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Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln

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RAD: Families Part Five - Dash's Parents! · 4:46am Dec 28th, 2019

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

Best Human, too! Shuck it, Shunset. Shuck it long, and shuck it hard...

"Whoooooo! You go, Jake The Army Guy! Number One blog writer! No ones writes blogs like you! You dump those pics!!!"

Rainbow Dash's parents are the ones we had to wait for the longest. Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles didn't appear until the Season Seven episode, Parental Glidance. Before that, the only hint we ever got about Dashie's family was the stallion from the Season Three episode Games Ponies Play:

We got nothing else from then on, and honestly... it kinda fit my head canon. I had always liked the idea that Dash was raised by a single dad. To get old-school and obscure, I likened it to Ellie May Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies, where her mother died when she was very young, and her dad didn't know how to raise a girl. So, he just did the same things his parents did with him, sort of raising Dashie "as a boy." This would explain why she's such a tomboy. However, we finally did get a full, long, hard look at her parents. They—like both Rarity and Fluttershy's folks—only appeared in one episode, but the entire episode was about them, so we got a really good idea as to who they are. And I gotta say...

I absolutely adore them.

For realsies. Some people have said they were grating, but I giggled furiously every time they went way over the top to cheer on their daughter. The idea that they were so supportive of their daughter that it was super embarrassing is a great take on parenting, the whole "too much of a good thing." And the whole thing was wrapped in a way that it paralleled Scootaloo and her parent situation at the time. It smartly foreshadowed her own parents being super loving, yet away for long periods of time. As an aside, I truly love how they handled Scoots' family. Her living with her aunts and her parents being away while still loving her dearly is one of the most powerful familial messages the show ever showcased, save for maybe Quibble Pants' situation with trying to connect with his step-daughter.

Of course, this leaves the slight detail of, "Who was that stallion with Dashie in Games Ponies Play?" It quite obviously isn't Bow Hothoof. The plain IRL reason is that they hadn't planned an episode yet with Dash's parents, so the designs differed. A more "in canon" reason that I like is equally as simple: he was Dashie's uncle, Bow's brother. I always liked the name "Bifrost" for him. Just seems cheesy, silly, and on-the-nose enough for a pony name to me.

There's been some high-quality art of Dash's parents. There's 811 pics of Bow on Derpi, and 1,661 of Windy, but again, 726 of those are porn. Again, this fandom sure does love its MILFs...

So, let's get to it! Here's a decent sized dump of Dash's family, to include Scootaloo, because friends are just family you pick!

As the Navy says, never give up the ship...

Comments ( 12 )

If Bow's mane color is rainbow then his five o clock shadow should also be rainbow-colored.

Couldn't stand the episode with Rainbow's parents because Scootaloo's squeeling is the most godawful, demonic noise in the show.

Glad to see some nice pics of Rainbow's family. I especially like the one with Ms. Shy and Windy Whistles.

As the Navy says, never give up the ship...

I second that. I personally ship Applejack and Troubleshoes. :twilightsmile:

Interestingly enough, I was writing a fanfiction where the pony you refer to as Bifrost figures sightly. I too interpreted him as Rainbow's uncle, her father's younger brother. He was kind of the older brother Rainbow never had, a relationship sort of paralleling her relationship with Scootaloo. I however called him Rainbow Blaze because that's what he's called in the Enterplay cards.

I'm really curious now what you'll be doing for Pinky's blog. That family is definitely the most unique out of all these. Even more so when compared to their daughter. Another blog could be written about her sisters. They're just the biggest household, if we don't rope in extended family like in-laws, nieces, or grandparents.

Oh good, I'm not the only person who calls him Bifröst. I do wish they'd acknowledged him in some way in "Parental Glideance."

And yeah, these two are a lot of fun and explain so much about Dash. Though one line always stuck with me:

Greetings, small ponies.

Okay, two. Two lines stuck with me.

You had a goal... and you achieved it! (gross blubbering)

Now this could just be Bow being Bow... but what about his own aspirations? Did he once stumble where his daughter soared, thus motivating him to put his all into cheering on the next generation?

Or he's just a mega-fanboy and I'm reading too much into one line. Also possible. :derpytongue2:


I have my fire alarm set to this.

Author Interviewer

I absolutely adore them.

Oh my god, I thought I was the only one. XD


That's a nifty idea. That one pic of Windy in a cheerleader's outfit kinda hints at that, from the artist's description. She was a cheerleader, and he was a certified bench warmer. Maybe he had aspirations of being a pro hoofball player or something, but an injury took him out of the game. Or maybe he got Windy pregnant way early, and did the right thing and dropped his professional career in favor of something more stable for the sake of the baby.

Jack it up to 1:43 you wimp!

I didn’t know what to expect from Rainbow Dash‘s parents before we met them. Like you, I also liked the idea of Bifrost being her only dad. To be honest, both are very good options, Rainbow being raised by just her dad and having two over-supportive parents are very solid arguments to explain her personality. And you’re right. Bow and Windy are fucking adorable.

Also, Bifrost actually appeared two times, the first one being the one above, and the second one in A Hearts Warming Tale:




I have one question. What is one concrete scene where Scootaloo's parents acted loving towards her? Even when present, they seemed cold to her.

Also, that fanart is adorable.

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