• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?

More Blog Posts218

  • 40 weeks
    Additional Updates

    What’s up fam- it’s your physically and temporally-absent boi here dropping back in.

    Brief updates on life- been working my tail off (doctoring is hard) and got married last month. I haven’t forgotten about you all. There’s still plenty of stories rattling around upstairs; it’s just a matter of finding time to put fingers to the keyboard.

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    9 comments · 346 views
  • 118 weeks
    Life and Story Updates

    My Dudes

    I'm finishing up my last year of medical school and matched into my first choice residency (at the same hospital/school I'm at now, actually!); so I apologize for not posting any new content in... 13 months :fluttershyouch:

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    14 comments · 1,044 views
  • 131 weeks
    Merry Christmas, Fimfic Family!

    I know I haven't been posting much, but I’m still active and want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! :)

    “For he shall save his people from their sins…”

    7 comments · 386 views
  • 144 weeks
    My thoughts on Gen 5

    Watched it on opening day on Netflix.

    Pretty good, actually. Looking forward to writing new ponies to snug, and I bet the TV universe will be really interesting!

    4 comments · 528 views
  • 151 weeks

    Thank you all for your great patience. It's been a busy few weeks but I finally have the time to sit down and craft this blog post. A big thanks to judges Hoshizora the generous bankroller of this prestigious contest, Jake The Army Guy (who has judged MULTIPLE times), my

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    12 comments · 775 views

2019 Be Endin · 4:14am Dec 29th, 2019

Merry Late Christmas! Emmanuel, God with Us, is here!

So, it’s been a rough few weeks. PC is busted and in for repairs, school is kicking my butt, and I spent all my money on Christmas presents (and then got no money for Christmas proper to replenish stores). Ouch.

2020, hopefully, will bring us a SpikeDash fic, a 4 Princesses Fic, and a great Luna moment I have in my head that I’ll find a way to write in, somehow. Maybe we’ll even get a new CYOA romance...?

So anyway, crack open a bottle of mid-tier bourbon, read some pony fics, and watch 2020 AD fly by with me in this insane clown world we inhabit. Cheers!

See you soon.

Comments ( 3 )

Happy new year, my friend! May the coming year bring you health, good fortune, and copious amounts of pony snuggles!

Hope you have had a great year, and that next year is even better!

Hey man, I missed this a couple weeks back. Merry late Christmas, happy new year, and I hope to see you at Whinny!

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