• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
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Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.

More Blog Posts461

  • 84 weeks
    Ten Years of Doctor Perseus

    Today marks the tenth anniversary of me creating my account here on FIMFiction. It feels incredibly surreal to type that out. Sometimes it almost feels like yesterday when I was a bright-eyed Brony entering the world of MLP fanfiction for the first time. And sometimes it feels like another lifetime ago.

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  • 100 weeks
    10 Years After My First Fanfic/My Thoughts on Recent MLP & Doctor Who Content

    Hello, everybody! It has certainly been a minute since my last blog post. Like I have said in the past, I am not on here as often as I used to be but I certainly try my best to check on my account whenever I can. In all honesty, I was planning on waiting to write out a blog like this until the tenth anniversary of my FIMFiction account. While I still plan on doing that, I was inspired to write

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  • 190 weeks
    The 10th Anniversary of Friendship is Magic's Premiere

    I know I'm not as active here as I used to be but I felt that I had to at least make a little comment here about Friendship is Magic officially beginning its journey into ten-year status. I can't believe it's been ten years since Friendship is Magic started. Heck, I can't believe it's already been a year since the series ended. Does make me wish that we could have gotten a tenth season in order

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  • 231 weeks
    What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Seasons 3&4

    Told ya the wait wouldn't be long. Anyway, here I am to FINALLY close the book on Doctor Whooves once and for all by laying out the rest of what I had planned out for Doctor Whooves. Unlike with Season 2, I'm just going to keep my plans for Seasons 3 and 4 in one blog as I hadn't planned everything out in as much detail as I did the arcs of Season 2. But, still, there is plenty of content to

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  • 231 weeks
    What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Season 2, Arc 3

    Yeah...sorry for the long wait on this one. I really have no excuse for taking this long to get around to finally uploading the rest of my plans for what I originally had in store for my Doctor Whooves fanfic series. But I'm here now, for those of you who are still interested in learning about the future I originally had planned for a series I ended well over two years ago. Better being SUPER

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What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Seasons 3&4 · 11:43pm Dec 28th, 2019

Told ya the wait wouldn't be long. Anyway, here I am to FINALLY close the book on Doctor Whooves once and for all by laying out the rest of what I had planned out for Doctor Whooves. Unlike with Season 2, I'm just going to keep my plans for Seasons 3 and 4 in one blog as I hadn't planned everything out in as much detail as I did the arcs of Season 2. But, still, there is plenty of content to discuss so let's go ahead and dive into it.

As I once laid out years ago when I gave teasers for Season 3, there would be a massive setting change for this season. Seasons 1 and 2 had Ponyville act as a sort of main hub for the Doctor throughout his adventures with Twilight, Derpy, and the others. But following the events of the Season 2 finale, the Doctor has left Ponyville behind and is now off just wandering the multiverse in search of Derpy. The format of this season wouldn't really follow any set arcs like in Season 2. It would be a very episodic yet incredibly character-driven season with mini arcs sprinkled in for the development of the characters. Each segment of this season would be defined by who was traveling with the Doctor at that current time. One last detail to note is that the Doctor's outfit would change from the minimalist outfit of Seasons 1-2 to a more covering outfit similar to that of the 11th Doctor in the second half of Series 7, which is what the Doctor would have seen 11 wearing during the 3-part Season 2 finale. Anyway, let's go ahead and dive into Season 3!

S3E1: Through the Looking Glass:
This episode would start many years after the end of the Season 2 finale from the Doctor's perspective. It's revealed that his trip to visit Edgar provided him with very little information about Derpy's whereabouts throughout time, space, and reality. After years of searching, the Doctor has seemingly given up and has isolated himself with the depths of a demented Wonderland. One day, the Doctor would cross paths with Alice Liddel, whom he had met in the previous season during The Fields of Ash/Let's Kill Fluttershy 2-parter. Alice reveals that she has been traveling around herself for many years alongside a colorful group of characters. Alice leads the Doctor to these friends which are revealed to be both Matilda and Missy. The Doctor is of course angered by their presence but is surprised by Missy's more friendly personality with him. Begrudgingly, the Doctor would team up with Matilda and Missy to help Alice save her version of Wonderland and restore it. They would travel through the world and eventually end up defeating a demented version of the Red Queen. With Wonderland restored, Alice is happy but ultimately decides to continue her multidimensional travels on her own, seeking to heal all broken Wonderlands. Following Alice's departure, and in the wake of events throughout the adventure, the Doctor grows to trust Matilda again. The Doctor is still hesitant about Missy and looks down on her more violent methods but ultimately agrees that they're on friendly terms for now. Missy leaves the TARDIS to do some more relaxing in the restored Wonderland. Matilda is about to leave when the TARDIS suddenly acts up and warps away with the Doctor and Matilda inside.

S3E2: Melody's Song:
This episode would start immediately after the next one with the TARDIS crashing down into the backyard of house somewhere in England in the Doctor's world. The Doctor tries to understand what happened but Matilda figures that the TARDIS brought them where they need to be right now. The Doctor and Matilda exit the TARDIS and view their surroundings. They're suddenly greeted by a little girl who greets them in the backyard. She introduces herself as Melody and seems to apparently already know the Doctor and Matilda. She brings them inside the house and asks them to help with the forest beneath her bed. The Doctor and Matilda investigate only to find a dimensional rift underneath Melody's bed. Suddenly, Melody is pulled in and the Doctor and Matilda follow. The duo drop down and suddenly find themselves in the middle of a large castle. It's here where they are greeted by Rumplestiltskin and Matilda realizes that they're in the Enchanted Forest. The Doctor and Matilda set out to find Melody and refuse to make a deal with Rumplestiltskin when he offers his services. The Doctor and Matilda realize that Melody has been captured by Queen Regina aka the Evil Queen, whom the Doctor recognizes from his trip to Storybrooke years earlier. With few other options, the duo seek out the nearest person who can help them: Snow White. Under the guise of being cursed humans, they request Snow's help and she accepts. Working together, the Doctor, Matilda, and Snow would eventually be able to rescue Melody from the Evil Queen. This adventure would explain how Regina knew of the Doctor prior to his meeting of her in Storybrooke. The duo would bid farewell to Snow and return Melody to her bedroom just before the rift closed. The Doctor and Matilda bid farewell to Melody and return to the TARDIS. The TARDIS would then immediately take off on its own. After seeing the TARDIS disappear, Melody's parents would return home. She runs to greet them and reveals that her parents are Amy Pond and Rory Williams from the Doctor's Earth.

S3E3: Harry Potter and the Blood Curse:
This episode would have the TARDIS bring the Doctor and Matilda to Tokyo in the Harry Potter universe. This would be a few years after the Doctor and Matilda's previous encounter with Harry. Harry is in Japan as an auror on loan from Ministry of Magic to help deal with some strange goings on. Hadn't planned out most of the plot aside from that. I just envisioned the Doctor, Matilda, Harry, and a Japanese auror facing off against a dark magical force. Afterwards, Harry would thank the Doctor and Matilda for their help and the duo would return to the TARDIS before being pulled off somewhere else.

S3E4&5: The Doctor's Apprentice & The Professor's Familiar:
This 2-parter would involve the Doctor's TARDIS being drawn to another TARDIS through the dimensional jump and both landing on Skaro, though they wouldn't know this at the time. The Doctor and Matilda would exit their TARDIS and discover that they've bumped into another alternate pony Doctor, this being a female version who calls herself "the Professor". The Professor is joined by her companion Dandy Hooves, a male version of Derpy. Things become awkward very fast. Based on the title, this would end up being a somewhat retelling of Doctor Who's Series 9 2-part opener with the Doctor facing off against Daleks and a dying Davros on Skaro. Thalia and Missy would also make appearances throughout the story. At the end, the Doctor finds himself feeling excited and optimistic again for the first time since he lost Derpy. He is also able to fully forgive Matilda and invites her on more adventures. She, however, declines and notes that, while these past few adventures have been great, she's fulfilled the role she's needed to fill in the Doctor's life now. Before heading off, Matilda tells the Doctor to keep on hoping while also stating that he should find someone else to travel with since he should never be alone. Matilda departs and the Doctor bids farewell to the Professor and Dandy, hoping to cross paths with them again. The Doctor then returns to the TARDIS on his own, concluding that the TARDIS too had been taking him on these adventures with Matilda to help him out. The Doctor listens to Matilda's advice and returns to Ponyville. He steps out of the TARDIS and watches Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Mane 6 in the distance. He tries to approach them but finds himself unable to. Still wrecked with guilt and shame deep down, he goes back into his TARDIS and leaves. The episode ends with Twilight and Spike looking around as they hear the faint sounds of the TARDIS disappearing.

S3E6: A New Dawn:
This episode would start a short while after the end of the previous episode. It would start from the point of view of a mare named Roseluck. I hadn't planned out much about this episode except for it being the Doctor and Roseluck meeting. It would be set in Equestria but in a rural town far away from Ponyville. A character named Quill would also make an appearance and play a role in the story. After their first adventure together, the Doctor would take a liking to Roseluck and invite him for some more adventures in the TARDIS. A joyful Roseluck agrees and the episode ends with the new TARDIS duo taking off for new adventures.

S3E7: Skyline:
This episode would see the Doctor take Roseluck to another planet in the far future. The entire planet is a massive city connected by various monorails known as the Skyline. A character named Prince Ivory would appear in this episode. Didn't have much else planned out about this episode yet.

S3E8: Smash the Mirror:
This episode would involve the Doctor and Roseluck stumbling across a strange Museum of Mirrors at an alien carnival. They would go inside and meet a character named Sebastian. The mirrors turn out to be imbued with dark magic that allows them to create sentient clones of anyone who looks into them. With the clones ranging from kind and harmless to evil and dangerous. The Doctor and Roseluck would have to face their darkest selves in order make it out.

S3E9: The Changeling King:
This episode would be a sequel to the Season 1 2-parter A Country at War/Angie the Great. It would mostly take place within the Changeling Kingdom with the Doctor and Roseluck helping out Flarewing, Bass, and some other new changeling characters with a crisis.

S3E10&11: SCP & The Plague Doctor:
This 2-parter would see the Doctor and Roseluck find themselves at the SCP headquarters. There they would meet the Doctor's version of River Song, who is helping out the foundation with their research into SCPs. However, suddenly, a breakout would ensue with several dangerous SCPs escaping. The SCP that takes the particular interest of the Doctor is the Plague Doctor, who seems incredibly interested in the Doctor, River Song, and Roseluck as well. Part one would end with the Plague Doctor capturing Roseluck and the second part would focus on the Doctor and River trying to help contain the SCPs while Roseluck tries to understand the mind of the Plague Doctor. The climax would involve a battle of wits between the Doctor and the Plague Doctor as they attempt to understand each of their end goals with the Plague Doctor wanting to cure the world of "the Illness" and the Doctor just being unsure of where his true future lies beyond the slim chance of finding Derpy again. Content with what he's seen, the Plague Doctor would escape the facility while the rest of the escapees are rounded up and secured once again. River then leaves the foundation to continue her independent studies of the multiverse. The 2-parter ends with the Doctor and Roseluck returning to the TARDIS and the Doctor reflecting on the Plague Doctor's words.

S3E12: Forever Young:
This episode would see the Doctor and Roseluck returning to Equestria several decades in the future. In a far-away land, they would stumble across Colgate. The episode would mostly focus on the Doctor helping Colgate come to accept her elongated life and how to continue on in the wake of growing close to others with shorter lives.

S3E13: Zero:
This episode would start with the Doctor letting Roseluck pilot the TARDIS for a little bit. However, she would accidentally crash the TARDIS into the backyard of a house in England in the Doctor's universe. Upon exiting the TARDIS, the Doctor would recognize the house as Melody's. However, instead of Melody, he would be greeted by a young girl and boy having a sleepover in the house while the girl's parents are out. Before getting the kids' names, the kids tell the Doctor and Roseluck to hide from the monster. They duck and cover to be confronted by a shadowy entity of sorts. The Doctor and Roseluck are able to drive the entity back through what appears to be a dimensional rift in the girl's bedroom. In order to make sure everything is secure, the Doctor rushes back to the TARDIS to grab his sonic screwdriver that he accidentally forgot inside earlier. Roseluck follows him. However, the TARDIS suddenly whisks the Doctor and Roseluck away while the boy and girl watch. The Doctor regains control of the TARDIS and lands it back in the house's backyard during the daytime. The Doctor and Roseluck re-enter the house only to find it vacant. They quickly realize that they aren't alone and soon stumble across none other than Amy Pond and Rory Williams inside the house. The Doctor is shocked to see them and Amy and Rory are shocked to see the Doctor and Roseluck. The Doctor realizes he and Roseluck had jumped forward in time and that Amy and Rory were the kids they just met. He also quickly realizes that this Amy and Rory are separate from those whom he traveled with in Season 2. From this point, this episode would go on to be a somewhat retelling of The Elevent Hour with the shadowy entity revealed to be Prisoner Zero and the Doctor having to work alongside Roseluck, Amy, and Rory in order to stop Prisoner Zero's escape causing the destruction of the Earth. Notable differences would be that Prisoner Zero would have been brought to this reality by a dimensional rift and there's no further arc connected to this event. After Prisoner Zero is defeated and the Earth is saved, the Doctor and Roseluck invite Amy and Rory to join them on the TARDIS. Amy instantly accepts. Rory is a bit hesitant but ultimately agrees to come along.

S3E14: Universe Day:
This episode would see the Doctor and Roseluck taking Amy and Rory on their first TARDIS adventure. Here they would travel to a futuristic alien civilization celebrating the birthday of the universe. That's about as much as I had planned out about this episode aside from the inclusion of a character named Iris.

S3E15: The Brink of War:
This episode would see the Doctor, Roseluck, Amy, and Rory travel to the world of Narnia during the reign of King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund, and Queen Lucy. The kids would still be fairly young here, only taking place about three years after their defeat of the White Witch. The Doctor and his friends would help the young rulers defend Narnia from a mysterious and powerful threat. That's about all I had gotten around to planning this one out.

S3E16: The Forgotten:
This episode would see the Doctor, Roseluck, Amy, and Rory end up on a massive space station. Thalia would make an appearance and some characters named Petyr and Carl would play a role. This would be a space-horror story inspired heavily by Dead Space.

S3E17: Aliens of Salem:
This episode would see the Doctor, Roseluck, Amy, and Rory end up in Salem during the witch trials. There would be an alien in disguise influencing the events and the Doctor and his companions would go undercover to find out what's happening.

S3E18&19: Turnabout TARDIS & Turnabout Time Lord:
This 2-parter would see the Doctor, Roseluck, Amy, and Rory travel to the world of Ace Attorney. The team would accidentally end up divided between two eras with the Doctor and Amy helping out Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey with a case in 2019 and Roseluck and Rory helping out Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes with a case in 2028. The cases would ultimately be connected and even timelines would start to cross between the two eras.

S3E20: Roseluck's Birthday:
This episode would mark Roseluck's departure from the TARDIS. Obviously, the plot would be centered around Roseluck's birthday in some way. Thalia would make an appearance and a character named Code Hacker would play a role. Roseluck chooses to leave the TARDIS on positive terms and returns to her original life. She makes the Doctor promise to come back and visitor her some time and he agrees. The Doctor then continues his adventures with Amy and Rory.

S3E21: Generation Shock:
This episode would see the Doctor, Amy, and Rory ending up at a college in America and stumbling across an older Melody, who is happy to see the Doctor again. She is also happy to see Amy and Rory but the couple are confused since they've never met her before. River Song and Matilda would make appearances in this story. Amy and Rory would learn that Melody is their daughter. An event would lead to Melody being critically injured. Matilda is able to transfer her regeneration energy over to Melody and Melody regenerates into River Song. The older River Song takes the newly regenerated River Song away and Matilda bids farewell to the Doctor once again. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory continue on with Amy and Rory left a little shaken about the future.

S3E22&23: The Doctor and Rick's Terrible Adventure & Dan vs. the Doctor vs. Rick Sanchez:
This 2-parter would see the Doctor, Amy, and Rory end up on a planet within one of the multiverses of Rick and Morty. They would soon cross paths with the titular duo, who are on an adventure with Summer. The Doctor and Rick would be revealed to have met each other in an untold adventure and greatly dislike each other. However, they would be forced to work together when Amy, Rory, Morty, and Summer are captured by the literal PC Police on the planet they've ended up on. Amy and Rory would get along great with Morty and Summer while the Doctor and Rick continue to bicker. The first episode would end with the Doctor and Rick stumbling across a human trapped in stasis and freeing him, revealing him to be Dan from Dan Vs. The second episode would pick up from there with it being revealed that Dan, Chris, and Elise were brought to this world by a dimensional rift before being captured thanks to Dan's attitude with the police. Meanwhile, the others would find a way to escape and end up crossing paths with Chris and Elise. The characters would eventually converge and the Doctor, Rick, and Dan would team up to destroy the oppressive force controlling the planet. The adventure ends with the Doctor and Rick sort of respecting each other (after having a sort-of heart-to-heart at one point). Rick still flips off the Doctor with both hoping to never cross paths again. Rick then leaves with Morty and Summer. The Doctor uses the TARDIS to take Dan, Chris, and Elise back to their dimension. Chris is so shaken by knowing about the multiverse that Dan and Elise have the Doctor erase his memories of the whole adventure. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory then leave to continue their adventures just before Chris wakes up none the wiser.

S3E24: The TARDIS Team:
This episode would see the Doctor, Amy, and Rory visit Canterlot in the fairly recent past. Here, they would cross paths with the younger Opal and Monty. After the subsequent adventure, the Doctor would fulfill history by inviting Opal and Monty on his adventures. The other couple would happily accept. The Doctor is happy to have more friends to travel with but can't help but be reminded of Opal's tragic future death.

S3E25: Murder in Paradise:
This episode would see the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Opal, and Monty visit a futuristic alien resort named Paradise. They would attempt to relax and see the sights when the titular murder takes place. That's about as much as I planned for this one.

S3E26: Return to Storybrooke:
This episode would see the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Opal, and Monty arrive in Storybrooke during the events of Season 4 between the Frozen and Queens of Darkness arcs. The Doctor would be able to officially meet the remaining characters of Storybrooke such as Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret, David, Hook, and Belle as well as team up with Regina on friendly terms. There would definitely be some confusion amongst some of the Storybrooke characters about Amy and Rory since they met the alternate versions of them previously. The Doctor and his friends would help deal with a crisis in the town. The Doctor would part ways with Storybrooke, hoping to return someday. Regina's desire to find a happy ending for herself ultimately inspires the Doctor to somehow find a way to prevent Opal's death in her future.

S3E27: Asteroid Day:
This episode would see the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Opal, and Monty arrive in a world of sentient dinosaurs on the day before the infamous asteroid strike. That's about as much as I had planned out for this.

S3E28&29: The Story of Amelia Pond & The Promise of Rory Williams:
This 2-parter would see the departures of Amy and Rory. Matilda, River Song, Thalia, and Missy would make appearances. This story would incorporate elements from The Big Bang and The Angels Take Manhattan. Amy and Rory get married and return to their lives on Earth. They hope to see the Doctor again and, like with Roseluck, the Doctor promises to return. Amy reveals to Rory that she's pregnant and the episode ends with the Doctor continuing forward with Opal and Monty.

S3E30: Fear the Dark:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty facing off against the Vashta Nerada. A character named Silas would play a role. That's all I planned out.

S3E31: Ghosts of Republic City:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty arriving in the world of The Legend of Korra at some point following the end of the series. They would meet and team up with Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami Sato. Mysterious ghosts have started appearing around Republic City and they all investigate. The Doctor realizes too late that these are the Cybermen invading this world akin to what happened in Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. The Doctor and Korra would ultimately be able to stop the invasion and save the world (again). The Doctor, Opal, and Monty would continue on their way.

S3E32: The Secrets of Paris:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty travel to Paris and uncover the hidden horrors of the catacombs. A character named Boris would play a role.

S3E33: Of Turtles and Cybermen:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty arrive in the world of the 2012 TMNT series during the events of Season 4 while the turtles, April, and Casey are traveling through space with Professor Honeycutt. The two groups would meet on an isolated planet. Here, they would stumble across a small colony of Cybermen that have set up base. However, these Cybermen are different in that they have developed emotions, which the Doctor is unsure if they're genuine or not. Characters named Agatha Barnes and Joseph Pratt would play roles and the leader of the Cybermen would be revealed to be a version of Master Splinter from an alternate timeline. Certain events would lead to the village being destroyed and Cyber-Splinter sacrificing himself to save the Doctor, the turtles, and the others. With the destruction of the colony and the threat of the episode, the two parties would continue on their way.

S3E34: The Written Word:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty be summoned to Edgar's universe by a call from Edgar's brother Alex, who would make his first reappearance in the series since Work of Fiction alongside his girlfriend Quinn. Alex and Quinn were brought into Edgar's world just before Edgar fell into a mysterious coma. This adventure would lead the Doctor, Opal, Monty, Alex, and Quinn being sucked all throughout Edgar's timeline. They would even see the origins of the Animator where he, as the son of Rose Tyler and the MetaCrisis 10th Doctor, was accidentally corrupted by Edgar. They would receive aid from the future Animator (who now goes by his original name of Ten Tyler) who had been de-aged and got to grow up into a better person. Edgar would awaken and would simultaneously be freed from his self-created universe. Ten would take Edgar's place as the new Writer and Edgar would finally be free to return home. The episode ends with the Doctor attempting to take Edgar, Alex, and Quinn back to their home universe only to land the TARDIS in Victorian London.

S3E35: The Ripper's Revenge:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, Monty, Edgar, Alex, and Quinn arrive in Victorian London in the Doctor's universe. They would soon be greeted by the Paternoster Gang of Vastra, Jenny, and Strax. The episode would see the Doctor and his friends team up with the Paternoster Gang in order to solve a recent string of crimes that seem eerily similar to Jack the Ripper. It turns out that the warped spirit of the killer, whom Vastra had previously defeated, has returned to wreak havoc on London. The Doctor and the others would defeat the evil spirit and save London from his evil once and for all. The Doctor would then part with the Paternoster Gang and return Edgar, Alex, and Quinn home. In private, Edgar, without provocation, tells the Doctor to not give up hope and that history is not always set in stone, clearly referencing Opal's fate. The Doctor bids farewell to Edgar and continues on with Opal and Monty.

S3E36: The Edge of Existence:
This episode would mark the beginning of the final arc of Season 3 leading towards the finale. The Doctor, Opal, and Monty would end up on an epic adventure that stretches to the very ends of reality itself after receiving a mysterious message from Matilda. Along the way they would team up with Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy from Kingdom Hearts as their respective paths collide on the edges of worlds. Rumplestiltskin, Thalia, and Clara Oswin Oswald would also all make appearances. The episode would end with the Doctor being forced to face off against an echo of his greatest secret: the War Doctor.

S3E37: The Night of the Doctor:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, Monty, and Matilda flung deep into the thralls of the Time War following the events of the previous episode. They would end up crossing paths with the 8th Doctor on the verge of his regeneration. This would essentially be a retelling of the titular episode of Doctor Who but with some notable changes and inclusions. Cass, Ohila, and Missy would make appearances.

S3E38&39: The Day of the Doctor Parts 1&2:
This 2-parter would be a retelling of the titular Doctor Who special except with some more changes and inclusions. The Doctor, Opal, Monty, and Matilda would deal with the Zygon threat as well as the fate of Gallifrey in the Time War. The 10th Doctor, the 9th Doctor, the War Doctor, the 8th Doctor, River Song, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, Kate Stewart, Jack Harkness, Missy, Rose Tyler, the Moment, and Thalia would all play roles throughout the epic story. The episode would end with the Doctor managing to save Gallifrey like in the original special and the Doctor having faced his greatest secret and regret. Upon request, the Doctor would return Opal and Monty to their time and let them live out the rest of their lives and their futures seen in Season 1. Upon parting ways, a determined Doctor sets off with Matilda to change history and save Opal.

S3E40: Through the Veil:
This single episode would act as the finale of Season 3. The Doctor and Matilda would end up on Trenzalore where they encounter the aged 11th Doctor and Clara Oswald. Through the energy released from the 11th Doctor's bombastic regeneration, the Doctor passes through the veil of life and death. In a level of existence separate from that of the universe, the Doctor would relive moments throughout the first three seasons. The friends he's made and the those he's connected with. He manages to make particularly strong mental connections with the 11th Doctor in the seconds prior to his regeneration into the 12th, with Edgar Roger Stevens, with Donna Noble, with Matilda, with Jenny, with Twilight Sparkle, with Spike, and with Missy. In the end, he ends up a mysterious plane where he encounter none other than Discord Whooves, forever trapped in a limbo-like hell of his own making. With nothing left to lose Discord Whooves helps points the Doctor's way further into the abyss. The Doctor helps Discord Whooves fade away and spread out into an energy destined to reconnect in another life. The Doctor falls further into the abyss and manages to connect with Opal in the seconds prior to her death. He manages to catch her soul as it leaves her body. With Opal's spirit in hoof, he finds his way to the world of Kingdom Hearts. From beyond the Veil, he manages to send Opal's spirit into a new makeshift body being created by Ansem the Wise. The resurrected Opal awakens and attempts to reach for the Doctor but the veil closes. The Doctor falls deeper and deeper into the abyss, content in his saving of Opal. However, at the last moment, the Doctor makes a mental connection with Derpy. Derpy doesn't know where she is but she knows that she's somewhere dark. The Doctor, overwhelmed, promises Derpy that he's coming for her and he establishes a mental connection with her before being repelled out from the abyss. The Doctor awakens back in his TARDIS with Matilda by his side. The Doctor exits the TARDIS with Matilda and is greeted by the 12th Doctor and Clara from a while into their future after the 11th Doctor's regeneration. The Doctor exchanges words with his alternate self and predicts that his own new regeneration will be upon him at some point. Matilda then heads on her way as does 12 and Clara. The Doctor returns to his TARDIS, which then pulls him to modern day Canterlot. The Doctor exits the TARDIS and sees the resurrected Opal, who has been let off by the world-hopping Ansem the Wise, reuniting with modern day Monty and their kids. The Doctor makes eye contact with Opal and Monty and smiles before silently departing. We then cut to Twilight's castle where Princess Twilight is looking over some notes. She is shocked by the arrival of the TARDIS. The Doctor exists and greets Twilight, saying "I'm back" before the two old friends hug.

Season 4:
Sadly, I have not developed any sort of in depth plan for Season 4. If any of you want me to do a blog like that at some point, I'll see what I can do. But, for now, here's a general overview of what Season 4 would have been.

Season 4 would have shown the Doctor returning to having Ponyville as a main hub between most adventures. Twilight, Spike, the Mane 6, and other Ponyville characters would return with bigger roles. Some things from canon would make their appearances in the city such as Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, the Young Six, and other such things. There would be differences from canon but episodes involving crossovers into the main canon would happen. Many characters from Doctor Who and MLP seen in previous episodes would make reappearances at some point. And, of course, there would be tons more crossovers. More crossovers with Kingdom Hearts, Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, TMNT, Gargoyles, and other such properties previously seen in the series would make their return. There would be a crossover involving the characters from Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra meeting. There would be a Timeless crossover. And probably tons more. The versions of the Mane 6 from Equestria Girls would also appear at one point to meet their pony counterparts. The 12th Doctor and Clara would also make appearances. There would obviously be some differences seen in the modern Ponyville versus what characters saw in previous visions of the future. The whole event with Discord Whooves would act as an explanation for some changes in the timeline occurring (such as the CMC's cutie marks and Twilight's alicorn status). Gallifrey would also be found at some point. Whether in the finale or leading up to it. The Doctor would maintain a faint but present mental connection with Derpy throughout the season. The Doctor would eventually find Derpy and free her from the powers of the Dark One by transferring them over to a Guardian. Who that guardian would have been was still up for planning. Twilight? Starlight? Spike? Another version of the Doctor? There are plenty of options. The season would end with the Doctor finally regenerating into a new pony regeneration. And, while confused following his regeneration, the series would end with the Doctor confident that he's found a brand new home in Ponyville with Derpy, Twilight, and the others.

AND...that's it. That's all that I had in store for Doctor Whooves. I hope you all enjoyed reading all of this and I hope this was able to finally bring some closure for all of you who enjoyed this series. :)

Comments ( 6 )

Well, didn't have to wait long did we.

S3E22&23: The Doctor and Rick's Terrible Adventure & Dan vs. the Doctor vs. Rick Sanchez

That would have been so awesome. And literal PC Police. That's so Rick and Morty.

S3E31: Ghosts of Republic City:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty arriving in the world of The Legend of Korra at some point following the end of the series. 

That would have been so cool to see. I got "Ruins of the Empire" comics for Christmas 'cause I'm always up for some more Korra. I imagine you'd have to have some Korrasami in it too.

S3E32: The Secrets of Paris:
This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty travel to Paris and uncover the hidden horrors of the catacombs.

There's a movie like that right. As Above So Below I think it's called.

This episode would see the Doctor, Opal, and Monty arrive in the world of the 2012 TMNT series during the events of Season 4 while the turtles, April, and Casey are traveling through space with Professor Honeycutt.

That would have been cool because Honeycutt was portrayed by David Tennant who was the 10th Doctor! And I love me some TMNT, especially 2012. It would have been fascinating though these Cybermen with emotions led by a Cyberman Hamato Yoshi.

They would receive aid from the future Animator (who now goes by his original name of Ten Tyler) who had been de-aged and got to grow up into a better person.

I knew he'd show up again.

Ten would take Edgar's place as the new Writer and Edgar would finally be free to return home. 

The Animator was going to become The Writer. :twilightoops:

They would soon be greeted by the Paternoster Gang of Vastra, Jenny, and Strax.

I would have loved that. I love me some Strax. He's so delightfully militaristic.

More crossovers with Kingdom Hearts, Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, TMNT, Gargoyles, and other such properties previously seen in the series would make their return.

I imagine that time-traveling Brooklyn would have shown up at some point in The Doctor's adventures. Or some of the characters from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child or the Fantastic Beast movies. Or maybe the Doctor would have wandered into one of the crossovers of multiple versions of TMNT.

There would be a crossover involving the characters from Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra meeting. 

It's sad that only in your stories would something like that happen. I would have loved it. Seeing Aang's reaction to Korra would have been great.

There would be a Timeless crossover.

Of course there would be. And it would have been awesome.

All that's missing is a Dirk Gently crossover.

The versions of the Mane 6 from Equestria Girls would also appear at one point to meet their pony counterparts.

Rather unfortunate that never happened in the canon. But at least you would have made it so.

The Doctor would eventually find Derpy and free her from the powers of the Dark One by transferring them over to a Guardian. Who that guardian would have been was still up for planning. Twilight? Starlight? Spike? Another version of the Doctor? There are plenty of options.

So basically what could have happened in the seventh season of Once Upon A Time. Wait does that mean that Derpy was like an alternate version of The Dark One rather than the first Dark One in the Enchanted Forest?

I like how you would have course corrected for some of the things that would have happened after the 10th Doctor's time in your Pony Doctor's original alt-Doctor Who universe in the course of Season 3. I also like how Season 4 would have brought things more in line with subsequent seasons of MLP. How The Doctor would have ultimately undone Opal's death in the end was great to hear about. Opal's death was such a blow at the end of Season 1. The whole thing in Season 3 with The Doctor traveling to various multiverses was interesting as well. The Pony Doctor meeting 12th Doctor would have been interesting as well.

And with this we get that long awaited closure on your Doctor Whooves stories. Rather appropriate this comes to us now that MLP ended a few months ago. I started reading your stories right after I finished Season 2 of MLP with Season 3 premiere still months away. Now alas it all has come to an end. It was great to be along for this ride close to its beginning. Especially since you and I remarkably have much the same taste in media outside MLP and Doctor Who.

So thank you for giving us these stories and for offering at least a glimpse of what could have been.

I would have loved to read them all. You are a talented writter. Maybe one day youll come back and do a few of these are stand alone adventures. Good luck to you.

The scope of what was envisioned here is amazing, and the level of detail in these outlines is just incredible. Each outline is like a miniature story itself. Because of this I'm completely fine with you not finishing the series, it still feels like I've read the full forms of each of these. This is one of the reasons why you'll remain one of my favorite authors on here (as well as for helping me get here in the first place). Honestly, after reading your stuff over a total 6 years, it's all still amazing. Hope you do well in life.

I'm happy I was able to satisfy you with these outlines! Like I said, it definitely took me longer than expected to get these out but I'm glad I was able to find my notes and bring my series to a close in a way. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this little weird crossover series of mine. :D

Hi Hello! Your multi crossover series with Dr Whooves (Dr Who and MLP) have intrigued me to read on your series and beyond. I hope you are doing well!
1. Any plans to continue or maybe emerge DWC Episodes here in fanfic or fimfic? (Whereas after the 10th Doctor arrives in MLP world after Waters of Mars instead of End of Time Part 2 during A Canterlot Wedding. Idea is that: Doctor Whooves from this massive storyline with 23 Episodes meets the Dr Whooves from DWC dimension)
2. Due after reading Doctor Whooves: Episode 23, and your Doctor Whooves: What Could Have Been blogs, does this mean that the Doctor’s pony incarceration right now, after the 10th, will become the 11th Doctor in the future? Lots of wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff in this massive multi crossover AU :moustache:
3. Any thoughts about publishing your blogs in form of fanfic or fimfic under titles Doctor Whooves: What Could Have Been Seasons 2-4 etc?
4. Would Doctor Whooves help Twilight in adventures that are similar to the Equestrian Girls (with Sunset), Season 5 (with Starlight), The Movie, and Season 9 on training new friends and allies? Would they have visited other parallel MLP dimensions such as G1-G5 (the current one Doctor Whooves is in now would be similar or aka G4)?

Keep up the Great Work :twilightsmile:

Hello! Apologies for taking a while to respond. Haven't been as active here as I used to. I'm glad that you enjoyed this series that I wrote! Now to answer your questions.

1. Sorry. I have no plans to continue either series. Hence why I wrote the blogs so that people could have closure with the main series. Though that does remind me that I never did something like that for DWC. Though not a lot of people seemed to be as into that one.

2. Well this current version of the Doctor within this canon would be the Doctor's 11th incarnation. So the next would become his 12th and so on. Though, as seen in my plans, he would have gone on to meet the canon 11th and 12th Doctors.

3. As I said above, I have no plans to continue this series.

4. There definitely would have been crossovers with the original canon as well as ideas from the original canon being introduced into the series. A lot of what I had planned for this series came about prior to a lot of the later changes in Seasons 3 onward. So things would change and come along as I went. Equestria Girls would definitely have been implemented in some form or fashion.

Again, I'm happy that you enjoyed my series. Sorry again for not finishing it in a proper written form but I have since moved on to my own personal writings and stuff. I will definitely try to keep up the great work! n.n

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