• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Update on Stars in the Making and some other things · 1:00pm Mar 6th, 2020

Stars in the Making 21st chapter iiiisss... FINISHED^^ Yeap, it's done and is now being looked over by proofreading-editing team (by "looked over" I mean that I send it to them, dunno when exactly will they get to it ;p), hopefully it will come out soon.

Now, I do have some bad news, namely, this chapter is the shortest one to date for this story. I could have made it longer, but decided that the next scene didn't quite fit the "theme" of what was happening earlier, and was big enough that it could get its own chapter. So yeah, moved it to the next one. I've also been thinking about writing shorter chapters from now, to compensate my update speed for the how my work slows me down. So all my stories would get more frequent updates, but at the price of the chapters being shorter. Hope that you won't mind. I just... real life has been really taking a lot of my time. Which is AMAZING, considering that I still have no social life. Been out bawling with coworkers a few months back, in November or December, and that's it (won both matches, btw^^ And it was my first time bowling). Work is still leaving me exhausted; this chapter is the shortest one for Stars in the Making to date, and it still took me over a month to finish it! And this past week I actually had free, took days off (finally, last time I had days off it was December 2018)! Fortunately, the amount of stuff I had to do for work got decreased by the end of February, so I should have more free time... or at least, be less stressed out.

And on that note, to make up for the short length of the chapter, I will soon start working on another one^^ Yeah, you will be getting two chapters within the same half of a year 0_0 Will work on Rebirth chapter first, then Stars, so at the very least it should be ready by the end of April. Just... don't be surprised if the chapter will turn out to be even shorter...

Anyway, that's about it regarding the new chapter. Now will talk about some other things that had been happening to me lately^^

Doctor Who is dead.

No, really. You might say I am overreacting, that I'm wrong, that I didn't understand it, that I'm anti-LGBT. But you know what? No, just no. I DEFENDED the decision to have Doctor Regenerate into a woman, in fact, I was excited to see how they pull it off. I DEFENDED the weak 11 season, even though there is not a single moment in it, not a single scene that I would ever look up on youtube, and the villain is a joke; I could appreciate the decision to try introduce new villains for Doctor to fight, but a guy who glues teeth to his face?! WTF, who thought that up?! And season 12 started promising, we had the Master in the first episode, we had Captain Jack Harkness, finally! We had new Cybermen! And then...

... then the Timeless Children episode.

I NEVER thought there could be a writer I would hate more than Ken Penders, but you know what, Chris Chibnall pulled it off. Because Ken Penders at least ruined something that he had helped to create! Chris Chibnall shat down on something 57 years in the making! With this one episode he basically broke all of the established lore! And I don't mean just the stuff that had been introduced back in the Classic era; continuity error had been happening in the New Who for some time, to the point that you just got used to it. This episode breaks the canon of the renewed show! Do you want me to list everything? Because I suspect there will be some here who actually liked this episode, and I feel like I should defend my position, but I think I've made big enough of a rant as it is. I dunno, if somebody wants to know what problems do I see with this episode, just write me in the comments that you'd like to know and I'll reply and all of you would be able to read it; do look up in the comments if somebody asked me already, I would rather not link all he comments to a single reply over and over again...

Just please don't accuse me of being a woman hater or whatever. I absolutely didn't mind the idea of Doctor becoming a woman, I wouldn't mind if he would turn into a black woman next, or that he would be played by an asian actress or whatever else. Hell, the main character of one of my three main stories, Infinite Potential, is a female doctor! And look at the publishing dates of that story, I began working on it in 2014, long before Doctor Who did that ;p And I do know that there had been a theory that there had been some earlier incarnations of the Doctor, following the Classic Who episode "Brains of Mobius" (even though the writers of said episode themselves disproved that), and if you want I will explain in the comment why this episde was still bad, even taking that into account.

Anyway, I... I'm just so sad. I might had started watching Doctor Who only a few years ago, but I really love it. I'm actually still trying to make my way through the Classic era, because I want to understand the universe better! But after this episode, I don't know if I will be returning when next season comes around. About the only way for the show to be saved is declaring that everything in this episode was made up. I know, it's a copout, and normally I would hate such a move, but goddammit, I don't see any other option. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, I dunno, I just... I just don't know...

Okay, some more happy news... um, oh, I finally reached level 60 in WoW Classic! Yeah, I know, kinda late considering when the game came out, but I grow tired after making it all the way to 53 and stopped playing Classic until about two weeks ago. Naturally, I was super excited about reaching the max level, because... I didn't reach max level until Wrath of the Lich King. Partially because I started to play during Burning Crusade, so had no chance of reaching it in Vanilla, obviously, and naturally I didn't have my own PC back then, so given how much time it would take to reach max level, it's not that surprising that I didn't make it. I think I was about 63 when Wrath came out, I distinctively remember being in Zangarmash. As for reaching level 80 for the first time, I don't even remember what I was doing at the time. At best, I think I was somewhere in Icecrown Glacier, and even that I'm not completely sure, I could have very well been in Storm Peaks!

But with Classic? Oh, I will definetly remember for a long time where I hit max level. I was in Stratholme! Yeah, doing living half for the first time, in the Scarlet Bastion! Hell, when I was about to reach max level, I thought about leaving the group until boss fight so I wouldn't get experiance, just so I could have Balnazzar himself be the one who would give me exp to reach max level, just to make it more epic! But nah, that's fine too.

So, now what? Well, I'm wrapping up Plaguelands quests, started doing Burning Stepps quest, preparing mentally for Blackrock Depths and Spire runs (even in modern WoW I've done those only a few times, I really hate how big they are), especially depths to get attunement for Molten Core and Onyxia, finishing leveling up proffessions, getting money so that I can complete the epic mount questline for Warlocks, and getting better gear. Or rather, I would be doing all if another game hadn't distracted me recently, but will talk about it in a moment. Speaking of Plaguelands, I already did Tirion questline, and "killed" Nathanos (yeah, he's just playing dead, I know; which is why I T-bagged him xD Also, dropping an Infernal on him was most satisfying xD I might have gained SOME respect for him in Battle for Azeroth, but I still hate him), and I'm working on getting the Battle for Darrowshire questline done.

I was also playing Warcraft III Reforged. Yeah, I know, even I won't try to defend Blizzard with this disaster. But you know, if you overlook those empty promises and multiplayer bugs and the legal and technical things and what not, it is a pretty neat game. I was pleasantly surprised with those few missions that got changed. I only reached Night Elf campaign, so don't know how many got changed, but so far it was Culling of Stratholme, destruction of Silvermoon (say what you want, but they did add Anasterian Sunreaver and I LOVED IT), and Siege of Dalaran. So yeah, unsurprisingly, Arthas' storyline got most attention. I suspect that any future changes will be only in Legacy of the Damned campaign, if any (please no spoilers, I want to get to it in my own time).

Now, this wasn't the game that distracted me from Classic. Rather, it was the game that got reminded to me through playing Reforged: Starcraft. Yeah, I don't know why, but I started thinking about Starcraft, and how I hadn't finished playing the remade first game! So I got back into it, and goddamit, those old games are hard! The AI of the units keeps making me bash my head agains the wall in frustration! I'm currenlty on 8th mission of the Protoss campaign, 7th was infuriating! First mission that I had to look up walkthrough how to win! I f***ing hate those Protoss ships that put your units in a lock! In Starcraft 2 you could win by using strategy, but in one, similar to Warcraft 2, you basically need to have superior numbers, strategy matters far less, and because of those damned ships I get my forces devided, first half gets overpowered, then the second half gets killed off once it comes out of the lock! Ugh, this game is so frustrating! I'm even thinking about using cheat codes! And I probably will, I know that in the Brood Wars in Zerg campaign there is a bonus mission that you unlock if you finish mission 8 or 9 in 25 minutes, which seems impossible without cheat codes.

Will probably play through Starcraft 2 once I finish, I hadn't completed Protoss campaign there on hard difficulty yet.

Hm, what else... oh, I recently was browsing through Netflix, and found this thing:

At first, to my shame, I was excited. I LOVED Saint Seiya anime, was my favorite show in early childhood (late childhood was Dragonball Z, very late -early teen was Pokemon)^^ Since, you know, being half Greek and massive Greek mythology geek (basically only source of fantasy writing until I read Lord of the Rings when I was 12ish; still am to some degree, both my Bachelor Thesis and Master Thesis were about Greek Mythology and how it was portrayed in art) this was perfect show for me! So I was interested to see a renewed version with modern animation. But, then I read the comments. And just learning about Shun, one of the main characters, being turned into a woman... Dragonball Evolution is still the worst anime adaptation ever, but even THAT didn't try genderbending one of its main characters! And why?! The main point about Shun's character was that he was feminine, hated violence and seemed weak, but he was always there for his friends, fighting and giving his all! But now he's a girl?! It's like... gender equality done backwards! And apparently, this isn't the only bad thing about this adaptation!

So yeah, didn't watch the show, at least, not yet at least. But instead I started watching the original^^ Been practically 20 years since I watched them, boy, the animation is so old :rainbowlaugh: But I'm having fun, even if the subtitles are often very badly translated.

Also, been watching Star Trek original series on Netflix^^ Damn, I knew this show had to be good, seeing how many fans it has to this day, but goddamit, I wasn't expecting to actually get so into it! It's great! I'm currently on second season, can't wait to watch it all and move on to the movies and Next Generation^^

Last but not least... I had an awful tootache for the last few days. My filling came out (again, just been twice with this tooth's filling to my dentist in December), and at first wasn't bothered, then on Wednesday it started occasionally to sorta... sting with pain occasionally, especially after I brushed my teeth. And then on Thursday, I woke up with another tooth hurting! (like really, the pain woke me up.) It was the 4th one, and the one who lost its filling was 8th, same row but still, why?! Heck, the pain in the morning was so bad enough that I couldn't focus on writing or playing or anything of that sort! It got better, especially after I took some painkiller, and now it practically doesn't hurt. Still, going to my dentist soon to get this checked out. (I love the fact that I wasn't allowed to fully enjoy my first free week in forever because of that)

And with that I think I exhausted all the news I had to share. Thanks for reading through the stuff that happens to me, hope you had a pleasant month (and that you brush your teeth and visit dentist regularly, seriously, my tooth is still bothering me)^^

PS: Are there any good Star Trek Original crossover stories here? Or Starcraft? Wouldn't mind checking some out^^

Comments ( 7 )

Hello there. Since I'm just a simple FoE fan, I have nothing meaningful to say, although wanted to mark my presence by writing this comment anyway.

Aww, thanks^^ Sorry Infinite Potential is now on hold, I'll most likely get to it after next Stars in the Making chapter... unless I do one more Rebirth after it :twilightsheepish:

i would love more stars chapters it is my favorite fic in the whole verse

Glad the bowling went well. :)
Sorry work's still exhausting you so, though.

Sorry Doctor Who so disappointed you.
(I've not watched it in years, myself.)

Congratulations on hitting level sixty. :)

Glad you're enjoying watching the old anime.

Ah, sorry about the toothache, though.

I don't know about Star Trek Original Series crossovers, but this comes to mind for Starcraft, at least. Oh, and it looks like there's also this group, but I only found that just now looking at the groups the linked story is in.

Aw, thanks^^ Will do my best to have this story update more frequently:twilightsheepish:

Thanks^^ I was super worried karma would later hit me back for it and I would get hit by a car on way back home or something:twilightsheepish:
Thanks, but what can a guy do, at least I got some breather.

I highly recommend watching the new show up to Christmas special between seasons 10 and 11^^ After that, though... season 11 wasn't THAT bad, it was just boring, although looking back on it I realize I should have noticed some red flags like the Doctor being accidentally portrayed as uncaring bordering on anti-social (the previous Doctor was anti-social but by design, it was the point of his character). And as I said season 12 started strong, with fan-favorite old character making a cameo in the middle, it's just that this finale ruins pretty much everything :facehoof:

Thanks^^ Now I gotta do it on 2-3 more characters xD

Thanks, its great^^ A bit old and they use a LOT of re-used animation, but I think it's still pretty great^^

Yeah, it sucks, but thanks^^ Turned out that tooth was pretty much dead, so dentist had to give me root canal treatment, basically kill it completely and remove the nerve. Fun part was that on my way back home, with half my face still not completely recovered from anesthetic, I was already starting to feel pain from the treatment. Managed to last only about 2 hours before I had finally took some painkillers, they helped, but unfortunately I then took a nap a few hours later and by the time I woke up they wore off :facehoof: Fortunately though by then the pain had subsided, and now after a good night sleep I barely feel it, but still, fun times.
On the plus side, I always planned to include a scene at some point of Angel treating somebody's teeth in Infinite Potential, so now I'll be able to go into greater detail :rainbowlaugh:

Ah, thanks, will look those up^^ Starcraft is my second favorite of Blizzard games, and one of my most favorite franchises^^ Oh, and a side note, I did get some ideas for Infinite Potential out of it, but that's waaaay later on :twilightsheepish: Given my writing speed the soonest element inspired by Starcraft won't come up for 10 years, probably

That sounds great :pinkiehappy: Also, I feel like Starburst and Starfall will finally have their moment together


Eh, probably not going to bother, but thanks. :)

Heh. My dad has tons of alts. Don't know how he does it; even at my peak of playing, I think I had less than ten characters, and only one near the top. Well, good luck. :)


Oh... fun times... Ow. Well, at least it's over with.
re IRL pain into writing research: That's one way to look at it, aye. :D

You're welcome. :)
Hope you enjoy!
Heh. :)

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