• Member Since 20th Jul, 2012
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Just a friendly cyborg dragon-bug thingy

More Blog Posts27

  • 10 weeks
    Some Whisper and Starlight arts.

    I entirely forgot to post these up, but Alienz_Tea over on Reddit made some beautiful pictures of Whisper and Starlight that I wanted to share!

    First up is Starlight, looking all perky and ready to go! And of course she has to have her Lancer, which Alienz_Tea gave a unique and very detailed take of!

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    9 comments · 407 views
  • 13 weeks
    Non-pony writing and titles

    So I haven't done any new pony-words in a while, but I've still been writing. In fact, I've got a story that I'm hoping to get professionally published. Probably still a while away, even if things were to go miraculously smoothly, but it's a possibility that I'm really psyched about. There's just one problem:

    I'm not sure what to title it.

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  • 36 weeks
    The Chrysalis translation (Spanish)

    So there's another translation of The Chrysalis in the works! Bloo-D00 has started the impressive task of translating the story to Spanish on their DeviantArt account ( https://www.deviantart.com/bloo-d00/gallery/all ). They've already got the first 18 chapters out, which is some impressive work!

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  • 78 weeks
    The Chrysalis translation (Russian)

    The Fallout: Equestria fandom seems to have a sizable Russian-speaking population, so MrBrightsideTF2 has started the impressive task of translating my story into the Russian language! I've got to admit, I'm rather flattered that someone would go through that sort of effort for my story!

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  • 130 weeks
    No more books.

    Well, it was a good run. Lulu just sent out a message stating that they will not allow fanfiction, in any form, to be sold through their site, even privately, and that they're shutting down my account there. As of now, every book is offline.

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Books from the Wasteland · 3:40am Feb 27th, 2020

It's been a few months in the works, but finally it's here: the print version of Fallout: Equestria - The Chrysalis!


It's so cool to see all of these finally here. It was the biggest writing project I've done yet, and probably the largest single project I've ever taken on. I've had so much fun writing it, and it's just amazing to see them in hard-copy. I made a book!

And it's a lot of book, too:


I absolutely love the whole full-wrap cover image, so of course these all do that. Here's the first book, for example:


Of course, the size of the story meant it had to be broken into three books for printing, but this means it's still a comfortable size with decent-sized print, and bonus, three times the cover art!

If you'd like a copy, they're available here:

Dec 2021 edit: Lulu has removed all of these books from its site, and they are no longer available.

Book 1: Wake covers the first 17 chapters.
Book 2: Seek covers chapters 18 through chapter 34.
Book 3: Change covers chapter 35 through the end.

All of these are being sold at-cost, of course. :twilightsmile:

The artist for these covers is DiscordTheGE, and I he did an absolutely spectacular job on them. It's been really cool to see different peoples' interpretation of various scenes, and he's got some really cool ones. My photographs really don't do them justice. I loved how they looked in digital form, but they're even more impressive in-person. Check them out!




Thank you again to everyone who's been following these stories of mine!

Comments ( 53 )

New backgrounds!
(I'd buy the books but I prefer the portability of having it on my e-reader)

ooooh Myyyy Gooood YEEEEEEEES!!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I am super happy to see these, Phoenix. I look forward to acquiring them. :pinkiehappy:


Personally, I have both in some cases. I treat the physical as more of a collectors item rather than everyday reading.


I might get these at some point, but can't right now. Money's tight at the moment.

My shelf space surpassed critical overload a couple years ago and I have no more space for more shelves... The last time I put a book on my one shelf I heard a crack... I wasn't sure if it was the bottom of the bookcase or the wooden floor but either way I took it as a sign that I needed to stop.

The fact that book was the autobiography of Chris Hadfield was just the icing on the cake.

YASSWSSSSS... Although I already read Fallout Equestria:fluttercry:

Nice! The numbers on the spine bothers me. They should be rotated 90 degrees to the left.

Check out fimfic2epub. http://fimfiction.djazz.se


ah. That would explain i then. I haven't run into that problem yet.


To think if I had waited just a couple of weeks I could have made this order along with the Without A Hive saga I just received XD
Oh gosh, gotta say that cover art looks GORGEOUS, just beautiful.

aaaaaa Hek, if they're anything like how much care you put into the Without a Hive series, they'll be amazing, I'll need to pick them up when I have monz!



Shut up and take my money!

Where do I buy em!?

Yeah, the art is incredible. I absolutely love it!

And no worries. Digital is much more convenient! I mostly just did this because I get a kick out of seeing it as a real, physical book on the shelf. And it's my book on the shelf! :pinkiehappy:
I hope you like them! And thanks again for giving me the nudge to finally look into getting these printed up!
Heh! Or if I hadn't messed up and had to redo one of the PDFs with the ~3 week delay that caused (Because I was dumb). :twilightsheepish:
Hmmm... yeah, maybe. Would certainly look good on the shelf. I was just keeping it the same orientation as the title. Oh well. Hopefully it works either way. :twilightsheepish:
Very similar in quality. I used those books as a formatting template for this one, so it's fairly similar in text and layout. But I also got to do some fun tricks. There's a lot of text quoted from computer screens and such, and I really like the effect of going from the regular variable width and more graceful text of the rest of the story to the blocky monospaced console-type font for computer messages. I know it's probably a really minor thing, but I think it works a lot better than how it is in the FiMFiction version!
Well, they're being sold at-cost, so I'm not actually getting any of your money. :twilightblush: But if you'd like a copy, the links are just after the picture of the first-book spread (And I'll put 'em here again, too):


I have a mighty need!



Oh gee, I need to resort my books to hope for ANY shelf room for these. I still haven't made room for the Hive Saga yet..

Ah, congratulations! :D
They look nice. :)


There's a lot of text quoted from computer screens and such, and I really like the effect of going from the regular variable width and more graceful text of the rest of the story to the blocky monospaced console-type font for computer messages.

Hmmm, where did you get that idea from? :trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:


I use calibre. Works pretty good for me.

I don't blame you. Even just one of those books must feel like such an accomplishment all 3 must feel a bit surreal.

Congratulations! :pinkiehappy:

It’s so cool that your fanfic has its own hard copy now.

Congratulations! Well deserved

Oooh, I really want these! I'll have to order them soon, keep building my physical FoE collection c:

I cannot hurl my wallet at the screen fast enough.

....after payday, that is :twilightblush:

I hope you enjoy them! :twilightsmile:
Hey, it's a good idea. :twilightsheepish:

But this also let me do some more advanced formatting, such as having the computer text generally left-aligned like you would expect for computer output, but with a different indentation from the regular text to make the difference clear.

Just for fun, I put up a sample page from the PDF to show what it looks like. I really like the effect. Still used centered text for the "splash screen" text, because that seemed like something they'd have centered to look more impressive. :rainbowlaugh:
A little bit, yes! But also very cool. It took a lot of time and a fair amount of work, but it was worth it just to have a physical copy of it. :twilightsmile:

I don't think I've ever been so tempted to buy some books based purely on how nice the cover art looks.

I want a copy where's the link?

Also it lets you call yourself a published author if you weren't already.

If you need to base that decision purely on the cover art, you are in for a treat once you start reading.

Yeah, the spine numbers are probably gonna trigger my OCD a bit. Oh well, ordered them anyway, that story was a darn good read.

You're going to kill my wallet. :fluttershysad:

Took a while but Ordered!

Hope you enjoy them!

I've got to say, even after all this time, I still get a kick out of seeing these books on the shelf. :twilightsmile:

Woo! New FoE books for the collection.

I have yet to order copies of The Chrysalis, but the Nictis books look good on my shelf. :twilightsmile:

I am so happy to have helped light the spark to print these. I will be adding the last three to my shelf soon enough. :pinkiehappy:

And thank you for prodding me until I did this. There's just something so cool about seeing my books in print! :pinkiehappy:

I wish I knew this was printed sooner.

I somehow completely missed this when you posted this...

But it seems there's a 10% coupon going on at lulu right now, so, welp, ordered.

Looking at the covers now, Sickle seems strangely unarmoured in them, heh.

I remember there being some fan art of Sickle around where she was built like a house rather than like an Alicorn. I think it suited her better :rainbowwild:

Heh, yeah. I do love how the cover art came out, but I definitely picture her more like a walking tank :rainbowlaugh:

Finally got myself a physical copy of the story and the books are much larger than I expected (16x25cm!).
It was a bit expensive (at the current USD to RUB exchange rate) but it was definitely worth it. Although I'm a little sad that they are sold at cost and you are not making any profit from them.

I don't usually reread books, but after reading "Fragments", "Without a Hive" and currently finishing (C.18) reading "A New Way" , I'm actually kind of exited to read the "continuation" of the changeling race adventures. Is it a continuation of the previous books by the way? Not a direct one, but in some details, I mean.

Again, Thank You for writing this Amazing story - for all four of them actually. Looking forward to reading the next one You write.

I may not make any money off of these, but I had a ton of fun writing them and learned a whole lot, so it's been well worth it. :twilightsmile:

The Chrysalis isn't really a continuation of the other stories, especially since the history (as of A New Way) has to be slightly different (Twilight doesn't have wings in Fallout: Equestria!). But as for changelings, there's a lot that's similar, such as the use of Infiltrators, but also some small differences. The most notable change is probably the slightly more limited emotion-sensing capability; instead of being broad-spectrum emotional detectors (which can be really, really powerful!), they can only sense emotions that they can feed on (love and closely-related emotions like affection). And the common changelings are female rather than male (playing of eusocial insects). Overall, there's more similarities than differences. So, small changes, but they're still the same sneaky tricksy love-eating bugs we all love. :twilightsmile:

I've been looking for a much Fallout Equestria books to get, glad I found this. I only knew this had a printing from a picture of a book collection I saw online. looked it up and here I am :P. I'm also tight on money and plan on getting it beginning of 2022. sadly a long time still, but I had other things I wanted to get first. slowly increasing my fallout book collection. ^^. if there is other printed fallout Equestria books I missed, let me know, I'd love to get them too. so far I have the original of course, murky #7, pink eyes, duck and cover, and atm waiting on heroes, saving for dead tree, and lastly waiting till absolutely everything prints project horizons.

Heh! Unfortunately, I'm probably not much help there. There's been so many coming out that I've completely lost track! It's pretty cool to see so many people getting their books printed, and so many other people getting them. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by LunarBatPony deleted Jul 12th, 2021

All good, can't wait to add yours to my collection and read it. looks amazing. Been trying to find as much Fallout Equestria merch as possible to get and savor, since I wasn't able to go to conventions when it was more active and items sold there.

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