• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2021


They say if I post an update within the year, there will be six more weeks of winter.

More Blog Posts61

  • 221 weeks
    Cut Story Ideas

    A year has passed since I finally finished This Can't Be Happening. Quite a lot has happened since then for me and as I predicted the end of that story didn't come with much fanfare, but it was at least a huge load off and satisfying feeling to finish it after all that time. That's left me with Don't Go To Sleep, the other story abandoned by my lazy update schedule. Back when I finished TCBH I

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  • 275 weeks
    This Can't Be Happening is Finished (Finally)!

    Well, it only took me just short of 7 years, but yes I finally finished this damn story. It took me so long to finish the thing that I honestly doubt there's anyone left to read this blog, but damn it all I'm happy to have this thing done and there's a lot I want to say about it even if I'm just talking into the void.

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  • 275 weeks
    A question to potential remaining Don't Go To Sleep readers

    Something something, it's been months since my last update, something something you know the rest. I'm gonna put a fork in mentioning the wait and first talk about Don't Go To Sleep before I ramble about This Can't Be Happening in a different blog. Alright, so, with one long drawn out story finally done the question remains what to now do with the other. So to keep this short and sweet, I'm

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  • 307 weeks
    Laziness and Stubbornness

    Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? How are the kids? Is the missus doing well? Good, good.

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  • 500 weeks
    Do the impossible, see the invisible

    So, judging by the whopping 7 views on my last blog post, I think it's safe to assume that a lot of my followers have either left the website by now or are tired of my shit after the terrible update schedule that was 2013 for me. Or maybe it had to do with my last post being a wall of text. Either way, I think people will be glad to hear that another update for This Can't Be Happening is out!

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Cut Story Ideas · 5:08pm Mar 7th, 2020

A year has passed since I finally finished This Can't Be Happening. Quite a lot has happened since then for me and as I predicted the end of that story didn't come with much fanfare, but it was at least a huge load off and satisfying feeling to finish it after all that time. That's left me with Don't Go To Sleep, the other story abandoned by my lazy update schedule. Back when I finished TCBH I put out the idea of either continuing the story as it was, or rebooting it entirely in an attempt to fix some of the sloppiness from those two chapters. And, more selfishly a reason but probably the more prominent one for why I wanted to reboot, so I could try and attract a new audience in a last effort to make a "successful" MLP fan fic before I close the fanfiction chapter on my life for good. But after a year of writing elsewhere and even canceling another fandom's story, I've thought over if I even want to do the reboot. Do I have the motivation for the story anymore to go the distance with it? Would I even be able to bring in an audience when my readers from years ago are long gone? Hell it's been almost 2 years since I last heard from Brony_Fife, DGTS's editor and probably the biggest friend I made on the site. The show is over, the fandom is likely at its least active when it's been on a steady decline since season 3. Is there a point to doing DGTS proper anymore?

For now I don't have an answer. I'm not quite ready to fully call it canceled just yet, but I suppose I'll say the idea is there. I've been trying to think of how I can shorten the story concept because the shorter the story is the easier it'll be for me to actually finish it. But I'd have to do things in a way they'd still make sense and be enjoyable to read. I'll give it a few more months before finalizing my decision, I guess. I just want to try and end things with me and this fandom on a higher note than TCBH's ending is all, because closing that story was a definite anticlimax.

Anyway, on to the point of the blog. Consider this a sort of strange self therapy for myself. Over the years, as evident if you look at my old blog posts, I had multiple story ideas come and go for my pone writing. Clearly none of those came to fruition other than Don't Go To Sleep. But there's still tiny lingering thoughts about these various canceled stories. And for the sake of closure to myself, I like to put out there what my ideas were so I can say I talked about them in some capacity. I'm not really the type that's able to just cancel a story and not at least outline what my plans were (I'll do a blog post specifically about this for DGTS if I don't end up going through with the reboot). So with that all out of the way, feel free to peruse my list of story ideas I had at one time but never got around to writing.

A Pimp Named Spikeback: Origins of a Pimp

Probably the one that had the most thought put into it. A Pimp Named Spikeback was my first fan fic and all things considered got a decent reception for it being as rough as it is. But it's never explained in the story how Spike went from the dragon we all know and love to a vulgar pimp. So that was the purpose of this story. Taking place months after the first story, Big Mac and Cheerilee are now engaged. During an apple delivery to Twilight, Big Mac and her strike up a convo about Spike and what caused his change. Then Spike himself shows up for whatever reason, and we get him recounting the tale. So unlike the first story, which is basically just the Boondocks episode "Tom, Sarah, and Usher," with MLP characters replacing the roles of the original show's, this was going to be an actual original story. However to keep it in crossover territory, multiple ponified versions of Boondocks characters were to appear. In fact the plot was going to be started off by Uncle Buckus, a zebra character that hates zebras and glorifies ponies. In general there were going to be a lot of zebra characters since back then with the fandom people basically considered zebras to be the black people of the MLP universe. The main pimp Spike would have gotten involved with was going to be based on Thugnificent. In general Uncle Buckus was planned to be the story's villain but I had no real idea what he would do other than being a racist against his own kind. Other characters like Ed Wuncler Jr and Gin Rummy (who would have been ponies instead of zebras to reflect those characters being white in the show) would have also been part of the pimping circle, and potentially also other lesser relevant characters from the show like Gangstalicious. Huey, Riley, and Granddad was also obviously planned to appear since they're the main characters of the show, but I didn't really know how to fit them into a pimp plot since Huey and Riley are just kids. I suppose Granddad might have been one of the client's who frequents paying for the hookers, and Riley likely would have heavily influenced Spike's change in personality. No idea what I was going to do with Huey, though. But long story short, Spike takes up trying to break into the pimp industry sort of as a way to prove his maturity after getting fed up with being treated like a little kid, and eventually he gets in so deep that he basically changes his whole character. At the end of the story he was going to talk normal, revealing he really is putting on a mere character as A Pimp Named Spikeback, and sort of makes amends with Twilight who basically lost her little brother figure after Spike's change. Big Mac and Cheerilee have their wedding and that was the planned end of the story. Or was it?

A Pimp Named Spikeback 3:

Yes for whatever reason I decided I wanted my first fan fic to be part of a trilogy for a while there. But unlike 2, I really had no solid plans for 3 outside of two things. It would have involved some sort of pimp warfare, making the story much more over the top and silly than the other two. And a zebrafied Stinkmeaner would have been the primary antagonist. How a blind old man would have been involved in the pimp industry I didn't yet plan out. Big Mac would have returned, somehow getting roped into Spike's mess, and I planned to also more utilize the rest of the mane 6 since only Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight appear in the first story and had no reason to appear in the second outside of the wedding. Fun fact, in my first draft of the original story I planned for the mane 6 (minus Applejack) to be part of Spike's employees. But I cut the idea since it was very OOC, especially for the likes of Fluttershy. Also before I get off Spikeback I should note that in old blog posts I mentioned a few times a planned one shot in the universe of the story. I have no recollection of what that was going to be, probably something focusing purely on Big Mac/Cheerilee or pure Spike shenanigans.

John Cena Goes to Ponyville:

While I never had a plan to make a sequel to TCBH or DGTS in the way I did for Spikeback, oddly enough I did have a successor planned for my attempt at a trollfic The Rock Goes to Ponyville. There's not too much to say here, this would have been very similar to The Rock's story where it's just shitposting carnage at the hands of John Cena. I thought over a few amount of wrestlers I could use in the story, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, etc. But Cena was who I was ultimately going to go with since he's a mainstream known name. And while he didn't start really developing it until after I canceled the idea, he also now has a lot of meme potential. Honestly had I gone through with this one, thanks to Cena's meme notoriety, I fear it would have legit become my most popular story. As for the "plot" it would follow Cena going to Equestria, constantly overcoming the odds and murdering a bunch of ponies by accident, and would have ended with him defeating Celestia and Luna, crowning himself the new Princess of Equestria. This would have been really easy to write and I could actually do this one with ease even today, but now there's multiple John Cena shitpost stories on the website so I've missed the boat to be original. Oh Well.

Follow The Buzzards:

Speaking of Pro Wrestling, here's one that came really close to happening. What could be sillier than an MLP and wrestling crossover trollfic? How about an MLP and wrestling crossover not only played serious, but in the form of a horror story? Yes, as ridiculous as it sounds I planned a totally unironic horror crossover with WWE. How so? Well there used to be a certain group in the WWE called The Wyatt Family. As you can get a feel for in videos like this, they were a sort of spooky backwoods cult gimmick. The two main followers were known as Luke Harper and Eric Rowan, at at the forefront was their leader Bray Wyatt. So for the plot, we would have seen the CMC being told the rumor about a creepy family that lives in the Everfree Forest. And after being dared, they venture within to prove they're not real. Along the way they encounter the story's version of Harper, who saves them from some sort of forest monster, and leads them back to his compound so they can call Applejack to come pick them up. But then things spiral out of control as they realize the sinister nature of the compound. I was planning to borrow from multiple Wyatt promos and such to pull off the story, with the compound itself being based on this one in particular, and once Bray is introduced into the story the CMC begin more or less getting brainwashed to join the cult. Sweetie Belle falls victim first, leading Apple Bloom and Scoots to try and run away. Scootaloo basically sacrifices herself to allow Apple Bloom to make it back home and get help. But just as she's almost back to Sweet Apple Acres, she's cut off by the cult and ultimately falls victim to becoming on of their own. The plan was for the story to still be easily accessible and enjoyable for those not familiar with WWE. I warmed up well to the idea and it came closer to being written than most other things on this list, but by the time I was ready to work on it, Wyatt's prominence in the company had dwindled an unfortunate amount and eventually I just lost the drive for it.

No Eyes:

While we're on the topic of horror stories, I'll mention this one really fast. Long story short? It was going to be a Slenderman story. I was always big into the Slenderman scene, even before the game came out since I was introduced to it via Marble Hornets. But thanks to the increased popularity caused by the game, I really wanted to take a crack at putting a character in a forest environment running away from the tall boi. What caused me to sour on the idea? Because not long after the game's explosion in popularity, the amount of pony stories involving Slenderman skyrocketed. It was just too overdone by the time I would have written it.

Not Just Some Featherbrain:

Back then I really wanted to write a story where Derpy was the main character. Didn't put too much planning into this one, just knew it would be about Derpy wanting to prove she isn't a simpleton and can get things done, only for a bunch of shenanigans to ensue. Might have contained shipping with her and Doctor Whooves, perhaps Dinky would have been involved. All in all it was meant to be light hearted, but I had no good ideas of what to actually do in the story.

Untitled Ship Fics:

I had two ship centric fics planned at one point or another. First was a Spike/Rarity fic. I had a pretty good outline of what I wanted to do in it back in 2012 but that shit is long gone. But it would have been fairly basic, Spike wanting to clap them cheeks but being denied because he looks like he's 7. Going through some serious maturing and Rarity ultimately finding out she had feelings for him when he starts to move on. Hey, I guess they kinda did something like this with Dragon Dropped. Just without the shipping undertones. As for the other ship story, I was planning something with Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash. Idk man, I just always really liked that ship when I started in the fandom. Maybe it would have eventually became Dash/Applejack since I also started warming up a lot to that one, but I didn't have much of a plot planned out regardless.

Carrot Pie:

Can't believe I'm going to admit to this one, but this was... a scrapped concept for a clop fic. If you look to past blog posts you'll see me claiming to be pretty anti-clop when it came to MLP content. So what, was I just a hypocrite all along? Well I guess I would have been if I had wrote this, idk man. Anyway, this was really just a spur of the moment idea I thought of when I pondered one day "What if I DID make a clop fic?" This would have involved Pinkie Pie and Carrot Cake, or Mr. Cake as he's better known. I believe the idea came from when I noticed Mrs. Cake shows up in clop/lewd stories often, pretty much never with her husband. So I guess I went, "Why do people want to cuck my man Mr. Cake so badly? Well what if it was the other way around?" Would it have been OOC for him to cheat on his wife and even more so for Pinkie Pie to be part of this? Yes. I don't have a follow up comment, the answer is just yes.

Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Pony Show

And we end with the only thing on here that still has a small chance of being made, but since it probably won't I might as well include it. The only story concept from years ago I've continued to hold on to, the would have been pretty similar to TCBH in execution. But rather than my anti-brony friend in Equestria, it's the Eds. After a scam gone horribly wrong, they find themselves in a brand new cartoon and shenanigans ensue as they try to figure out how to return home. I debated back and forth if I wanted the Eds to turn into ponies while in Equestria or if they should just be out of place humans for extra comedy. I also specifically planned cameos from Flim and Soarin since those characters share VAs with Double D and Ed respectively. Other than that, you can kind of imagine what kind of shenanigans they'd get into. Ed going crazy of Fluttershy's animals, Double D out nerding Twilight, Eddy trying to figure out how to turn a profit in the pony world. In general their 4th wall breaking antics outclassing Pinkie Pie's. I still kinda want to do this based purely on EEnE being my all time favorite cartoon, but who knows.

And that's all I got. Did anyone read all of that? No? Well at least it was therapeutic for me to vent it all out there, so it's worth it in my book. 2012 Shed had a tendency to end his blogs on some unrealted meme image so here ya go:

Comments ( 2 )

An Ed Edd N Eddy crossover? Sign me up! That's my JAM.

The Big Picture Show, but the kids end up in Equestria instead of the carnival where Eddy's brother lives? That sounds fun. I can imagine all the cartoon slapstick in Equestria. It'd be hilarious if the ponies notice that the kids can do that stuff just like Pinkie and the other party ponies and actually point it out.

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