• Member Since 11th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Shimmering Thunder

Because there is sadness, we cherish happiness. And because there is anger, kindness is born.

More Blog Posts140

  • 3 weeks
    Something's about to change (hopefully)

    Throughout my life, I have quit pretty much everything I have ever tried or started. And I'm so utterly sick of it. Many times I have found myself wondering what might have been? What if I kept doing what I did and not give up? So many things and regrets. Life not lived. I mean... That's a bit harsh, but that's how I feel sometimes. On the other hand, I'm quite content with my life. But...

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    6 comments · 22 views
  • 16 weeks
    Another update

    I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm making good progress. I have written almost four new chapters in a few days. From finishing Chapter 9 to the beginning of Chapter 14, which is probably going to be the last chapter for this part. Considering how long I have been working on this already, this is major progress.

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  • 17 weeks

    I just wanted to say that I'm still working on the sequel to The Power Within. I haven't abandoned writing or this site. I recently got over a major roadblock in my story. However, this doesn't mean that I will publish anything anytime soon. But I still uploaded all the chapters here just in case I need to press the button. I had a small situation irl that made me come back to this project again.

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  • 27 weeks
    The poet of darkness

    You failed me,
    My trust you defiled.
    You hurt me,
    My heart you stabbed.

    Give me a reason,
    To forgive...

    My soul you crushed,
    It made me bleed.
    My smile you erased,
    It made me cry.

    Give me a reason,
    To forget...

    Here in the dark,
    Alone and afraid.
    Here in the night,
    Fragile and drained.

    Give me a reason,
    To trust again...


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  • 52 weeks
    I'm feeling lost.

    I know I haven't been updating for a long time or anything. I'm just very tired at the moment. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope here. I'm just so tired of everything and everyone. This world. I'm struggling to keep finding any reason to smile anymore. I'm just so bitter, unhappy, depressed and sad all the times. And I have no idea what to do to fix everything. And nobody cares. Nobody listen

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Happy 2020! · 5:34pm Jan 4th, 2020

This is my first blog post of 2020. The new year was awesome as always, but now it's time to get the bull by the horns again--hopefully. I didn't make any new year's resolutions, other than trying to be a better person in general.

I even started writing again. Although, things didn't turn out quite as I first planned. Such are my stories when I write them as I go. But now I kind of like what I did and don't want to go back. The things I wrote were bound to happen eventually, but now I think I skipped a couple of chapters. And these events are something that will determine the whole course of the story, or a big part of it anyway. But I'm intrigued to continue. I'm currently in chapter 6 of the sequel for The Power Within, in case you were wondering. Unfortunately for those waiting for updates on The Project Ghost, I'm sorry. I have no plans of continuing it for quite a while. This story takes priority.

I know I'm a bit late, but--Happy 2020 everybody! I hope this year will be an amazing one for all of you! :yay:

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