regular efforts to continue with and ultimately finish the story, from there.
  3. The reason I'm doing all of this is, is not only because I consider this story to be a cornerstone representation of my contribution and love for this show and fandom, but because I would, at some point in the future, love to compile KoLB and the several other short stories in the Love Bug Continuity into published, hard print book form. I've seen a few other authors here do the same to noticeable success, and I figure that even if I don't end up selling it at any cons, etc, I personally would love to have one, as my own sort of tome souvenir from the past decade of the show, and the impact it had on my life.

But more on that at a later date. :twilightsheepish:
For now, please give KoLB another look, sometime soon! :scootangel:
The fluff levels are escalating at unprecedented speeds!

Comments ( 4 )

Congratulations! My responses to announcements in order:

1. When you went back and added stuff, did you include your interpretation as to where Pharynx was in the beginning parts? I know he wasn't written in before because he didn't even exist when you started, but after that episode, he practically became the second protagonist after Thorax. I remember it being a tad jarring when I started reading a story about Thorax and then it was Thorax and Pharynx all of a sudden.

2. Can't wait, like always! I wonder how an open story like his would end. Can you give a hint?

3. If you need a proofreader when the time comes for a physical print, I'd be more than happy to volunteer, especially for a story that I love. I have plenty of experience with editing MLP fanfic prints.

1: I didn't, and I don't think I will, no. :twilightsheepish: I've added a few scenes to better flesh out chapters, but introducing Pharynx earlier on would require a lot of moving things around, because there is actually some sense of canonical progression to the story.

Pharynx's introduction, 'No Place Like Home - Part 1', takes place rather immediately after Pharynx's show debut. Everything prior to that chapter is pre-reformation Pharynx, the black sheep of the hive who nobody socialized with, and who wanted nothing to do with Thorax's saccharine methods of ruling. That explains why he was never seemingly around. That said, he does appear in one or two side stories to the KoLB greater universe, Rain Curfews to name a big one.

It's not perfect, but I think it helps explain Pharynx's absence. :pinkiehappy: As does his crowning and improved relationship with Thorax explain his ascension to secondary protagonist.

2: The last major story arc will be a major Canterlot event, as what Twilight hinted to in her recent letter. :raritywink: Of course, there's likely to be a bit more content until then. I picture the story ending between 28-30 chapters.

3: That'd be lovely, to be honest. :heart: Been here almost the entire length of the show, and I've never once had an editor for anything but myself. :twilightoops: I always figured if I was going to get an editor, I wanted it to be someone who had a personal investment in my work, who I could work with to then make it better for the both of us. :twilightblush: I never wanted to just ask a random editor to look over my stuff.

If you have a Discord, PM me it! :scootangel:

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