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Jam Through Time · 5:26pm Feb 22nd, 2020

I love the Internet.

Comments ( 8 )

That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen, or possibly will ever see. It’s the actual pinnacle of human achievement, the Zenith. All else pales in comparison. All else merely disappoints.

Bald Freddie Mercury was flippin’ sweet.

The way it kicks up when it gets to the 90s is fantastic.

That was magical. As someone who always—always—claps along whenever I hear this song, thank you for sharing this!

I love PMJ. And this is excellent! :derpytongue2:

This was a spectacular show of harmony and not just in the musical sense :raritywink:

It's missing 2000's rap/R&B with Autotuned vocals.

It's pretty cool when someone does a good job translating a song into different styles like that.

This brings to mind another similar occurrence that I'm a little more familiar with, which I offer here:

That's to recent, it was only holycrap I'moldnow whatdodIdowiththis

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