• Member Since 10th Oct, 2016
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Purple Patch


More Blog Posts222

  • 21 weeks
    I Need To Make Something Clear

    I know I've been very absent lately but I still give advice to writers now and again as PMs. Lately there's been a problem which I need to remedy.

    My OCs are my own.
    Characters such as Cascadius, Colonel Peregrine, Nancy, Blue Murder, Tybalt, Shadowplay, Tungsten and others.

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  • 54 weeks
    Putting My Webcomic Out There

    Hi guys. Just to show you what I've been working on all this time.
    Deviantart and Tumblr are a bit...let's say shaky right now in terms of putting your art out there and I've been looking for more specialised sites for my webcomic.
    So I've finally got a Tapas page.
    The Tale Of Cao Aman

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  • 85 weeks
    27 Today And Some News

    Hi everybody. Sorry I've been so distant lately.
    Twenty-Seven years old today...and I'm told I still look seventeen. Don't ask me what my secret is, I'm just as puzzled, but not complaining.

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  • 115 weeks
    So I've Heard About The Rings Of Power

    So I'm actually quite looking forward to The Rings Of Power, the soon-to-be cinematic series based on Tolkien's Middle-Earth lore. The Lord of the Rings is probably my favourite film trilogy and, while it's debated to this day, I really enjoyed The Hobbit series.
    And there's something I feel I need to say...

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Something I've Been Thinking About Problems With Nostalgia · 7:45pm Apr 4th, 2020

You know, as hard as it might be to believe, franchise-based nostalgia didn't just begin with our generation.
When I was little, my family didn't have Sky or Digital or anything so it was primarily local channels for us.
At the time, due to 2-D Animation becoming mainstream, Stop-Motion animation was kind of phasing out. It was still kept on by some studios but most of the time it was just considered too slow and expensive to remain profitable.
Sad but true. There's a reason it's considered an art-form now.

Now, I still watched a lot of stop-motion animation shows for kids and my dad would always video-tape them. There was Animal Shelf, Brambly Hedge, the ever-so-slightly traumatising Pingu and, these I've showed you in my blogs; Wind in the Willows and Lavender Castle.
While very obscure, they were very good.
But I also watched some shows which, unknown to me at the time, were continuations of older franchises in the earliest days of stop-motion animation.
Shows like The Wombles, Noddy, Postman Pat and so forth...
Now, at the time, these were considered the 'trendy, with-it, new-age remakes' of the time (To the point where The Wombles had added a black and Asian cast member...yes, really)
But you know what? I didn't mind!
But others did. Others who had grown up with the previous shows. Apparently, in some of these cases, they complained, views dropped, ratings failed and these shows were steadily pulled off the air.
You know what happened then?
Kids like me were really sad because we were actually enjoying those!

You see, you do the younger generation no favours when you try to stop the franchises you grew up with continuing.
It's always worth a try. Yes, the new stuff might not be as good but that's better than just letting it rot, especially if you're going to basically closet it in a very defensive, possessive manner.
By doing that, you quite willingly rob from your children the same feelings of enjoyment and excitement you felt when you were young.
In fact, having said that, I think that is a fair enough reasoning for a lot of toxic fans nowadays complaining about remakes or sequels or spin-offs and what-not.
They don't like to be reminded that they are just as old as the franchise.
And yes, I admit, stuff like Teen Titans Go and Sony's Peter Rabbit is really rather terrible.
But you know what?
I don't wish they were never made.
Because it still pushes the idea that these beloved franchises can not only be continued but improved upon. And that should be the main wish for their older fans.
Write to suggest ideas, constructively criticise, hell maybe even find a way to work on these shows yourself.
JJ Abrams and Pablo Hidalgo started out as lifelong fans of Star Wars.
The work they've done hasn't been everyone's cup of tea but you know, I'm still happy for them. They're living the dream and the door is always open if you just try hard enough.
So try to get where they are. And you love a franchise enough, show it through your own creativity and the lessons it taught you.
But don't turn it something people have to fight over.
If you love something that much, maybe show it to the ones watching the new stuff and, here's the important part, let them decide which one they prefer.
I speak from experience in that regard. Me and my brother accidentally watched Episode I of Star Wars before IV, V and VI.
But you know, we still really loved it as kids and even today, despite being very aware of all its problems, I still enjoy watching the Star Wars Prequels as I'm sure the younger generation enjoy watching the Sequels.
And yet there are people who want both these things rooted out and destroyed apparently.

These shows are indeed treasure to many people.
But you shouldn't have to bury it.
Your children will not thank you for it.

Comments ( 2 )

Wise words, wise words

Very well said. I may not like everything about the new trilogy, but you know what? If even one young person became a fan of Star Wars because of it, then it's done its job.

I mean, really, who *wants* to be the asshole who yells at that kid that they're doing it wrong, that they're wrong for liking Star Wars? Anyone who does is in all likelihood blinded by their anger, or by the fear of change. And that is no way to live.

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