• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2023


thehalfelf, otherwise known as The Black Wizard, is a strange, humanized cactus whose only intention is to 1) play all of the video games and B) ship all the ponies

More Blog Posts265

  • 156 weeks
    Elfy Update, 6/29

    As of this morning I am officially on the wrong side of twenty. I'd say it feels weird, but I don't really feel any different. Age is a weird thing, isn't it?

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    1 comments · 284 views
  • 161 weeks
    To Dream is Divine Update, 5/27

    New Words: 2,338 (31,564 total)
    Chapters Worked On: 12, 13
    Chapter Finished: 12

    I know it isn't my normal update day, but I realized I hadn't said anything in awhile. I'm also sure you guys are about as sick of hearing my excuses for slow writing as I am of writing them, but here we are. Last time was RE8, this time it's a combination of Mass Effect and DnD.

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    0 comments · 216 views
  • 163 weeks
    To Dream is Divine Update, 5/11

    New Words: 1,177 (29,226 total)
    Chapter Worked On: 4, 8, 10, 12

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    2 comments · 184 views
  • 164 weeks
    To Dream is Divine Update, 5/4

    New Words: 1,910 (28,049 total)*
    Chapter Worked On: 11, 12
    Chapter Finished: 11

    Man, I've gotten really bad at keeping you guys updated, and getting a chapter done a week. It's gotten to difficult to focus with all my other projects floating around.

    In my defense, neither quick nor Qrow have been editing, so I'm not the only slacker here. Not that it makes this better...

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    0 comments · 171 views
  • 167 weeks
    To Dream is Divine Update, 4/13

    New Words: 1,655 (26,139 total)*
    Chapter Worked On: 10, 11
    Chapter Finished: 10

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    0 comments · 169 views

2019 Update, and Promise of More to Come · 9:12pm Dec 17th, 2019

I've had this blog post window open on my computer for the last two days. I honestly am unsure how to start this post. So, I guess I'll start with a standard happy holidays

So, happy holidays!

I know I've been quiet the last year, since my little sequel to Death last Halloween. (which didn't do great, but hey, what can you really expect?) Since then, it's been a rough year. My relationship of four years collapsed, I've been working a soul sucking, pointless job, I've had a couple deaths in the family and a few scares besides. Several of my remaining grandparents are very sick. Through all of it I've been kicking around a project I mentioned first here several years ago, but more on that in a moment.

We were unsure if the project would ever get off the ground, to be honest. It's long, and I was busy and more than a little upset. But, thanks to my friend and editor quick, I'll have some more time to focus on writing and other things I'd like to do. Thanks to that, my current project is sitting at a nice cozy 21,000 words, and growing every day.

The project is called Filly Friends, a slow burn Octavia x Vinyl fic that I first mentioned years ago. It's to the point where I'm looking into starting to post the story, once I get a good description put down and cover art. I'm thinking of releasing a chapter a week to start, maybe a little quicker if I get a big enough buffer done. The real question is going to be interest.

To be honest, I haven't watched an episode since season 4. I know the show is over now, but it doesn't seem like overall interest is waning at all. I've got a few more projects planned, now that i actually have time to work on them, but I don't really want to write into a void, y'know?

So I guess what I'm asking is, if you read this and are interested, just drop me a line and let me know. I'm also planning on penning that sequel to Death, and In Search of Knowledge, along with maybe a new project from the past.

Also, if any of you play Final Fantasy XIV on Diablos, or want to come visit, look up Azami Tatewaki and we can play together. I've also got a FC that's pretty small but is looking to expand, we'd love to have you!

Anyway, I suppose that's all for now. Since I'll be around, I'll be able to be more vocal too. I've missed writing, really writing, so I'm looking forward to getting back to it. Until next time.

Report thehalfelf · 121 views · #update #new story
Comments ( 3 )

I’m definitely interested in still reading any stories by you, especially if they’re getting longer (21,000 words!) or are continuing that awesome Sombra-Cady storyline you have, as I still remember that one fondly. C:

I can't say that one is on the list currently, but we'll see.

That's still good to hear! I'm happy for updates in general. It's good to know there's still other writers kicking around.

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