• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2015


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  • 454 weeks
    Sorry Guys (It's good newsish)

    So yeah that Daft Punk sequel I promised, it's still coming, I've just been really busy working on another story at the same time (It's not pony related so don't expect it here). I promise I'll try to get the new chapter out in october.

    1 comments · 617 views
  • 458 weeks
    Crack Fic

    I found a crackfic that's been in storage 4ever m8ies. It's from the 2012 years. It might go up if it passes the submissions thing

    0 comments · 531 views
  • 459 weeks
    Daft Punk story 2 is under completion

    So it's being made currently. As I've said there is two special guest stars. One is a another French DJ like our lords Daft Punk.
    As for the other I mentioned is from a obscure dark manga and anime series. Hi name? Guts.

    Read More

    4 comments · 519 views
  • 460 weeks

    Back for one last story. It's the sequel to the Daft Punk story and it will contain some special guest stars.

    Hints- One's from a Manga and the other is another French DJ

    5 comments · 534 views
  • 474 weeks
    Good Bye Everyone

    I'm writing this on behalf of LittleBoyBlue. He's done with the fandom so he most likely will not be returning. In his final words of the fandom he said "lel tell them im dun". That's not saying I won't write the promised Daft Punk sequel.

    0 comments · 418 views

The Amazing Spider-Man · 5:00am Nov 19th, 2012

Ok so I just watched The Amazing Spider-Man,

And I gotta say, not a bad movie. I mean, I'm so glad they gave THIS Spider-Man the witty and immature jokes like in the comics. And the fighting? I'd say they made Spidey more realistically stronger like the comics. Overall, this movie was great! But I've got one small problem. Well, actually, it's major.
C'mon! I love that part! Sweet Celestia!

I'd rate this movie a
8 out of 10 Stars, and a
Definitely gonna ponify the movie into a story medal.

This has been BronyCup with a movie review! Peace off!

Report LittleBoyBlue · 417 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

517852 YES! It's a horrible movie!

518184 It's not a horrible movie! It's just not that close to the comics. :duck:

518623 That's why it's horrible!

518642 I'll level with ya, I was disappointed that J.J. wasn't in the movie. And a bit ticked that Peter doesn't have his job at the Daily Bugle yet. But all I cared about was the action, and this movie delivered.
However, due to it not being even close to the comics, I didn't rate it 10 out of 10. So minus two points from being an awesome movie. :applejackunsure:

518642 Here, have this to quench your dislike of the movie:

518713 Eh. It won't matter. I'm about to make a new blog anyways.

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