• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
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I'm just here to write.

  • TSomething Cosmic
    Twilight and Discord are a long way from home, and have to journey through a chaotic realm to get back to Equestria. Fortunately, this is Discord's speciality, so Twilight is in safe hands. Less fortunately, all the local gods want him dead.
    DannyJ · 19k words  ·  139  7 · 2.9k views

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Something Cosmic, chapter 3 · 11:54pm Mar 25th, 2020

Twilight Sparkle reached the top of the staircase and burst through the wooden door, emerging into the freezing night air. It had gotten darker since her arrival at the castle, and the blizzard was worse than ever, but still she galloped out onto the ramparts. The skeletal gargoyle followed close behind, his wine-stained robes billowing in the winds.

Two fur-clad gargoyles worked the snow ahead of Twilight, one shoveling it over the side of the wall, and the other salting the path. She screamed to them for help as she ran by, startling them both and making one drop his torch and shout a curse after her. But neither made a move to help, even as the skeleton weaved between them in pursuit, yelling threats of his own.

"Get back here and let me skin you, small quadruped! It will not hurt if you only remain still!"

Something Cosmic
Chapter 3: Stay Frosty

Comments ( 3 )

Oh awesome! I loved that story but I though it was canceled :pinkiehappy:

Good to see a fanfic coming back from the depths of space.

Very grateful to see this story get an update.

I'll write a fuller comment about it on the story page.

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