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dirty little secret

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New contest entry: A Ritual As Old As The Hills · 12:21am Feb 26th, 2020

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Several years ago, Babs Seed got her cutie mark. After reaching this milestone in her young life, she moved to Ponyville, where an apprenticeship would be easier to come by, and competition less fierce. Now, she's reached another milestone of her youth. The last one, in fact. She has come of age, and like uncounted mares before her—or almost-mares—she must now participate in The Ritual. Fertility comes in many forms, after all, and honor must be paid to all of them.

Included in this piece of smut: M/F, Public Sex, Ritual Sex, Ritual Impregnation, Infidelity (Maybe. Does it still count if it's done with permission? How about grudging permission?), Foalcon (Barely, Babs is aged-up to 16 here.), and Basic Stallion-Covering-Mare position.

Potential nonsexual triggers include: Princesses—Harmony bless them—as living Goddesses, Nightmare Moon and the Sonic Rainboom never happening, ponies acting like horses…more or less, and a non-depressed, nonviolent, just generally normal (mostly) Pinkamena.

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