• Member Since 20th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch

More Blog Posts111

  • 26 weeks
    Happy New Years

    Brand new year, still the same old me alive and kicking.

    Looking forward to what this year brings. Fingers crossed

    1 comments · 58 views
  • 39 weeks
    Monthly update

    Hey guys, Frost here.

    Just thought I would poke in to give a bit of an update on things. I'm trying to get back into writing to continue some of the projects and stories that I've been working on, but a handful of things going on IRL has put any progress that I wanted to do on the back foot for the meantime.

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    0 comments · 133 views
  • 45 weeks
    Still around, but things are slow

    Hey guys, Frost here. I know that I've been quiet for... well, a bit. But there's a few things that have my attention be focused elsewhere for the time being. It won't be for too long, but writing has kind of been on the backburner because of some IRL things going on (As always). I will try to have something up in August, but we'll see how it goes.


    0 comments · 122 views
  • 48 weeks
    Set sail

    Because we all know that the one thing that we need after saving the world is the best Summer Vacation...

    0 comments · 120 views
  • 53 weeks
    A little update on things.

    Hey guys, Frost here. As you know, I mentioned in my last blog that I had an idea in the works that I wanted to try out and see if people liked it.

    Well, after some thinking, I decided to go for it. Once I look it over a couple more times, it should be good and I'll be sure to submit it. In the meantime though, here's a small taste of the rabbit hole I've been working on.

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A big thank you · 4:41pm Jan 29th, 2020

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who was able to show their support for the most recent entry in a series of stories that I have been doing involving Yuumi from League of Legends (Which I am calling 'The Cat Chronicles' because... why not?). When I first published 'The Cat in Canterlot Castle' on Sunday, I was a bit unsure how well it would do because it kind of came up in my head spontaneously (Like with the previous two stories) and I was hesitant about how it would be received. Because when it comes to writing stories, many of the things that I tend to write are either hit or miss. Not to mention that some stuff that I've been dealing with in IRL has made it harder to focus on writing.

However, what I've seen over the last two days and the amount of people who loved Yuumi's adventures in Equestria have really blown my expectations out of the water. So, I wanted to tell all of you guys... thank you. It means so much to me how much you guys showed your support and I really appreciate it.

I do plan on continuing Yuumi's ongoing shenanigans in Equestria, though it will take some time to come up with the next one. In the meantime though, I hope you have a great day.

Art by Foori-Bestia on Deviantart

Comments ( 2 )

I want Flutters to meet Rengar!

Or Kha'zix, Animal Lover vs Animal Hunter

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