More Blog Posts2474

  • Thursday
    Did anyone actually ask for this?

    So apparently Playtonic is remastering Yooka-Laylee.

    Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?

    A few things, Playtonic:

    1. This game is only seven years old.

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    11 comments · 177 views
  • Wednesday

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

    1 comments · 80 views
  • Wednesday
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    7 comments · 113 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 154 views
  • 1 week
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

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    0 comments · 80 views

I'm Not One To Attack My Readers · 10:55pm Dec 19th, 2019

Well, that last blog post certainly blew up. Let's see here...

Warning: Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Spoilers Below This Point!

Alright so look, you are allowed to like what you like, and that also goes for yours truly, as well.

I enjoyed The Last Jedi when I went to go see it in theaters with Brady. It wasn't until the following days where it began to all unravel in hindsight. To date, it remains the only Star Wars film that I saw once in theaters and never saw again. Since then, Solo and Rise of Skywalker are films I have not seen at all.

Digimon, Animaniacs, Pony, Halo... All of these franchises I have been a fan of in my life pale in comparison to that galaxy far far away.

After Last Jedi, when I learned that Disney was taking it one movie at a time, not even writing an overarching plan for the entire trilogy, letting each director keep as much creative control as possible, it was at that point I knew the whole thing was doomed to fail.

And it wasn't just the lack of a cohesive narrative. No. The way critical fans were treated and attacked pissed me the fuck off. Man babies. Sexists. Racists. Russian bots. We were called everything under the sun.

Ever since Last Jedi and the Ghostbusters remake, "toxic fandom" has become a catch-all excuse when people dare to criticize a work of art, and that is fucking pathetic.

I stayed off the internet for 3 weeks when Halo 3 leaked. I watched the MLP finale a month early because I really didn't want to be spoiled.

This is probably the very first time I have willingly and eagerly dived into as many spoilers and leaks as I could, just because I wanted to see how disastrous it was. And what I discovered was this. Again, SPOILERS:

Apparently lightsaber duels can happen mentally across long distances now.
Palpatine's survival is never explained. He dies to his own reflected lightning. Guess he didn't learn when he was half melted when Mace did it to him.
The entire Skywalker bloodline is wiped out.
Luke's and Leia's lightsabers are buried on Tatooine. Not Anakin, nor Luke, nor Leia have fond memories of that shithole. It's like if Harry Potter was vaporized, and his wand was buried underneath the floor under the stairs in his aunt and uncle's house.

If you liked Last Jedi, fine. If you enjoy this film, fine. Your enjoyment of it is not up for debate, nor is my hatred of it.

It does not change my belief, which is set in stone, that this entire trilogy was doomed from the start from a lack of planning, and is offensively bad storytelling.

If that makes me a dick, fine. I have loved Star Wars longer and stronger than any other franchise. I'm passionate about it.

I joined the Saltier Than Crait reddit community the weekend after I saw Last Jedi. I saw it cross the 4,000 member mark.

This week, it crossed 22,000 members. Today, it crossed 25,000 members. I eagerly await how far it goes up this weekend.

In the meantime, it has been pointed out that I have never read the Thrawn trilogy of novels, and that I have done myself an extreme disservice by missing out. Just bought all three on Kindle, and will start reading them over the holidays.

Chances are, I will treat it as the real post-Episode VI trilogy.

Because the point I'm at now, is fuck canon. In the end, there's what matters to you, and what doesn't.

Disney's trilogy doesn't matter to me anymore. In my head, it never happened.

Rant over. Enjoy your evening.

Last-minute edit:
I have a movie theater just down the street.

All nine showtimes for RoS have tickets available. Not a single one is sold out.

That wasn't the case for Episode III. That wasn't the case for Avengers: Endgame.

Just sayin'.

Comments ( 27 )

I 100 percent agree.


Read the book timeline, it is much better.

Gotta agree, I know Tatooine has significance, but yeah....
Also the trilogy format is dead now. At least we got Mandalorian, and the Obi-Wan movie. Also Fallen Order was great

Also, the movie all but confirms Ahsoka is dead, what with her voice being heard alongside the other dead Jedi

I put Fallen Order at the feet of Respawn, and yes, it was amazing.

Though i will admit, the duel in TLJ between Kylo and projected Luke was fairly cool

........ okay then.

*Fucks off*

I do not believe you to be a racist or sexist Miles. Even if yes, I do think those elements exist in the Star Wars fandom; by virtue of what I’ve seen, and by virtue of it being a part of human culture.

But by virtue of clearing those extremely low bars, you don’t get to put “toxic fandom” in quotes like you don’t have to acknowledge what’s behind it. I don’t feel like you’ve ever attacked ME with what you’ve said about any Star Wars movie. But you’ve repeatedly gone over the line with personal attacks on people who actually MAKE these films. You’ve said things that wouldn’t be appropriate in response to an episode of My Little Pony. Stuff that wouldn’t be cool to leave in the comments of someone’s newly published chapter on this site.

There’s about three points I’m seeing to this blog. One is “this movie and this project sucked.“ That’s fine, I wouldn’t want to change your opinion, even if I had actually seen the new movie to develop my own. The second is “people are finally getting on my level.” But at the end is you justifying every time you’ve gone overboard the last few years. Insulting people isn’t okay, regardless of whether that’s based on a fringe opinion, or you’re part of a crowd that agrees with you.

Some have suggested Palpy could have returned via using what he learned from Plagius

Like something or don't, but the moment you get so angry that you have to yell at the internet about it I just have to shake my head. I will watch the movie one way or another and I will either enjoy it or not I might even discuss it a bit but I will never allow a piece of entertainment make me angry over it.

Sorry if you thought this was attacking you, or others. If you want to unfollow me over that, so be it.

I wrote this in response to the 35 alerts I walked in the door to.

This was hardly the first. Won't be the last.

Debating and yelling is fun and cathartic.

There is...... a limit usually..... of what I can feel like I'm able to tolerate..... I've seen you do posts like this one and the last...... you've been angry before or upset. I've sometimes blown by them because either I can see your points or I'm not a fan, in the sense of I don't know what it is, of the particular thing you're fuming about...... but really it's been getting more and more frustrating as these went on.... and then THESE two pop up and just....... I can't. I really can't dude.

Star Wars has a written universe that is much better.

Yeah I just bought three e-books from the early 90's that I've heard nothing but good things about.

There are a lot of books.


I think I'm finally going to get into a lot of them.

The first one I ever read was Shadows of the Empire.

Then much later, I read the Old Republic trilogy, Annihilation, Deceived, and Revan. Got me hyped as fuck for the game.

This is what happens when those who have never seen the original trilogy, who aren't even fans of Star Wars in the first place, are put in charge of a Star Wars project.

Ahsoka has a great novel

I've been meh about Disney Wars since before Force Awakens after they announced they were tossing out the original EU. Honestly the only new stuff I've been able to really accept has been Rebels(minus that damn space whale ending), and Mandalorian. Mostly because aside from the cameos in Rebels, both rely on original characters, and (as of Mando ep 4 anyway) both could have fit in the old EU if you squinted a little(again, minus the space whale ending and a couple other things in Rebels).

When I was younger I was a MASSIVE EU fan. At this point I think the only original EU books I never read were the Han Solo corporate sector stories and a couple of the kids book series that came out during the prequels. But since Disney took over, I've read a grand total of 1 new EU book, and that was the Rebels prequel. I've never forgiven them for canning the EU, and it infuriates me when I hear their writers complain about not having had a lot to work with when I could practucally write a book pointing out all the chacters, concepts, and story ideas they cherry picked from the EU for their own stuff.

Wait, when Luke grew up on that farm, his Aunt and Uncle never abused him like the Dursleys did to Harry. Unless you're pulling from some EU source I don't know of, but that would be a shock to me. Yeah it was in the middle of nowhere, but a shithole? Also, they can't bury Leia on Alderaan because... Alderaan. I like the idea of those two resting near Owen, Beru and Shimi. Even though I grew up with the prequels, and had to acknowledge that they were pretty trash, I think the scenes of Shimi's burial, and of Obi-Wan delivering Luke to the Larses, are actually pretty beautiful. For a movie that I thought had too much footing in the past, I actually thought that was a wonderful scene.

Accept the Space Whales my Young Padawan.
Only then may you be free to lovee Star Wars Rebels as it deserves.

I can love the rest of the series and still hate the space whales. At least when they used the Bendu as a deus ex machina in the previous season it was better telegraphed.

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