• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2018
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The Mountaineer Brony

Starting to feel better

More Blog Posts77

  • 31 weeks
    I Can't

    It breaks my heart to write this, but I think you all knew it was coming, even though I liked to believe I didn't.

    I said a long time ago that nothing on this account ever gets cancelled or goes on hiatus, that I fully intended to finish every story I started, no matter how long it took. Well, I still fully intend to. It's just, unfortunately, going to take even longer than I anticipated.

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    2 comments · 163 views
  • 33 weeks

    I started doing a little Nightmare Night story a couple days before the actual thing. Should have it done before the week ends, hopefully tomorrow. (It's the thought that counts.)

    0 comments · 60 views
  • 59 weeks
    Princess Celestihorse

    Lovely horsey princess. :heart:

    Also, I'm on break now, so I'm hoping to get more writing done.

    0 comments · 133 views
  • 70 weeks
    Hey look, it's me.

    I identify with this horse.

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  • 89 weeks
    Happy Ponyversary

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    1 comments · 173 views

A Talk with The Mountaineer Brony! · 5:07am Jan 27th, 2020

Here's something fun to tide you over until I publish again: a quick Q&A about myself and my writing! :pinkiecrazy:

Q: When are you going to put out another chapter/more stories?

A: SoonTM


Q: Why are you like this?

A: Frankly, while I do love to write in general, and pony stories especially, I have trouble finding the two things most important to do it: inspiration and time.
The time factor is easy to explain: I work most of the week and get home late. I usually don't feel like doing much. On my days off, I'm often resting up or partaking in other hobbies (more on that later.)
As for inspiration, I'm not sure why I have trouble with that. Tiredness may be a factor. My whole life I've had this trait where I'm really obsessed with something for like a week to two weeks, and then it's onto something else. One week, I'll be really into Star Wars and be making stories and things involving it, the next, it's Lord of the Rings, and so on. MLP never fully leaves my mind, but I have to be in a really unique mindset to work on my FimFiction stories. I don't know, that's just about the best explanation I can give.

How did you get into MLP?

A: That's a really interesting question, me! My history with My Little Pony is a long and interesting one. I can remember being in the third grade, I think, and being invited to a classmate's birthday party at the local skating rink. My parents took me to a dollar store and I picked out some generic pony thing for her (I don't think it was the brand-name horrid generation 3, but I could be wrong.) That was my first introduction into that sort of world.

And I completely forgot about it for years.

Then, when I was in the fifth grade, Friendship is Magic premiered. I didn't know it at the time, but I remember exactly what I was doing on October 10th, 2010; Cartoon Network had a Ben 10 marathon, and I invited a friend over to watch it. :rainbowlaugh:
Some time later, his older brother got into the show. All I can remember was him showing me something with the changeling swarms from A Canterlot Wedding being dubbed over with Zergling noises from Starcraft (which was something everyone I knew seemed to play at the time, myself included). My friend made fun of his brother for liking ponies, with the usual gay-related mockery being thrown about. I never really was the type to make fun of people, but I had thought his brother was weird before, so yeah.

Then, I completely forgot about My Little Pony entirely for many, many years. I remember seeing the movie on a theatre marquis board once and thought "That got a movie? Huh." But that was it.

Then one day, I was in college.

By this time, I had become an absolute fiend on Sid Meier's Civilization VI (which, at time of publication, I have sunk 1,452 hours into, including times I left it sitting for several.) The first expansion had/was gearing up to come out, and I was excitedly thinking of what civs would be cool to see in-game and how to make them work. I came across a mod that added Hyrule into the game, and began thinking of potential fictional civs (I designed a rather good Gerudo civ, I might add.) I was scratching my head thinking of more fictional leaders for more fictional civs, and all of a sudden, almost out of nowhere, I thought, "...My Little Pony has a princess, right?"
I was fairly certain I remembered the name "Celestia" from old TV advertisements, so I punched it into Google and found the wiki (I thought it was Celestia that had gotten married in that promo, but no, I learned twas Cadance.) I did some reading on the wiki; about her abilities, about her battle with Nightmare Moon, and I slowly started to get a little interested. I saw the link to Luna and thought "Hey, alternate leader!" Then I read about her, and clicked another link... and another... and another... and another.
Pretty soon, I said to myself "...Dang... I think I like My Little Pony..."

The rest, as they say, is history.

Q: So, you went to Bronycon 2019? What was that like?

A: Incredible. Also hectic. Also mindblowing.
I had been to conventions before, in my own state, where they don't get much bigger than a few hundred, maybe a thousand, at peak attendance. And of course, the venue isn't nearly as big as the good ol' Baltimore Convention Center. But yeah, I was nervous and excited all at once to head to my first and last Bronycon.
The trip was a first for me in a number of ways:

  • First trip to Baltimore
  • First major trip taken completely on my own (that was a biggie for me)
  • First time I met my online pony friends (one of whom is the lovely Hyreia.)
  • First time I shared a hotel room with (relative) strangers (yes, of course I knew them online)
  • First trip to a convention with about 10,000 attendees OH MY FRICKIN CELESTIA
  • First attendance to a concert (Bronypalooza, whoo!)
  • And of course, first pony convention

It was really great to finally express this pony love out in the open with a bunch of other people who love it as well. Where I live, I'm just about the only (current) brony I know, so it meant a lot to just let loose those inhibitions, you know? No one's gonna make fun of me, and heck, we're all laughing at ourselves anyway.

Q: Will you be attending any other pony conventions?

A: Yes! I plan to be attending Trotcon this year, if all goes well. Though the convention scene takes quite a toll on my wallet, so I'll probably have to limit the pony parties to one per year. They also have to be relatively close to where I live, which really makes me wish I'd discovered Bronycon earlier.

Q: What is your name?

A: The Mountaineer Brony.

Q: What is your quest?

A: To seek the Holy Grail. To write more pony stories.

Q: What... is your favorite color?!

A: Blue! (No, really, it is.)

Q: What are some of your interests other than ponies?

A: I'm glad you asked! Paleontology has been a lifelong passion for me, and I'm trying to pursue an education that will hopefully end in that. I also like to go out and look for fossils whenever the weather is nice. Here in WV, you're most likely to find them along roadcuts, and you're mostly getting seafloor creatures, but I hold out hope for that odd vertebrate!
I also play a lot of video games (probably more than I should), read and write, and paint miniatures and the occasional canvas. I love D&D and desperately want to run it, if only I could get friends to coordinate their schedules. I also spend a lot of time thinking about what to have for lunch and how to make myself feel like a child again. :raritydespair:

Q: When is your birthday?

A: November 16th. Mark your calendars!

Q: Do you like the outdoors?

A: Yes! At least when it's not miserably hot or cold. I like to walk through the forest and listen to the noises it makes. I like to go to the mountains and think about how long they've stood there. I like to look up at the clouds and the night sky and just take in their beauty. Heck, sometimes I just go stare at a field because it relaxes me. Earth is an interesting place, and I hope to see more of it in the future.

Q: Do you drive?

A: Yes, but preferably not where it's crowded, and preferably not over 50 mph. :twilightsheepish:

Q: What's your favorite thing off the Wendy's menu?

A: Those frickin' chicken nuggets. Sweet Celestia, I have never tasted better nugs. And to think, the first time I tried them was because I'd never eaten at Wendy's and didn't know what I'd like. Really hit the nail on the head, I did.

Q: This one divides opinion, but pineapple on pizza: yes or no?

A: I personally do not eat it on mine, but I do not look down upon those who do. Anchovies are a different frickin' story.

Q: If you could pick an unusual/exotic pet to have, what would it be?

A: Probably something reptilian... let's say a tortoise or an iguana. Maybe a scorpion, I've always thought those were cool.

Q: What's an odd talent you're particularly proud of?

A: I can name almost all the countries in the world. Still training myself on that.

Q: What's the deal with BloodLust?

A: Ah, BloodLust, the prodigal child of The Mountaineer Brony. You see, BloodLust was the first story I ever published on here, shortly after getting into the FiM fandom, and I think it definitely shows. My writing skills had gone unused for a time when I wrote that, and frankly, I was very surprised it gained the following it did. I wasn't sure how good it was going to be. And, if we're being completely honest, I was more or less making the story up as I went. I still only have a vague idea of the ending I want it to lead to. At the same time, I don't want to put it On Hiatus, because that's basically a death sentence for any story on this site. I really want to give it closure though, mostly for those who really like it. I don't hate the story, but I definitely think I have better work on this site. Same for Death has a Cutie Mark Problem, although that got waylaid for different, sadder reasons. I do intend to finish my stories one of these days, however, so stay tuned, fillies and colts!

Q: Who's your favorite Mane Six?

A: Please don't make me choose! The fandom will tear me apart!

Just kidding, it's Rainbow Dash, but only because she was the first pony I ever connected with. Mom had had one of the old Happy Meal toys from the first run stuck away because she'd/we'd gotten it by accident. When I told her I liked the show, she fished it out and gave it to me, and now that Dashie is precious to me.

Q: Why does this interview have so few FimFic related questions? And why are you interviewing yourself?

A: I really don't know. I'm probably padding for time while I frantically write something to keep my account relevant. :derpytongue2:

Q: If you could change one thing about FiM or how it's handled, what would it be?

A: I'd make it so there are a lot more toys marketed to a gender neutral audience or an older audience. I know we have those WizKids miniatures now, but I want a strategy game, dammit.

Q: You used to have a no-clop policy. Now, you have an M-rated story about AJ's ladyboner for Rarity, and Derpy looking for love tryna smash. What gives?

A: That mostly changed due to my perception of the fandom and sexual themes within the fandom. I realized that deeply fleshed-out characters have a lot that could be brought out in romantic stories, and I felt I was overlooking a big potential audience by not writing them. Also, I find risqué humor absolutely hilarious, so if there's a good opportunity for it, I'll take it. Does the fandom have a problem with the sexualization of these characters? I don't think it's my place to say. But I do know that if you're a fan of something for long enough, it starts to slip into parts of your life you didn't expect it to.

TL;DR: Clippity cloppity, shit's 'bout to get sloppity. :rainbowwild:
Please keep in mind I have no intention of releasing anything sloppity and/or cloppity anytime soon, but if there was a sizeable demand for it, I might.

Q: And lastly, what's one thing you'd like to tell the fandom at large?

A: Remember the lessons this show taught us. In this age of the internet, it's SUPER easy to get worked up and angry at other people for any offense, real or perceived. It's so easy to go bully someone else because you're not feeling good. So easy to spread negativity and divide this seemingly cheery fandom. Just remember the values of the elements, honesty, loyalty, laughter, kindness, and generosity, and maybe, just maybe, we can bring out that spark of magic and make the world a better place for us all.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day/night, and I'll see you all soon!
-TMB :heart:

Comments ( 4 )

You're alive! And thanks for the shout out!

A: I personally do not eat it on mine, but I do not look down upon those who do. Anchovies are a different frickin' story..

Remind me to forcefeed you a pineapple and anchovy pizza one of these days! It's a sailor's delight! :pinkiecrazy:

A: I'd make it so there are a lot more toys marketed to a gender neutral audience or an older audience. I know we have those WizKids miniatures now, but I want a strategy game, dammit.

Pretty solid change. As therapeutic brushing out and fixing pony manes are they're a pain and are never perfect. I prefer the molded manes. I think they realized too late that MLP:FIM had some some potential to tap into the boy marketplace. Maybe G5? I hope. Just needs a bit more fantasy emphasis and you could sell girl figures to anyone. Think Star Wars but less stars and wars.

I suggest the Guardians of Harmony series of toys! I know you have some non-posable stuff but the action figures are really cool from what I've seen! There's even a cocky Rainbow Dash with goggles and Tank! All molded with posable legs and wings!

I look forward to getting more pony stories from you! You don't need sleep as much as the world needs more pony!

Q: What's your favorite thing off the Wendy's menu?

A: Those frickin' chicken nuggets. Sweet Celestia, I have never tasted better nugs. And to think, the first time I tried them was because I'd never eaten at Wendy's and didn't know what I'd like. Really hit the nail on the head, I did.

I've never been to a Wendy's, but I have to argue that Mickey D's chicken nuggers taste the best!!!!!! Let the hate roll in, I'mma take it

McNuggies are excellent, but in their own way. I have to be in the mood for empty calories.
Wendy's chicken tastes like actual chicken.

I just like the juiciness-

But yeah, I can see how Wendy's might taste better

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