• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter Promo, Vex's Mirror Universes, and Free Godzilla Books - OH MY! · 3:46am Feb 26th, 2020

I regret many things. One of them is how absent I’ve been. That, hopefully, stops now as I haven’t been idle. I’m sorry if some worried I abandoned the site, the fandom, or my story. Not so. What have I been up to? Well aside from spending some free time on the Discord to keep myself mentally sane with social interaction, graduate school has been an enormous time drain and I also hosted a visit from my beloved girlfriend; known to you all as Faith-Wolff, recently.

That said, especially after removing my writer’s block, work has continued. The next chapter has actually gotten so big that even though it’s nearly done I’m cutting it in half. What does this mean? Well it means without much longer to wait for the first part, you’re getting part 2 within a week or so of its release. And Faith-Wolff has pitched in as well, meaning brand new illustrations will be accompanying the tale and be released concurrently with it.

I’m sorry I’ve been away, but I never left.

And as a sign of good will, I come bearing gifts!

Godzilla - The Literary Saga

When it comes to any genre there tends to be certain tiers of awareness, and nowhere is that more obvious than with the Godzilla franchise. 

Your average moviegoer is probably aware of the recent Legendary pictures movies, perhaps Shin Godzilla, and maybe the Netflix anime trilogy thanks to exposure. They likely know that there were older films but they may or may not be able to name specifics.

A relatively new G-Fan might be able to State details like which company makes the Godzilla series and that there were roughly three eras before the Legendary reboot, but may or may not have been able to see all of them given some of the movies are relatively hard to track down and the sheer number.

And then you have fans which have managed to track down and see all of those films, be they newcomers looking back on the fruits of bygone decades or veteran sci-fi fans who might have grown up with some of them. The fandom is pretty diverse and I've met members ranging from a five year old little girl rooting for the Big G in a theater showing his latest outing to an old timer who actually saw the first movie when it was in theaters.

But an often-ignored facet of the franchise is the printed media, which is arguably even harder to track down as many of the texts or comic books have been out of print for decades. You might get lucky at a thrift store, or have to scour the web. 

Me? I was lucky that I got into the fandom at just the right time, when tracking down the books was just as much part of the hunt as tracking down the movies. I had already seen the 1998 TriStar film, the 1956 American edit of the original movie, and I had just been taken to see Godzilla 2000 in theaters with my folks. To this day it's still the first movie I have a very clear recollection of seeing in the theaters.

And when I got on AskJeeves.com (RIP), the hunt was on for more when classic sci-fi fans Ma and Pa told me they remembered seeing some of the older films in theaters growing up. Often I wouldn't even really know what I was looking for when I went to flea markets with my chore and lawn mowing money saved up, I just asked if they had anything Godzilla related. Still got a lot of the old VHS tapes, but I also found a few books between the flea markets as well as nearby libraries. 

Now Random House was a publishing company that got a licensing deal with Toho company in the early 1990s that gave them the rights to make multiple Godzilla books and there was quite the variety. From 300 + page chapter books to short youth novels, to picture books, to 3-D illustrated books, and official compendiums, the very first illustrated in English.

The Heisei saga had been ongoing at that point, however aside from the first two movies none of the films were released in North America until the very end of the decade. The Random House compendium book was actually the only way Western fans could figure out what happened in the other movies without being able to see them.

This meant the writers of these books were often given concept art and pictures of the 1990s movies, but couldn't directly draw from them for plot and were even instructed by Toho to just do as they pleased. The result was a rather interesting blending as the two main writers had grown up with the Showa era, but were using the new era's assets.

And the two cornerstones of the Random House series were the two novel runs by Scott Ciencin and Marc Cerasini. While having two different continuities with very different tones, the two are the very first official Canons ever created outside of Japan to have Godzilla as a franchise. 

There were four prior times the big gray Goliath had appeared in Western media, that being the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, two audio dramas, the Marvel comics, and the Dark Horse Comics. However, in every single one of those prior times, he had been the only character from his series to actually appear. Any other monsters he co-starred with in western media were completely original creations, sometimes skirting close enough to the likenesses of the Toho roster to serve as a stand-in. Examples would be Cyber-Saurus from the Dark Horse comics obviously being copyright-friendly mechagodzilla-

Or the thunder dragon from the Hanna-Barbera cartoon being 'I can't believe it's not Rodan'-

Now this wasn't necessarily because the western creators wanted to be cheap and not have to pay for copyright. In fact the Hanna-Barbera cartoon really heavily tried to get the other members of the main roster, but oddly enough Toho seemed against exporting anything but the title character for a while. Not so with the two book series though, and often the characters were reimagined in surprisingly new ways that do still make a lot of sense.

Unfortunately if you want to read these literal Lost chapters in the franchises history oh, you're going to have to either scour the net or be able to bite quite a big bill. These books haven't been published in over 20 years, so finding one in good condition is getting increasingly hard…

Which is why I'm making it so you don't have to, and just giving them to you. 

Yes I am not joking. I have in my possession a fairly good quality book scanner, specifically tailored to handling books you can't and don't want to open the binding to. While a bit tedious, the results speak for themselves and in a little over 20 minutes with another half hour of fixing up the pages, I can completely digitize a book well over 200 pages and make it just as legible in PDF format as it would be if you had the page before you. Works great on both the computer and on mobile. 

Shouldn't be any legal problems given Random House as a company does not exist anymore. 

Now this upload works in two phases, as while I have acquired all issues of one series at my current residence, my books from the other series are back at my old house. This means I'll need a bit to scan and digitize the Marc Cerasini novels (Godzilla Returns, Godzilla 2000, Godzilla at World's End, and Godzilla versus the Robot Monsters). 

Instead, thanks to the invaluable help of the man of the hour, ThatGuyVex, this first batch will be comprised of the Scott Ciencin novels. He not only went out of his way to purchase all of these rare books, but even trusted me enough to send them to me to scan specifically so others could read them as I sent them back to him. This guy is a true gem and a true friend, so anyone giving applause needs to aim it at him.

These are shorter reads than the other series, usually a little over or a little under a hundred pages apiece; and meant for a more young teenage audience. Still past the first book especially the Kaiju fights are pretty abundant, especially in the last one. The plot is very nice and simple, and there are many instances you get in the monsters' heads showing you what's going through their mind which is both pretty close to sapient but decidedly not human. 

And there is a very strong continuity from book to book, so I like to think of it as a sort of alternate Shows saga condensed into four stories. That said, there are still elements of the Heisei saga slipping in such as Battra and G-Force, so the author is definitely picking and choosing different sources to tell something new. It's not perfect as it is meant for a younger audience, the characters aren't especially deep, and some of the human conflict resolves way too quickly; but let's be honest here and confirm we're probably mostly here for the monsters.

And in that regard, these stories do not disappoint. The first one is a solo outing to set the stage, but from then on it's ensembles with both familiar faces given new origin stories as well as a few original creations like Sasori, an electrokinetic giant scorpion, or the two giant vipers Yellowback and Rattler.

I also get the sneaking suspicion that a certain author of the first Monster'verse script might have read these because there is a confrontation in Las Vegas that has a few similarities to the MUTOs, but with probably the most competent incarnations of Kamacuras and Kumonga yet working together. 

And the final outing of the series both gives us a pretty good conclusive ending while also feeling, oddly enough, like the result of somebody throwing King of the Monsters (2019), Destroy All Monsters, and Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster into a blender with what very well may be the most powerful Showa-styled King Ghidorah to date.

Now because I’m not entirely sure how sharing rules on FimFic work, I ask that you message me and I will give you the link to where you can get the books in PDF format. Anyone who has me on discord will already be receiving the link there. If you want to get at the books without having me manually send them to you, discord link is on my front page and right here. Pile in, we stream a lot of movies and shows and the image chat's great. it's in a subthread up near the top called #Celestia's Library.

From my childhood to you, I hope you enjoy :)

Across the Mirror’verse - Vex’s Skull Island

Something that always brings a smile to my face is seeing how others have taken what I have laid down and done something new with it. it might be exploring a character I hadn't touched upon all that much, it might be investigating a What-If scenario. In my years of writing The Bridge I’ve had the honor of befriending many talented people and one of them has something special for you today that I’ve had a hand in. A mirror universe offers many wonderful possibilities for storytelling as the resulting tale might be similar to something known, but the circumstances and morality being flipped can drastically change the final outcome.

And by the pen of a talented writer, we have a tale from across the mirror; back to the island of the Skull. Vex, floor is yours.


"In the Amalgam’verse Mirrorverse, Skull Island is still an island lost to time, but is under the protection of its Guardian, the shamanic Skull Crawler Ramarak, and her young apprentice, Gaw, leader of the Deathrunners. Both tribes of Skull Crawlers and Deathrunners have maintained a truce with each other for generations that has created a harmonious balance on Skull Island. Gaw is the first of her kind to be chosen to succeed a Skull Crawler as Guardian, and she struggles with the training to connect with the realm’s primal elements, despite Ramarak’s patient teachings.

And the time for training is soon ending, for a threat is rising from the depths of the Hollow Earth, and Skull Island’s distant past. Born of ancient alchemy, personal tragedy, and an iron will to conquer, this powerful foe will push Ramarak and Gaw to their limits and beyond in a titanic clash for the fate of Skull Island. He is named Kong, and he has come to claim his kingdom."

Read on and have a ball!
Tales of the Amalgam'verse: Mirrorverse Side: Guardian of Skull Island!


And to show I wasn’t kidding around for what comes next…

Irys was unsure what kind of reaction she would get. On one level she was absolutely terrified with so many unknowns. Where had the mothra, whom so often was a blight to her nightmares, gone off too after X beat her but was forced to escape? What had compelled Aria to demand a plan in which she and X face the enemy alone? Any kind of isolation seemed unthinkable to her. What sort of bravado would compel one to face their terrors alone or with only limited backup? She might have hated her old flock for what they did to her and her mother, but they and her could certainly agree that numbers always mattered. 

If there came a day she had to face down the mothra, her resurrected flock, or Gamera; the hyper gyaos intended to do so with a Ghidorah cross and two cyborgs at her side with their Master at her back. 

Then again she didn't exactly have a stellar relationship with her cannibalistic cousins and any siblings she might have had died in their eggs so perhaps her experience was a bit different than X's mate. Small comfort was granted at the knowledge X and the trained Aria would be more than enough to handle this foe…

-Until said foe started spewing out magic and causing a light show…-

The gyaos shoved that thought aside, hoping on faith, and considering her present as she sailed down at her target. Which left her here. Pouncing at a being she didn’t know to try and help save Aria and X’s scheme avoid outside interference while reluctantly leaving them to fight the latest enemy.

He didn’t smell like a normal human, but didn’t give off any magic she could pick up on either. At least not directly, there was something similar. And given her encounter with Anguirus, a name that brought forth many stray thoughts, who knew who the mothra had gotten for help.

Irys launched herself at the target, hoping to get a keen surprise attack so she’d have an advantage. She could only hope it wasn’t-

The dark gray skin, up close, was more noticeable even if it wasn’t heavily armored scales.


Milliseconds ticked by when her teeth sunk into his left arm. A horrid taste from some bristling power was so distinct. She was more familiar with how the mothra and Gamera tasted, but this wasn’t an unknown from one time she clashed with a very particular foe. One very, very big mistake.

-No no no not him!-

Amethyst eyes looked into burning gold surrounded by red, the recognition proving mutual.

Minutes Earlier

Sometimes size did matter. Even if he wasn't an exceptionally speedy individual like a certain mutant iguana or alchemically engineered pterosaur, in his true state Godzilla junior could cover quite a bit of ground when he needed to move. And while he couldn't exactly make as long of a stride at just under about two meters tall then when he could at fifty times that span, truly remarkable endurance and urgency was allowing him to book it down the street at much faster than he initially thought he could. The-kaiju-turned-unicorn-turned-human was also having an easier time than normal given the streets were largely empty. Too many people attending the town festival that the music exhibition was a part of. Most of the storefronts were closed, many of the windows darkened, nothing for a distraction that stopped him from hyperfocusing on the massive amount of radiation he was picking up.

Or at the very least it felt a lot like it, even if this particular human world seemed a bit more like what he was familiar with as opposed to what Equestria had, some questioning with the locals and a bit of sensing hadn't picked up anything atomic. No nuclear power plants, no weapon silos, not even a mine that might occasionally get something on the level of uranium ore. While he never went sacking power plants like some mutations or his predecessor did, he still could pick them up at a distance even with the shielding. And given how close the signal he was chasing was, it wouldn't even appear to be a case of his human body dulling that sense any.

And if it wasn't radiation, it had to be the next closest thing which he knew from Equestria thanks to Princess Sparkle and Lele's tests. There was something magical blowing up all of his sensory tracking dead ahead, directly where the purple siren had run off to. The last time he sensed a spike of this particular brand of chaotic, unfocused magic was after first contact with the sirens at the school. Now she had run off and he was detecting it again, magnitudes moreso. Cause for concern to be sure. 

They might not have come here for equestrian monsters from some bygone era, but if weird things were happening he was bound to get to the bottom of this mess by pursuing any lead he could. The mission was to get Princess Sparkle back, and protect Princess Celestia, her former student, and their human companions. In a big open event like a festival nobody was going to try anything, and ever-loyal Anguirus was on standby.

He swallowed a brief worry while putting more distance between him and the concert.

-You've helped them get a grasp on their abilities if something really wrong happened. They're not going to try and fight off a kaiju, but they can't defend themselves until Anguirus can get to them. They'll be just fine… just fine.-

If anything, the worry hurried him. However unfortunately for the individual sprinting at him from the left, concern had also hyper-focused him. With no one else in the streets there was nothing else to filter out the noise of her advance. He had tried to remain focused only towards where the siren had gone.

He didn't know at all who it was, attempts to chance a glance behind him hadn't been fruitful. But she had seemed to make a very concerted effort to stay on his tail and close the distance. The former was concerning, the latter told him the situation he was in.

It was another reason to put more distance between what was coming and the humans. Very reluctantly he steered his sprint towards the smell of water, a rather large lake being not too far away. 

With a water in viewing distance, nobody around, and his pursuer closing in, the king of the monsters took a calculated risk and slowed down. 

There was a sound of feet kicking off a roof, and Junior whipped around just in time for a very pale-colored woman to collide with him in a pounce. Time slowed down to a crawl as their bodies inched towards each other. 

For the faintest moment he thought her a normal human, or perhaps maybe another exiled creature from Equestria. His left hand which was coming up under her stomach was opened to try and catch, grip, and hold her away. Maybe ask and demand to know who she was and why was she chasing him?

Then she bit him on the left forearm...


She grimaced behind her fangs still sunk into the arm, whimpering briefly as she braced. Underneath her, the hand meant to catch her instead balled into a fist. Irys felt her gut get punched so strongly it voided her lungs, her foe twisting around and letting forth a nuclear pulse. The gyaos shrieked and let go of her bite due to energy conducting into both her gut and mouth from the contact, shocking her so much parts of her clothing and hair smoked. She was wrenched around and thrown several yards into a snowbank.

Everything in her mind was a daze from the impact and shocks, so much so her vision was fuzzy and refused to clear for several seconds even as stomping footfalls closed in on her.

On reflex the gyaos vibrated her vocal cords and distended her jaw to spew out a hyper sonic ray of energetic sound. At first yellow, panic made her condense it further into a familiar purple. An outstretched palm caught the beam and grabbed her by the face. Even so, Irys kept firing and she registered the flinching flash of pain in her attacker’s face. The sonic ray was very thin, meant more as a sweeping blow to allow it to slash as the thin puncture would be far less deadly, but with him holding onto her face with an iron grip she couldn’t change it’s aim.

Irys was dragged off the ground and hoisted into the air, gripping the arm holding her whilst kicking her legs as they dangled over a foot off the ground. The helplessness starting to settle in, even as she was whipped around and smacked against a storefront window several times hard enough to crack it, was thankfully brief. As while her foe had so stubbornly held her by her head, she had stubbornly held onto his arm and continued firing. And even the enhanced durability he enjoyed on loan from his true self had limits. Her attacker shook and grimaced more so than before and the reason soon became obvious when a screaming, thin ray of purple shot out of his elbow after having burrowed through his hand and arm. She must have hit a tendon in their somewhere as her foe’s arm went slack from the elbow down and his fingers lost their grip.

Irys snarled and grabbed his arm, rather fearlessly yanking herself forward to launch at his throat with her fanged jaws open. Only a flash of blue light stopped her advance. While unable to fly, the enhanced sense of balance and orientation was still there and she acted on it, grabbing him by his face and kicking off his gut to launch herself away and send her sprawling across the ground. Not missing any beat, she sprung away from the frozen and snowy earth to avoid a salvo of atomic plasma as the neon blue burning wrath instantly instantly evaporated a large amount of snow they’d been standing in. Steam born of the conflicting hot vapors and cold air soon whited out much of the nearby terrain.

When she arose her expression was not one of confidence given apparent success, but abject terror. Especially when a dark shadow in the fog started rushing towards her. Godzilla Junior, still bleeding from his hurt hand, came at her swinging with the right. Light and crackling energy engulfed both his eye and hand, and his acceleration was unfit for his size. Without any room to dodge, Irys curled up and crossed her arms before herself while letting a ringing shriek sound off from her throat. A shield of projected power formed in front of her and took the nuclear pulse charged hit, but nothing stopped the momentum as she went rocketing back. A yelp sounded off after a loud, metallic crash.

Godzilla Junior huffed, narrowing his eyes while raising up his bloodied, hurt hand. Before his eyes, the clean stab wound sealed shut and he tested at each finger and knuckle to ensure the ligaments, tendon, and muscle had knit back together properly; with only a scar to show for it on his palm and elbow.

-Lea and this gyaos are unable to fly anymore, with Anguirus having lost his natural spikes. Guess besides the lack of tail for balance, I’m the least affected here.-

The hand balled into a crackling fist as his focus and eyes all narrowed at the streaks of torn cloth, bits of blood, and disturbed sleet that indicated where his enemy had gotten blasted through the fog to. Even with the haze he could easily pick up on the gasping gyaos, who’d apparently gotten back up onto her feet. Then everything went silent, leaving him alone in the white out.

Godzilla Junior kept his guard up, pacing forward slightly while sniffing silently at the air. He soon found the source of the crash from earlier in the form of a bent and twisted newspaper stand the gyaos had apparently been thrown into hard enough she shattered the front and ripped several of its legs out of the bolts anchoring it to the ground.

“I came here looking for trouble, seems I found you,” he growled while beginning to advance through the fog, following the gyaos’ trail via scent as best he could but it was complicated by how much she evidently was leaping about.

He glanced aside, thinking he saw something off to his left and turning that way, while remembering the terms set up by the Element Bearers and Princess. Her fear had been obvious, he could literally smell it, so it was worth a shot to avoid a pointless act.

“I’ll give you a chance to stand down, and I won’t have to do what I did to your flock.”

Or at least, that’s what he tried to say. The thought was there, the articulations of his body parts from his lips, tongue, lungs, and vocal cords all acted as needed and he could even feel it so. But the sound was gone. Totally gone. In fact it sounded like… nothing. He couldn’t even hear the distant concert anymore! A test whack against a nearby phone pole with his knuckles confirmed it. He could feel the pole shake to register to hit, as well as the tactile sensation of hitting it on his hand; but no hollow echo to indicate it.

He didn’t know what it was, who was doing it, or how it came about; only two things were known. It was eerie and messing with his head, and he didn’t like it.

Especially when absolutely nothing audible heralded a purple slicing ray glancing off his shoulder and leaving a shallow, but painful cut. Godzilla gasped mutely, quickly gripping it and snarling as the wound mended. A dim flicker of a shape moving in the mist soon heralded a dark fog mixing in with the haze, evidently generated by the gyaos.

Irys huffed as she dove back and lashed out with another cutter ray, this one gashing the monster across the leg and causing him to stumble briefly… Only for him to immediately get back up and charge her location. She grimaced and rushed away under the cover of her shade. Against some kind of brute, she might have been able to wear him down fairly easily even without the advantage of her flight.

And after several more slashes or stabs with her beam, she was reaching success. Some. It wouldn’t last.


She had been chasing the siren for a good number of minutes, and this had to be ended quickly…

She channeled that fear, that- dare she say- spite at this invader, which flowed through her. It caused the air around her to grow colder and small bits of her hair started to rise up even under her hat. For a split second she glimpsed a glow about her eyes similar in shape to her glasses. Just like she was taught, channeling negativity and.. spite as she put it, she still didn’t like Zephyrus’ liberal use of the word ‘hatred’, to fuel the device containing the claimed siren gem. The dark power from the gem, the evil magic that might corrupt or control her world, was bent to her will. As long as she carefully managed it. She had to after all, she was just about the only one who could control magic reliably in this world of chancy users.

Twilight grit her teeth and saw Aria’s fleeing form dart into an alley, gaining space between them thanks to greater stride and or athleticism. At least until Twilight pointed her hands at the ground and wall behind her and concentrated, shoving a wall of glowing, purple telekinesis magic into it without grounding herself. Quite the opposite in fact given her feet and the space below them were covered in ice. Sliding across the rapidly freezing pavement to leave twin tails, Twilight kept shoving backwards to propel herself along and catch back up to an obviously shocked Aria.

Knowing no witnesses were about, Twilight cut a bit more loose than normal to try and end this quickly while also with the least chance of harm to anyone. It took a lot of strain, a lot of focus, as cold sweat ran down her face. The intention of homing in on every bad experience at school and every worry for her world in the face of this invasion by magic, it gave her enough spite to create a wall of ice by generating the frost and then yanking it out of the ground with telekinesis. It took even more focus not to let that wrath slip and try to ram a shard of sharpened ice through her foe. Still, it meant she had to mind concentrated on Aria entirely; confident they were in a good spot.

Still, sharpened icicles formed and nearly were shot out if not for her mentally struggling on the emotions pouring out of the siren charm. It was like shoving a lid down on a bursting kettle and holding the steam in with your finger, so much strain it caused her to gasp briefly. Notice of Aria turning around and facing her was thankfully motivation to throw up another ice wall and pin the siren between them.

The walls were several meters high and not exceptionally thick, but in some way Twilight hoped the sharp spires sticking out towards the middle with motivate the siren to not try and bash through them. Huffing as her hat fell off, Twilight adjusted her glaces and grimaced. Using her telekinesis to grip the second wall, she held her hands out and walked forward. Amidst the grounding and cracking of the frost sheets, the icy wall started to advance towards the first of its kind. Aria, visible as a silhouette through the ice, backed away as Twilight advanced.

Step by step, she closed the gap; mentally trying her best to break some of the icicles and move them so that she might catch and pin her quarry between them without harm. Aria thankfully didn’t try to climb out or run to the side, already caught between two spires of ice that started to impale the wall behind her. Instead she was soon caught standing straight up and down, arms spread, and still. Twilight couldn’t tell how close the walls were exactly, but she guessed it was close. The siren didn’t seem to budge or try and free herself.

The relief nearly broke all of her focus on the emotions driving her magic and Twilight panicked, not wanting to weaken even for a fleeting moment. One wrong move and the siren got away. One other wrong move and she might kill her!

Twilight put her hands to the icy wall and felt at it, trying to keep her control as precise as possible. The gap closed closer and closer, now itching itself. Aria seemed to shift slightly and that almost gave Twilight pause, but her stillness kept up an assurance.

She had the monster trapped, with not one drop of blood spilt; be it hers or the siren’s.

Twilight Sparkle swallowed and adjusted herself, trying not to pay attention to the glow coming off from around her eyes she could see in the reflection of her glasses. Placing a hand where the red glow about the siren’s necklace lay, the crusader stole herself before pressing in. At her will the ice slowly started to pull away, little strands of telekinesis causing microfractures that lead into bigger ones; pulling and prying pieces of ice away to let her through. The cold soon gave away to empty air again. Through the fringes of the hole, she could see her hand pierce the gap between the walls and approach Aria’s panting chest and ruby-red necklace.

Twilight gulped and paused only for a moment, not sure whether to be proud in her achievement or anxious about it being so successful. The hitched breath from the siren gave her other cause.

“Sh-Shush it’s going to be okay. I’m not going to hurt you,” Twilight whispered.

Seeing Aria seem to shift again, she best hoped she was heard and understood as she continued, “But I can’t risk you or other magic hurting others. I’m going to fix it…”

Her hand approached the necklace and her fingers curled around it. Or they should have. Instead, she felt as if she hit a glass wall. Twilight paused but reached out again, feeling at the air and again feeling a solid mass some distance away from the necklace. It was round, perfectly spherical; like a radius of a shell. Finally opting for some force, Twilight attempted to reach in further; only for a force greater than what she tried to push in with repulsing her effort. The mage yelped, and she would have stumbled back had a hand not caught her by the wrist.

A hand between the walls, that held her wrist in a crushing grip that caused her to gasp.

“... Just like you fixed Sonata?” the venom in the voice, it wasn’t dripping in it; it was surging in a wave of it.

A flash of red came from behind the thin ice wall, coming from Aria’s eyes. Between the ice walls, she had braced herself between them to give the illusion she had been pinned. Kicking off the backwall’s base and twisting her hip around, Aria did the last thing Twilight expected a sea witch to do. Yank her forward while letting out a loud kiai and throwing a haymaker so strong it burst through the ice and rammed into her gut so hard it knocked the mage off her feet.

Comments ( 28 )

He has returned!
P.S thank you for loving my artwork in the discord chat.

Me, I've been taking my time. I've gotten past the chapter I'm on at the moment. I still believe that there is life left in the stories old bones.

nice preview
also, you mentioned a discord
is that a patron-only type deal, or is is open to all?
if it's the latter, may i have a link?

Awesome stuff, thanks for the update!

I actually read and owned one of the Ciencin Godzilla novels when I was a young teenager. The one with King Ghidorah, it was pretty fun from what I recall. XD

Damn things are heating up now almost makes me want to work on my idea for my ultraman Equestria Girls crossover. The that still work in progress

The new chapter is looking to be quite intense, and I'm loving it. Looking forward to seeing the rest!

I'm glad to have been able to help make these Godzilla novels more available to people, and hope folks will enjoy them. They're an interesting example of Godzilla being adapted to both a different storytelling format and to a western market, and are worth a read for anyone who likes kaiju.

I also hope folks will get a kick out of the Mirrorverse story for Skull Island. Any feedback on it from folks who check it out would be most welcomed. The story wouldn't be possible without Tarb's own story to help inspire it, so cheers to you Tarb, may The Bridge and the Amalgam'verse continue to be an inspiration for a long time to come. :twilightsmile:

Good to have you back man, believe me when I say this, I’ve made it to college now and some other things have kept me from doing what I love also, and I’m a fan of both Godzilla and Mlp for a long time and many of people are proud of you and how strong you guys are.
So far I’m ending my Zone series on Halo Mlp crossover with some of the pages on deviantart, feel free to check it out sometime.😄🖐

That's awesome. I still have my childhood copies of Who's Afraid of Godzilla?, Godzilla on Monster Island, and Godzilla vs Gigan and Smog Monster. The first two's covers got so beat up from me carrying them around everywhere and reading them all the time that I had to replace one at a school book sale lmao. Such a nostalgia trip. And I know that feel. Hang in there, my dude.

I learned about Godzilla by way of the 1998 American Zilla movie and Shin Godzilla, but I didn’t know how FAR down I would go if I decided to keep going.

I remember reading one of the later Scott Ciencin books from the library as a kid and always wanted to read the rest so very excited about this, just grabbed the other books and looking forward to reading them as well. Thank you both for doing this :-D

Glad to see that our beloved King Tarbtano has returned to grace us with another 50k chapter XDDDD

Good to hear from ya again, Tarb!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about another massive chapter after the last one, though this one seems to at least have a bit more justification than the last. Anyway, I'm more interested in the fact that the pieces that have been all over the board for most of this arc seem to be converging at last. And, bud, I get it: You're a busy guy and you probably always will be. Just keep being you, man.

I know it was supposed to be yard but ires being thrown through years almost fits. A seemingly hit into next Tuesday

Am I the only one around here who thinks Mechasaurus from the Dark Horse Godzilla comics is hecking bad:yay:!?

So if I want to have the scott ciencin books, then I have to go onto Discord, and ask for them? Because I really miss those books with a passion. I don't care if they're made for kids: those books are the reason I enjoy Godzilla as a heroic character rather than the average 'Destroyer of worlds' everyone pegs him as. Plus, they're one of the few OFFICIAL stories that tell it from kaiju perspective as well as human. So yeah: i'm pretty eager to read them again, if you don't mind.:)

And yes, I meant the PDF link things, so there's no confusion.

You can either
A. Go to the discord and get the link whenever you want
B. Send me a PM asking for it here and I will send it to you

If a PM stands for personal message, then i'll definitely see if I can do that - otherwise i'll possibly see you on Discord.:)

glad to have you back, Tarb!

"-No no no not him!-

Amethyst eyes looked into burning gold surrounded by red, the recognition proving mutual."

also, what is that anti-sound thing going on with Goji? a new ability Irys has? or is it something else?

It's one Irys developed when her full powers as a Guardian Beast awakened during the fight with Kaizer Ghidorah.

This is gonna be good

A bit late to this post, but it was rather interesting to read.
Im not a Godzilla fan per-se; I found out about this story due to ThatGuyVex mentioning it in his Bleach/EQG "Friendship Souls" story, and I'm so glad I checked out (and binge-read) "The Bridge".

So thanks so much for the sleep I lost while bingeing years of gigantic chapters. :pinkiecrazy:


Oh wow, I read the heck out of those books back in the day. I think I still have the official compendium.


Is there any way to get the Marc books without going broke? I heard they are really expensive.

I own and I'm working on scanning them all. A few are on Archive.org's library

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