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Contest Reminder -- Two months left! · 1:44am Feb 5th, 2020

If you meant to write a story for this contest but haven’t done it yet, this is your reminder -- you might want to get started on that! About two months left until the deadline.

And if you’re a new writer, things are looking good for you!
Out of 37 entries so far...

  • only one is from a writer who’s never published anything on Fimfic before.
  • only seven are the first clopfic published by their authors.
  • less than half are from a writer with less than 200 followers.

So if you’ve got less than 200 followers, you only have half the competition for a $25 prize! If you’ve never written a clopfic before, you’ve only got 7 stories to compete with. And if you’ve never published anything on Fimfic before, you only have one other story to compete with -- I like those odds! ^.^

A few of the Fetish Fuel prizes still have little or no competition as well. I’m pretty sure there’s no competition for the Interspecies prize yet, and while I can’t be sure until the time comes to read them, there doesn’t seem to be much for Infidelity or Free Love, either. As for Impregnation or Cum Swapping ... who knows? Really hard to tell sometimes if a story has that or not just from the description. Lots of prizes still up for grabs out there -- and you’ve got two months left to snatch them up!

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