• Member Since 10th Aug, 2016
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Founder and Head Writer on Equestrian City Project

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Corona, Isolation and Community - Take a moment to read and pass it on? · 2:18am Mar 19th, 2020

Heres a copy from a post I made in my server. Several have told me it's worth reshaping here and I've already done so on twitter.

If you think it worthy, I merely ask for a share or retweet or whatever you can to pay the idea forward and instead of panic and fear we can work to spread hope.

Thank you.

Hey all. Mal here.

Just wanted to say we miss @everyone whose been silent and hope you are all alive and well. During this time of global crisis I want to promote a more unified front if we can as a community.

Don't let social distancing get the better of you. We have all sorts of tools to keep in touch and being a social beast humans need other interactions to stay sane. So even if it's to complain feel free to wonder in and speak.

I've been seeing alot of tempers starting to flare on other server clusters I moderate and I know it's going to get worse but thebbnone thing we can do is rely on each other for support. So myself or the rest of my staff that's active will be here as much as we can if anyone wanta to chat. We only ask that as frustrated as you may be or angry you not hit anyone with it directly.

Express yourself but dont attack.
Confide but dont accuse.
Complain but dont berate.

Because each of us no matter who we are are going through something terrible in one form or another. We all have that in common.

All it takes for harmony to begin is for one commonality to be present.

The rest takes work but after 9 seasons of horse lessons most of you know it's worth the effort.

Be calm.
Be well.
Be safe.
God bless.


Comments ( 1 )

Good message. Thank you for sharing. :pinkiesmile:

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