• Member Since 30th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen February 13th

My Little Epona

officer i dropkicked that child in self defense

More Blog Posts195

  • 23 weeks
    lol hi

    Is anyone still even on this site anymore?? Who knows
    Anyway. Wowzers. Uh, hi, been a while-

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    9 comments · 106 views
  • 146 weeks
    *crawls out of the void* *drops pony art* *scampers back into the void*

    Same world that my previous Celestia's from! Ignore the random writing lol, that's just the scribbles of a madman who obsesses over their fictional worlds too much

    2 comments · 231 views
  • 148 weeks
    what? Epona doing pony art again after like forever?

    A Celestia design for a story I've been spending way too much time developing the world for because I'm having so much fun with it, by Fallout Boy

    6 comments · 187 views
  • 157 weeks
    happy pride month everybody :)

    first pride month that I've ever celebrated! I'm no longer homophobic and I'm so much happier, happy pride month to all the guys, gals, and nonbinary pals out there!

    6 comments · 249 views
  • 163 weeks
    *high pitched laughter*

    My best friend's mom is an anti-vaxxer. My best friend's mom is an anti-vaxxer. My best friend's mom is an anti-vaxxer.
    *crawls slowly into a corner*

    15 comments · 181 views

Social distancing. · 9:02pm Apr 4th, 2020

.....it's starting to get to me.
Since the beginning of the year, I've had this strange feeling that time is passing too quickly. It feels like I'm hurtling forwards through life, unable to slow down and take in my surroundings. But it's even stronger now. The days and weeks are all blurring together with nothing to separate them, and I find myself wondering what day of the week it is, if I finished school for the day, or even if I ate.
I'm an introvert, and I thought I would enjoy this. Don't get me wrong--I still am. But there's this inherent sense that I'm missing something in life. Nothing brings me joy anymore. It's just wake up, do school, stay inside, go to bed, repeat. Over and over. I'm stuck in this endless cycle that I don't know how to break out of.
It's really starting to get to me. I video called with a few friends today, and that certainly helped.
Otherwise, well...I don't know. I just hope I can find a way to break out of this before I completely lose sense of all time.

Comments ( 21 )

I know the feeling. I have no real concept of time at the moment.

*hugs* it’s getting crazy but hopefully this will all be over soon

It'll be okay. Hopefully this will all be over soon. In the meantime, you have dozens of people you can talk to on here if you need social interaction. We're here for you.

monotone. you're doing the same thing over and over. need to shake it up, find something new to change things up a bit.


Ugh, yeah. Quarantine has been killer. Being stuck in the same place for weeks at a time is a recipe to fall into depression imo.

I feel the same way.
Always bored, even online school’s boring

Hang in there Epona

It helps to have something to shake things up. Broadcast tv actually helps as there are certain shows that only come on on certain days. I assume you don't have a yard or anything to walk around in. Even a little time outside can help that. Unfortunately days blending together is inevitable.
Designating certain times and places to go and do things, even around your own place, can be useful. A little weird at first, but useful. Talking to friends probably helps the most though.
Being mandatory is what drives people the most crazy. If it were by choice it would be so much easier, but we're wired to rebel and once something is no longer a choice we want to do the opposite.

I understand, my internal calendar and clock are long gone. What helps me is going outside occasionally, walking or bike riding. Although, having a pet helps.

As you get older time seems to get faster. It’s just a weird psychological phenomenon.

I feel exactly the same thing. Lately I have lost the motivation to do most of the stuff that I used to do. I don’t enjoy playing my games, I have complete writer’s block and I haven’t drawn anything since I made the doodle for my OC and that was the first time I had drawn anything in weeks! I just want this thing to be over already and yet in my own country things are expected to get even worse before it gets better.

I completely feel the same way, you don’t know what’s going on, and it feels like the years are going by quicker, and us doing nothing really productive in life. Life is like a big ‘screw you’ from the universe,
And my brother, who used to live under the same roof as me, is the exact same. But, he’s been like that even before this Quarantine thing, and he even enjoys it. But he feel like, ‘what am I even doing? Why am I doing nothing? I am a 16 year old! Do something with your life already!’ We all been there, well, maybe not all of us, but hey, we are all under the same thing now.

why am I posting this now?

We will all be able to get through this difficult time, as long as we all stick together.

That's how it feels like when you have nothing meaningful going on for a while. When you brain has nothing to stick on the timeline, it can't memorise things well. You quite literally don't remember what you were doing yesterday for the most part and that's a good, actually. I doubt anyone wants to remember all the hours of waiting or boredom, or routine. The problems start when your entire life becomes routine. That's what public events are for. They exist for people to have something memorable from the year, something to look forward to.

Gotta tell you from experience, you don't want to let this feeling you've got to progress further. It's gonna start hurting really bad and sooner than you know. I am too an introvert, but even our kind is not entirely self-sufficient. We too need the outside world to keep functioning. Find yourself something to do. The more responsible and time consuming the better. This way you can keep your mind focused on something and productive. There very much can be such a thing as too much free time.

I've been dealing with this for YEARS! I don't know if I'm an introvert or not, I do know I'm not the most social person out there.
I've been known to ramble (a little) when meeting new people, or while trying to help others. Oops! got side-tracked there. anyway I've learned the finding a hobby, and staying in contact with friends helps. I don't have all that many though. that's one of the reasons I like this site, the friends I've made here (as few as they are) will be treasured. I hope this is obvious to you (if not I'm sorry) but YOU are one of those friends Epona.

Yeah, this feels like the best place for us, misfits, to socialise. Tch. Wish it was a substitute for the real thing.

It does seem to be just flashing by now

There's so many people going on all over the internet about how bad the quarantine is for them, that I'm starting to feel bad for being unaffected.

I mean, I don't think you need to feel guilty. Dang, it's actually amazing how you're not affected.

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