• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!

More Blog Posts1379

  • 6 days
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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  • 2 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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  • 5 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

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  • 8 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

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  • 9 weeks
    Welp, here's a life update

    These last couple of weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster. Good things have happened, and also bad ones. No wonder I could relate to both Furina and Navia in the latest Isekai chapter. Sometimes pretending things are fine is really exhausting, even if they do get better.

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Hello Everyone! Please read! · 10:16pm Mar 11th, 2020

So it comes to this again.

Here's the situation as it currently stands. I've managed to clean up a lot of my life up to this point. And I thought I was covered—steady job (pay could be better, but—job!), managed to pay debt. Start rebuilding my credit—get hit by a tooth bill, but I recovered—and then March hit me, with a "Happy birthday, D Bitch!

Payments. Payments. Payments. It's like I stepped out of a cave, saw the sun and got hit by the meteor I never saw coming. My mortgage, that was perfectly affordable last year, was now "recalculated" and due to my inability to afford a new roof for my house due to... well everything last year, I am now on the hook to pay double my mortgage for the next year unless I can pay it off. And that won't matter much, because if I do, and I can't pay for a new roof, it will happen again next year. And of course it comes on top of other payments I need to make, which hey, for once wouldn't be a problem if this hadn't just happened.

So again, I come to you. Like a beggar that can't claw his way out of the trashcan he fell into when he smelled something-not-terrible-and-possibly-edible, only to discover that yes, it was sweet but it was only for so long as he could hold his breath. Now, the trash is building on top, and every time he pushes a dirty, squishy bag out of the way and gasps for air, is buried under more and more refuse.

I can't afford it right now. I can't just produce this on my own realistically. I can't pay double my mortgage and afford food and my car payments as low as they are. I can't afford this and help pay for my kid's classes or therapy if he needs it. My one chance to get a much better job did not happen this time around, and now I'm waiting for the next interview.

Until that happens, I'm on the hook, and it's bleeding me dry.

Help me.


All I can offer is to keep writing. I promise to write a one-shot story (20k max to keep it realistic) for the people that contribute the most, even if every single dollar thrown my way deserves that and more.

It really burns to ask this when I was so sure I had things sorted out... but I have to ask, because if I don't—even if I can't make it—I didn't try everything I could do, as embarrassing and humiliating as it is.

If you can help, I can only beg of you to do so.

Here's my current Campaign.

Home and Roof

Please share.

Report Wanderer D · 2,698 views ·
Comments ( 57 )

Oh hell, that's seriously messed up. I really hope things work out, and I'm sorry there isn't much that I can do.

Goddamnit that sucks. Thankfully I have a full time now so I punted a bit of cash your way.

Wanderer D

5218287 Thanks man, appreciated!
5218283 don't be sorry at all, the situation isn't easy for anyone these days

Oh, dear; good luck.
Blog post made, at least.

Jesus...I got flashbacks to my own situation last year! I'll send something as soon as I can, but I'm not sure when that will be.

Eww. That's a nasty mortgage... fixed rate payments only fluctuate with insurance and tax variations, if those are rolled in. You must have one of those variable ones that screwed so many over in the housing collapse. :fluttershyouch:

Any chance you can get a different bank to refinance it for more reasonable payments without a giant chunk o' change? :applejackunsure:

Can't fund campaigns on that card because I don't actually have a credit card (they're a lot less of a necessity where I live), but I'll see about sending some through your Kofi or Patreon.
I hope there's more help still coming your way and that things in general get better (or at least not worse) for you.

First, check with the bank about those 'adjustment' you just received. Sounds like you're on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (or God forbid, a Balloon Mortgage), and frequently they *can't* adjust payments up more than X% in a year. Second, it is possible they made a mistake. They may find it faster if you start the conversation with "Before I see about transferring my mortgage to another bank, can we look at the actual numbers to see if there was a miscalculation?" Third, it's possible somebody somewhere purchased your mortgage, and is pegging all the legally allowed changes to max out their milk from your cow. If so, they may have stepped over a line drawn by your state, and frequently your bank may be eager to keep you as a customer and point such a thing out.

The bank doesn't love you. They love the *idea* of you as a customer. They want to see you exactly twice, once when you sign the mortgage, and once when you have paid it off some decades later. Every minute you spend in person with one of their employees is a minute that employee can't be sucking the money out of another account. The objective in any visit is to be firm, secure in your numbers, set on a goal, and make them act 'friendly' enough to change their behavior rather than see you go out the door.

(And if you're in the fiscal state to visit another bank and ask how well a replacement mortgage would work with them, all the better. That bank will in all odds call your bank, so when you show up, they'll already know they are at risk of losing you as a customer, and may bend early in the discussion.)

Ugh. It's things like this that make me glad I rent (for now). Best of luck with everything.

Signal boosted, and tossed some cash your way.

I'm so sorry to hear that man. I'll pray for you.

Hang in there, man. I chipped in a bit to help, but I wish I could do more.

I'm getting paid Friday so I'll help out then.

jesus I hope everything works out for you man, its terrible to hear about this kind of thing, even worse from someone you admire... with how badly intrest rates have tanked is there any way you can refinance at a lower rate? I don't know how that kind of thing works but it seems like now would be the best time, if you are in the US that is.

You have my support D, but I'm afraid I have nothing in terms of disposable income at the moment.

Edit: I can throw 10 your way. I know it's not much, but at least it's something.

You have a way with words, you know that?

Bro, I am so sorry. I would absolutely help if I could, but... I can't. I'm sort of neck-deep in credit card debt, and my only source of income is a pittance from the GI Bill's living stipend. All I can do is send good vibes and prayers that things work out.

You have my support 100%. I really wish I could help out with money.

If you get offered any kind of settlement costs to finish out the mortgage, be aware that you may get taxed for that. It won't be nearly as much as the remaining balance waived, but it would still be a surprise payment. Had an issue like that myself while battling debt. Not sure if it applies to mortgage, but still, better safe than sorry.

A good method of saving money is to just keep placing small increments into an account you can only access through direct interaction with the bank. This prevents you from using it on a whim, and eventually builds into a small cushion for emergencies. I personally have three accounts. One for direct payments like shopping at a store. One for online payments that stays mostly empty unless making a payment, and one that I can only withdraw from by speaking to the bank, but I can deposit to as much as I want.

well everything last year, I am now on the hook to pay double my mortgage for the next year unless I can pay it off.

My friend recently got nailed by this too. Her solution was to sell her house and buy a new one at the recommendation of her bank. (she'll get a better rate on a new house due to it not being her first and her improved credit score)
I feel for you, I just got out from under my debt this year.

I know how horrible it feels to be crushed by impending debts and financial issues, so I hope this all works out for you in the end and you can get away from that nerve-wracking negativity. I don't really have much to give at this point in my life, so I can only really put you $10 further toward your goal. I know in situations like these every little bit counts at least, so there's something, right?

If not, here's a smiling Sunset to bring a little more positivity into your life.

I get paid next week. I'll do what I can for you.

I am at negative monies when I need to be bursting at the seams with dollar bills in order to get my life back on track and start providing appropriately again, so I can understand this feeling.

That said, I can't help out, but I wish you all the luck in getting back on your feet and over the vampiric nature of our insipid nationally-prescribed systems. Stay strong, D.

Sorry man, I'm fucken broke. If you were a bit closer, I'd offer to give you a hand with the roof.

Good luck, D! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way, along with a boost and some more substantial help. Take care!

I know how much mortgages and roofs can cost, so I'll throw a little your way.

Don't have that much I can give, but I chipped in a bit. Good luck!

Hope what I was able to donate helped

Wanderer D

Hello everyone, first of all, I did see your comments a bit earlier, but I didn't want to respond without having something to show for the day, so the new chapter of Sunset's Isekai has been posted! Thank you so much for your support so far!
5218295 Thank you for the boost!
5218301 Thanks, you're a gem!
5218310 Fortunately I'm not on a varying one, unfortunately the insurance changed because I can't insure my house until the roof is fixed.
5218312 Thank you! At the very least the support here is doing wonders for my mental state about it.
5218314 100% will follow your advice on this. Thanks George.
5218315 Saw both, and really, really appreciate it, thank you!
5218318 All well-wishes are more than welcome!
5218321 Every little bit helps, and every bit is incredibly generous, so don't feel bad at all for sending what you can to help. Thank you.
5218326 Thank you very much!
5218354 The good news is that this would take care of the issue for the next few decades. It's a sudden, inescapable payment I have to do, but if I do it and I fix the roof, I won't have to fear this happening anytime soon.
5218367 Thank you again!
5218391 And you're too generous for your own good man, what am I going to do with you? I'd give you a hug if you were here and then blabber about trying to express how I'm not worthy.
5218423 That is more than enough man. Whenever I need to put my chin up, you're right there on the list of mental references of who to look up to. Thank you.
5218451 I saw your blog, thank you very much!
5218460 I need to set up something like that, thank you for the advice!
5218474 I'm afraid that's not necessarily an option for me, but doing this, if it works out and I can get there, I'll be set for a couple of decades of not having to worry about the roof. It's an investment, after all, and if I resell, the home value will be better too.
5218476 It really, honestly did help. Thanks, Holy.
5218497 Much appreciated! Thank you!
5218515 Thank you for the kind words and well-wishing, it helps!
5218576 And I'd definitely take you up on it! Thank you for the offer and the thoughts!
5218580 Both really help and are very much welcome, thank you!
5218582 Roofs are a killer, but surprisingly necessary.
5218588 And that is extremely helpful! Thank you!
5218593 It most definitely did! Thank you!

I'm a poor man, but I won't leave you hanging. Not this time

Sorry I can't help. No credit card, and GoFundMe doesn't like PayPal.

5218598 Free advice, worth every penny. World's Cheapest Human here just stopped by and put some cash in the kitty, because we just had a roof done too last summer. Two phrases that will save you some money is looking at the 'good' roofs around the neighborhood and asking "Who did your roof" and "Were you happy with the job?"

Man, you don't even have to ask. Alright, you did need to ask, but you won't need to ask twice.


I had some friends who lost their house through similar circumstances a few years ago. Everything was fine, then they got sick, then their mortgage doubled.

I can’t help directly, I wish I could. But I can by all the powers boost your signal.


Fortunately I'm not on a varying one, unfortunately the insurance changed because I can't insure my house until the roof is fixed.

Insurance won't pay for your roof but will still charge you more until you pay for it yourself? Insurance is so broken these days.

Unfortunatly i can't help with money as i am in a bit of a situation myself but i can offer some get well wishes. Although it may look bleak right now don't give up, from personal experience i say its possible to better your situation. Some advice:
1 try working double job (may not be the healthiest but it worked for me paying off my debt)
2 try to Save monet on absolutly everything, there is a lot of tutorials on yt on how to live off 10 dollars for a month, sometimes even less
Other than that all i can really do is wish you well and hope you pull through

PS. Sorry for bad English, not my main language :twilightblush:

Wait, they're allowed to just double your mortgage payments without your permission? Is that an American thing?

Insurance won't pay if it's just old and has usual wear and tear. Like auto insurance won't pay for a brake job or oil change. Damage from, say, a tree falling on it or severe wind damage is when it kicks in. That said they look for any excuse to deny or pull insurance, so even if a roof is functioning just fine if it looks work out (for whatever their definition of that is) they can yank coverage. And they will sometimes do a cursory inspection, like a slow drive by or maybe stop and walk around the outside, to make sure you're keeping it maintained.

Wanderer D

5218600 Thank you!
5218616 I appreciate the thought anyway, thanks!
5218620 More homework, but it will save me trouble later.
5218623 Thank you, it's... really something to see the amount of support.
5218625 Life saving, that's what it is.
5218640 Thank you for the well-wishes and the boost, everything helps
5218645 it's a bit like 5218705. You can argue with them, but they won't have you back until you can prove your roof is getting replaced.
5218648 Thanks for the well-wishing!
5218684 Apparently when they recalculate, they do so.


Since I'm not really comfortable with using my card online, GoFundMe was out. So, I bought you a few coffees instead. Hope this helps :raritywink:

Check out your Ko-Fi account and let me know if you got it, and if not, check out your Ko-Fi user account settings and see if you don't need to click something to allow it.

I had a few instances when after a few DAYS of 'processing' my payment, it turned out that receivers' account was not entirely configured or something, and of course Ko-Fi didn't let anyone know :facehoof:.

Donated $75. That's all I can do for now. Hope this helps.

Gave you a little the other day. Best of luck going forwards, I really hope you can get this all straightened out :twilightsmile:

Wanderer D

5219010 That was very nice of you and it helps a lot, thank you!
5219388 It really does! Thank you!
5219472 Thanks! For both the help and the wishes. I'm really close to hitting the goal, and thankfully it is something that can be solved now and avoided in the future.

It seems suspicious to me that your mortgage is tied into the homes current state of repair

Wanderer D

5219485 I can't insure my house because of the roof's state. Without that, the bank puts its own insurance which is considerably more expensive, that, along with tax changes creates a "shortage" that they apply on top of the mortgage since they pay for all of that in advance. That's why I need to do both: when I repair the roof I can get a much cheaper insurance than theirs, and they can re-adjust going forward, but I'm still on the hook for the shortage. In other words, anything they can do to get money out of you, and if not, keep your stuff.

Dropped a few bucks into the gofundme. Good luck!

I feel for you, and sympathize. I'm also on disability, so have to pinch pennies myself. Still, I'm pulling for you!



Good to hear Ko-Fi didn't mess it up this time. Good luck with the roof :twilightsmile:

I threw some money your way, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!

I got some that I can spare. Not as much I would like, since I lost my job on March 2.

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