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New contest entry: Vapor Trails In Her Sky · 11:17pm Jan 25th, 2020

[Adult story embed hidden]

Being with your best friend while you both attend the Wonderbolt Academy is truly something most ponies never get to appreciate. In Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail’s case, it only makes their friendship stronger and more intimate. However from Spitfire’s perspective, having to deal with two lovebirds constantly wanting to rut each other both in and out of classes starts to become a problem. Thankfully Spitfire has a solution: if conventional punishments won’t work, then you gotta think outside of the box. If both ponies want to fuck each other senseless, they’ll have to do it in front of their fellow classmates.

Kinks: Female on Male, Male on Female, Exhibitionism, Vaginal, Creampies, Multiple Orgasms, Masturbation, and Hoof Holding

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