• Member Since 27th Apr, 2019
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Take a minute to be kind to someone today, even if that someone is you. We all need a little more kindness, giving and receiving.

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Trying to talk more · 4:01am Feb 6th, 2020

Like I said in my 50+ followers blog, I tend to not talk unless I have something to say. I've been told before that it makes me seen standoffish, or uninterested. I'll try to not be boring, or just ramble. But one side effect of not talking often is that I tend to not know what to say after a point.
I guess a bit of an update is I'm working on a sequel to The Line Between Fire and Light. I've got a couple ideas I want to put in, and just need to tie them together. And there are scenes I'm still trying to work out.
I'm not particularly quick with my writing unless something particularly strikes my interest.
I have another idea for a story outside the cannon of my story, inspired by the Ail-icorn short and Tenchi-Muyo (the episode with Washu's lullaby specifically.)
I can't really think of anything interesting at the moment, so I'll just let things go at the update.

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