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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.

More Blog Posts41

  • Saturday
    Story on its way

    Just wanted to throw a quick blog out since it's been a while. I'm currently working on a lengthy, plot-driven clopfic. But I am trying something new where I actually write out multiple chapters at once before publishing them. The reason being is this story has already gone through multiple rewrites where inspiration struck, then died down after a single chapter or two, which would have been a

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  • 82 weeks
    New Smut Story is out! But not MLP related!

    In honor of Nonstop Nutting November, and for the first time ever, I've recently gained a bit of inspiration to branch out a little and write some porn of another fandom I follow, that being RWBY. Fell in love with the action Monty Oum animated and still follow the show, seeming to be one of the few people who really got what they should look like. But before I was even into the show, I

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  • 101 weeks
    How many of you are reading vs listening?

    Continuing the funny trend of the bronies having the best designed fan fiction site ever (Hentai Foundry looks like it made in the 90s, and don't get me started on Ao3 train wreck) some of you may have noticed stories here on Fimfiction have the option to be read by a text-to-speech function. I use it a bit myself, since it's nice to play a story then alt-tab and do something else while you

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  • 122 weeks
    Same Sex Polygamy Relationships

    Full disclosure here, I've been sorta obsessed with thinking up my own original story for the past few years. It's not MLP or porn related, it's more centered around the "fighting" type of action, along with a focus on comedy and character progression. Just something to motivate me into creating something professional... Crafting real characters, making an interesting, meaningful and realistic

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  • 143 weeks
    Ever wonder how modern TV audiences would react to average kinks we see here?

    I keep thinking back to how big a deal everyone thought it was in Game of Throne when they reveal... *gasp*... a brother and sister having sex together! And they're in love too? Oh my god!

    That was it. Just a simple incest pairing. Pretty vanilla by clop standards that would have been done in erotic fan fiction if not on the show itself.

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Probably My Most Offensive Seeming Clopfic Idea Yet · 11:37pm Apr 21st, 2020

As some of you may have guessed from my 'particular' choice of clopfic kinks, I am not a girl. But I do know what girls were taking to the street to protest as of late. At least before all of this corona stuff. The #MeToo has had women speaking out everywhere about their past sexual assaults, and harassment. Which is good. No one likes to see assholes like Harvey Weinstein get their way. I think we can all be glad he's locked up.

But getting back to how I'm not a girl, I have to wonder how some girls feel about all of this commonplace sexual harassment news and such coming to light... but not in the way you would think. A frequent narrative seems to be that many women face sexual harassment as an common occurrence in the workplace. A boss stealing glances at them, being touched frequently, guys talking about them obscenely behind their backs. And even in their social life there's the idea that single male friends just want to date them, they have to friend zone them all, have to turn down a million requests for dates, etc. Oh and look at this video of how much attention this attractive girl gets from random guys just by walking down the street!

Now I have to think about all this from a perspective of a normal girl who thinks how prevalent that kind of situation is for women. However... she doesn't face any inappropriate touching, comments, or stares at work. No mountain of guys have asked her out, no one friendzoned, no one sends her creepy Facebook or text messages trying to see if they could sleep with her.

What should be, by all means, a good thing for her can actually end up being the opposite, and a blow to her self-esteem as she construes this lack of focus on her to be a sign that she's not desirable. Don't get me wrong, sexual harassment and creepers are bad, however, the narrative being used to bring these issues to light can, unintentionally, cause these sort of opposite reactions to happen from girls in a perfectly ideal situation of no harassment. Girls are unknowingly basing their worth on attention from these sorts of guys, which isn't something the #MeToo movement would remotely want. I believe this sort of thing in psychology is referred to as the Boomerang Effect.

Anyways, that's enough deep thinking talk. Let's get back to being offensive as a clopfic writer. I'm always looking for new plots that can lead to girls getting some rough treatment while being roughly treated as a piece of meat. Something taboo. I'm not a fan of plain vanilla clop because it's gotten boring to me and there's to much of it already. So a loving husband and wife couple having relations in the privacy in their own bedroom isn't likely a story you'll ever see from me. But something I don't like, and a good number of readers don't like, is when the male character in clop is an asshole. To put it plainly, ideally they would be as far away from Harvey Weinstein as possible. However, assholes are the most likely people to treat women like meat in the sort of rough play I like. (And I want it to be real, not just role play from a couple) So here's where the bulk of the work is for me coming up with male clop character backgrounds that are non-vanilla, treat the female with some BDSM, but aren't actually assholes about it.

So, with the upper portion of this blog as a reference, we can come up with an example story like Twilight and her friends are in that weird position of never having been hit on or sexually harassed, and are lacking a good amount of self-esteem. So they go up to some male classmates, who they don't know are obviously attracted to them, one thing leads to another, and they eventually nudge them all to treating them like pieces of meat, and fully willing to debase themselves for rough male attention. Plenty of spankings, and treating girls like animals. Only for both the guys and the girls to eventually discover they like doing such things with the opposite gender.

It's actually kind of depressing when you think about it. But it's a plot that manages to hit the rough BDSM sort of treatment I like, without the usual asshole aspects because the guys were asked to do it. But that was way to much thinking for such a simple plot. I'm curious if you guys have any ideas for clop that fit within those two guidelines. Or if you have any other points to raise about this rambling crackpot wall of text above.

Report Very Sleepy · 877 views · #clopfic #idea #thinking
Comments ( 39 )

Humm isn't that a question a good one at that.:applejackunsure:

So the guys treating the girls like pieces of meat/objects in BDSM like manners, but not being assholes in the process, the girls liking it, and not requiring too much backdrop to get the clop plot working? Hmm...

Actually, I saw something from either an anime or hentai (saw the clip on youtube, don't know which) that might actually work for what you're going for. The premise (if I understood it correctly) was that there was this new trend going around of a specific accessory people were wearing in different colors that denoted their fetish, and if two people had the same one it was perfectly acceptable that they might seek each other out for meaningless fun fetish sex (the example given was that light blue meant cosplay sex, so there was no judgement among those 'in the know' about two people bumping into each other, seeing they each had that in light blue, and going off for fun cosplay sex without even knowing each others' names...again, if I understood it correctly.)

Perhaps something like this might work? Perhaps this sort of thing might come to Canterlot High as a 'new trend', and exploring what happens as a result of it? Could have multiple chapters of each different type of fetish along these lines with the various 'colors', possibly even one for 'free use' to take it to the full extreme...and no one's being an asshole beyond what's expected in the 'roleplay' of the fetish, because the act of wearing the 'accessory' is declaring to the world that this is how you want the opposite sex to treat you.

So you want some ideas that have rough BDSM and none of the usual assholes corrupting the girls but the girls, and the guys they ask for help, liking it and keep meeting up taking further and further?

I didn't mention it, but there's also another more abstract concept I aim for when coming up with female characters at the front and center of my stories. That's the concept of exclusivity. Why do some weird guys take sneaky up-skirt shots of girls next to them when there are likely thousands of up-skirt shots already on the internet? Because it's the idea that they are the only ones with these images they've taken and no one else has seen them, all from a girl who likely doesn't show off her body to anyone but her romantic partner.

The same concept applies for a desirably of a female character in clop. An innocent virgin who is having sex for her first time is usually more appealing than a whore who has had sex with hundreds of different men. At least, that's how I feel about it. There's also the element of corruption that I enjoy, and the whole showing them how something so wrong can feel so right aspect, you can't really get that with a experienced sexual partner. So I'm trying to avoid writing a starting free use world and focus more on writing how a world becomes free use.

Girls labeling themselves as free use is a good start. I believe already I have the sort of thing going on with the other girls in my Fluttershy Pet Play story. But, ideally, they would be a bit more innocent than that going into a situation.

Picture a older mare/woman who's spent her life "fighting for mare'z rights", but that one-day comes around and she hears that tick-toking of her baby carriage winding down.
And who does she find as her last ditch effort to satisfy nature little gift? The one stallion she browbeat slandered and harassed his life... but now married and his own wife, who has no fondness of her and the past stories she's heard of her.
Her conditions would be... demeaning at the best of times.

Ah, I see.
Not sure how to balance "corruption" with "not assholes" without a huge setup, though...

That's just a general plot example. I'm thinking something like where both male and female parties go in with innocent expectations, and somehow, it innocently morphs into some depraved situation where male dom and fem sub is the norm.

Also, because of double standards, females being assholes is generally acceptable compared to men being assholes.

And to add, I generally also enjoy plots involving many, many people. No one on one, or threesomes of people just being kinky. We might as well write all of Canterlot High or Equestria getting some action, however brief.

Seems like a situation where some male assholenish would arise in that sort of situation. But you have a good idea of offsetting that with the female assholenish to begin with. I might be able to use that somewhere.
But generally I prefer to write stories with younger women. I can make an exception if they are older women like Celestia who still look young.

Well that rules out a couple of story ideas I was gonna offer up.:rainbowhuh: I take it alright if the things the girls and boys do in these ideas don't go off the deep end of the BDSM train right off the bat?

Ider: The mane 6-7 talks about how that are missing male attention, as that feel males have net been looking at them seems that teamed op. Maybe Rarity not feeling beautiful any longer as males don't look at her new designs. So that comes to the conclusion that needs to be more aggressive and starts to sexual harras a couple of boys. but when one of them goes so far as saying something like "you pieces of meat may visit my *** any day", the boys look at each other and flit the table at them by doing what they asked for while domination them. The girls finely getting some male attention don't want to make them stop again so that is split between joining and submitting and thinking it went a little feather then that had planed.

Ider 2: The guys are tired of (me too) movement were the girls in the school tells on them when sexually harassed, so that starts an after school club where girls can sign themself op to the amount of sexual contact that wants. A couple of girls then push each other into seeing how high a level they dare to go, a couple of the highest level only being there as a juke by the boys. The girls end op writing them self op for BSM when they only wanted some male attention to boost their self-esteem.

Ider 3: It is old-time reenactment theme week on the school and the mane 6½ have been given a time period with lots of slavery in and is exploring how they may be able to portray that time, with costumes and cameras, thinking they want to make a collage or maybe a show of some of the ordeals of slavery with teater. Then a couple of boys come in wanting to join their project after being booted from there own and sees half of them in slave getup. Thay is quickly signed up as slave owners so more of the girls can try Rarity's beautiful slave getups. Then they are asked to be harsh with the slaves so they can capture some pictures of how bad slavery was, but it is a little hard at the girls continue to like the treatment. In the end, they find out they can't use the pictures are there is to mock sex in them, but at least they have some new BDSM relationships to have fun with.

I think I like this one the best as starting innocent and being on the fast tract to BDSM :)
but I feel like I have written to mush now so I will be back later with more ideas when I see what you think about these 3

Not much time just now, so, very short note: That sounds absolutely up my alley and I'll try to come up with something helpful in the near future.

Can I give you my ideas tomorrow night? I need more time.

That's actually a pretty awesome idea to go off. I picture the group the girls shooting a movie for a history project where they reenact some triumphant soldier claiming a woman as his spoils of war while the army converts a village of captured women into sex slaves. And the students get waaaaaay to committed to their roles. Would be a great comedy as they devolve into shooting a porno. Ms. Cheeriliee will either give them an A+ or an F on the assignment. No middle ground.

I'm not going anywhere

As another example, here's a passage from my Twilight's Nude Party Experience story. Probably my most infamous clopfic for how "offensive" it was. Though really a ton of fun to write. This one paragraph centering Cloudy Kicks at the end stuck in my mind most of all out of the whole story:

The locker room was full to the brim being the new hotspot that it was. The female students coming in from P.E. attempted to change while others were trying to get into their sports attire for their after school activities. Many were facing little success, however, as the locker room’s inhabitants consisted of almost as many boys as there were girls. P.E. attire was stripped off easily enough, but putting anything else on after that proved to be quite a challenge. Cloudy Kicks could only giggle in glee as her bra was yanked upwards while another pair of mischievous hands pulled her panties to her knees. No sooner were the girl’s privates exposed did she roll her eyes and playfully stick her tongue out, posing for the flurry of clicks as cameras captured her full nudity on film once again.

I think this kink is called embarrassed nude females, which is something to aim for. It's perfect. Male dom fem sub. Both parties are consenting, no one is being an asshole, they are just having some dirty fun.

But since I've done it before and don't want to write something to similar to a previous story, some things need to change.

Sounds like a pretty fun idea honestly.:raritystarry:

It really does sound like an interesting idea. It's a lot more slave play than harassment play, admittedly, but still fun. There are ways to spice it up even more if desired.

For example, let's say the period they learn about is an Equestrian one taught to them by Princess Twilight or Starlight Glimmer on a visit. During this time, the evil Equestrian tyrant used a geas to enslave his victims; they were fully conscious but couldn't resist a command by their master(s).

Not having experienced anything like it at CHS yet, the girls become curious. They remember what is was like to be affected by the Dazzlings or the memory stone; that is to say, they don't remember it because that kind of magic leaves no memories. Maybe they start working together with some of the former villain in the human world, like Wallflower and the Dazzlings, to create a sort of 'safe venue' to experience that kind of having control taken away from you. Could be the spells they manage only work when enslaving females to males due to its design, or what have you; the result is them choosing a few boys to dominate them, for a set amount of time—then a failsafe activates, the magic runs out, something like that.

Maybe they find the situation is so exciting, so addicting, this 'playtime' gets long and longer, perhaps even spilling outside of the designated periods and/or to other people, with the girls perhaps wondering when, or even if, they should explain what's happening to their partners/masters.

You could also have it be the girls who create a Harassment Club, after a super-extreme seminar on sexual harassment they attended someplace else. Like, the tutor went crazy overboard with their rantings, so much so that the girls wonder why absolutely nothing is happening at their own school back home, and whether it's about them. Maybe all the boys are too intimidated to even ogle them... they do have magic, after all...

How about this?

The girls know they frequently attract the eyes of many of the males, but are frustrated that none of them actually think to approach them. So they all agree to act much more bolder around boys:
- They start off by revealing more of their bodies; unbuttoning their shirts to show more cleavage, teasing boys by slightly lifting their skirts and generally acting more sultry (like porposely dropping things in the hall to bend over slowly).
- They then move on to wearing more revealing clothes; shirts that show off their cleavage and midriffs, much shorter skirts and open-toed shoes that leave their legs fully exposed.
- After some boys begin to actually speak to them, the girls lay it on very unsubtly that they want to be dominated over and do whatever their partners want.
- Not content with leaving things solely up to the boys; after arranging their meetups, the girls each leave each other in various bondage scenarios for their partners to stumble across and go from there:

- Applejack and Rainbow Dash are left tied to benches in the locker room fully exposed and unable to stop anyone from plowing them.
- Rarity and Fluttershy are stashed in the basement, tied to chairs and completely naked. Whoever is meeting them there will have a choice of which girl goes first, while the other one is forced to sit and watch, being unable to pleasure herself.
- Twilight and Sunset convert the stage backlot into a sex dungeon of some kind and strap themselves into the machines (where they got the machine from...).
- Not sure about Pinkie, but I'm sure you'll think of something.

After the boys have their fun, the girls remind them that they can do anything to them without consiquence, so maybe they decide to leave the girls tied up overnight, each in a different predicament:
- The benches Rainbow and AJ are bound to get shoved into the showers and both girls are left to be drenched all night.
- After being tied up again, Rarity and Fluttershy have love egg vibrators attached to them and have to spend the night being endlessly pleasured.
- Same story for Twilight and Sunset; left strapped to the active fucking machines and left to take it all night.

Some nice ideas there too! Personally, I love the idea of having them tied to the showers and washed out overnight after the boys had their fun. And the machine could do more than just fuck them, this is Sci-Twi after all. It could have any manner of settings, like groping, pinching, caning, and mapping their brainwaves to tease them to the greatest heights... whether it lets them cum is another matter. Maybe only when they think submissive thoughts hard enough?

How about something like, if a girl has a boy she'd like to be her dom, she hands him her panties, and he stuffs them back in her mouth; she has to keep them in her mouth for the rest of the day to show her commitment. Managing the rest of the day with soggy panties stuffed in their mouths will be quite a challenge!

It could also be fun if one of the students' moms or dads worked as a police officer, and they got to raid their supply of cuffs and zip ties. Like, the girls cuff each other behind the back, the key is hung around their necks by a string, and they're required to get one of the boys to free them.


Good objectification is always a win. I've that my own more personally appealing ideas don't even actually involve actual sex.

For example, one of my ideas I've been trying to throw in somewhere is a guy tying up and gagging a naked girl a throwing them in their trunk before casually driving off with them. Also taking a bunch of nudie pictures and sending them around is always fun. For another instance, the girls can be naked tied up as mere decorations for display at a party.

When it comes to actual sex though, there can be things like them doing it casually while having a normal conversation with their friends like nothing is out of the ordinary. It's still nice and demeaning, treating the girls like they aren't even worth the boy's full attention even when they are letting them have full access to their bodies.

I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be great.

Feel free to use any of my suggestions if you like.

I strongly approve of adding lots and lots of demeaning bondge. That's a field not often explored in your other fics.

How about, a picture database is set up with nudes of the girls who volunteered or were caught during a play session, but only the boys of CHS get access to it? If one of the girls wants to see them, she needs to do something first and/or can only seem them when at least one boy is present to watch her, perhaps do even more.

How much should it take over the school? Should it be strictly in the off hours, or should something happen like Wallflower awakening some power that allows her to keep the teachers ignorant of all the perverted stuff going on literally under their noses? Or should the teachers get involved at some point?

Comment posted by SPIKE2022 deleted Apr 24th, 2020
Comment posted by SPIKE2022 deleted Apr 24th, 2020
Comment posted by SPIKE2022 deleted Apr 28th, 2020
Comment posted by SPIKE2022 deleted Apr 28th, 2020

Thanks for the feedback :) there is a lot of good ways to go with that idea, and I don't even think you need to involve Equise to use magic as it seems pretty common. I myself like the idea of all the boys walking home with the girls on leashes and "fake" ownership papers of the girls they have claimed.

I have too many ideas, they just keep hoping up, and I don't get around to post them. So I am only going to post a few of them now and then maybe a few more tomorrow if you don't ask me to just dump all of them :)

Ider 4: A well known and idolized artist and painter come to the school and the girls are jumping all over him, so when he starts a two-week-long course in painting many of the girls offer to stand as naked models in hope that he will paint them. He just accepts them all so that all who want to paint can have there own personal girl. Maybe then some of the girls start a rumor that the girl who can stand most still in the longest time and most sexual stand he will paint, so the girls start asking their painter to paint them in sexier and sexier stands. You can also end it with the idolized artist throwing a party with some of the best girls standing at statues besides paintings of themself.

Ider 5: Some of the girls want to try binge hypnotized and made to do things, so they ask some boys. But the boys either chicken out or just ask the girls to jump 3 times before waking them up again. The girls have to ask them strongly by maybe getting naked and letting the boys take pictures. I kind of like a build-up where the girls like it so much and asked for it so often that it ends up being a chore to the boys, and it become totally normal to just see a hypnotized girl do whatever.

Ider 6: Girls challenge each other to do the "sold slave challenge" where you have to film yourself being packed naked into a bag and taken away by a boy. Most of the girls don't have boyfriends and need to ask around to find someone to do the challenge with.

There is a lot of ways to upgrade the wider with bondage gear of the girls really having to get the boys to pay the highest amount they can sell themself for. Maybe having some do extra like having the boys take them to and from school this way. Hehe, I kind of like the idea of one of the boys getting tired of his girl and parking her away early and just letting her stay in the bag for the rest of school day.


Thanks for the feedback :) there is a lot of good ways to go with that idea, and I don't even think you need to involve Equise to use magic as it seems pretty common. I myself like the idea of all the boys walking home with the girls on leashes and "fake" ownership papers of the girls they have claimed.

On the other hand, involving Equestrian magic opens up way more possibilities, and as you noted, it seeping into the human world isn't exactly uncommon. Anymore.

Hmm. Instead of leashes, they could also introduce ownership tags. Or tattoos! As in, Sci-Twi creates a machine that stamps ownership information on the girls' bodies; it can also erase them, but ONLY the machine can, so there is a way to go back but it needs to be a deliberate decision since the stamp won't just wash off or fade with time.

Ider 5: Some of the girls want to try binge hypnotized and made to do things, so they ask some boys. But the boys either chicken out or just ask the girls to jump 3 times before waking them up again. The girls have to ask them strongly by maybe getting naked and letting the boys take pictures. I kind of like a build-up where the girls like it so much and asked for it so often that it ends up being a chore to the boys, and it become totally normal to just see a hypnotized girl do whatever.

That reminds me of something...
In what ways would Starlight need to mess up to make the girls eager to be the boys' hypnotised slaves, I wonder? It could also be great fun if she then decides to hypnotise the boys as well to be more eager to use their power over the girls!

There's a number of things that come to my mind, from Starlight hypnotising a willing Vice-Principal Luna into being more open to the wishes of men (because she can't get one, despite being very attractive, due to being so intimidating), maybe while the loudspeakers are on and the rest of the school hears it. Sci-Twi could be fiddling around with the remnants of the Dazzlings' gems, gets distracted from thinking about how she could be more sexy and flirty for her boyfriend when a flare of power projects the urge to others. Snips and Snaps could try to do a magic show of their own, while practicing with their own 'lovely assistants' (could be anyone from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to the CMC to Fuchsia and Lavender, the two girls hanging with Trixie), going overboard with the hypnosis and not knowing how to undo it, but the girls tell them it's fine...

This is also a fun idea! Sort of 'unboxing your girlfriend'^^ Or, not yet girlfriend. Definitely something to stream.

Thinking about it a bit more, one could also combine these two 5247559 5247481. As in, CHS is required to perform a play about sexual harassment, female objectivication, and the like; only, the script they got is from a super-extreme misandrist author, who blatantly mixes in their own repressed desires on top of things.

It depicts schools like CHS as hotbeds of virtual female sex slavery; the male student body blatantly exploiting the female student body's bodies, forcing them to do porn for them, feeling them up whenever they like, boys claiming girls for their own like they're cattel or pets, which is pretty much the only way to escape being a toy for the entirety of them if one boy took her as his personal property, and the girls utterly helpless to do anything about it—or worse, they're damaged enough to like it, which only a total slut would.

And not just the students, the teachers are part of the problem as well. The male teachers rule over the female staff with an iron fist; a woman can only ever become principal, for example, or vice-principal, if she turns a blind eye to the suffering of the poor girls under her care. And she probably slept her way to this position, while we're on it.

The play is also heavy on the kinky paraphernalia. There's a ton of BDSM toys on stage, the use of which is explained in detail in the notes and the booklet the author sent with. Ropes, cuffs, armbinders, spreader bars, ballgags, ring gags, spider gags, mouth braces, nipple clamps, breasts bars for pulling on them or squeezing them, leashes, collars, humiliating writing to put on signs and hang from the girls or write on their bodies directly... whoever wrote this knows their BDSM. The excuse is always just to show how perverted, and therefore evil, all of this is, and how badly the girls are abused—unless they're sluts and deserve it, because no sane girl would ever find any of it sexually arousing!

From there, you have several options to go with. One, just having the confused girls trying to get a feel for this strange world they supposedly are living in at school, and recruiting the boys to help them. Bonus points if the play in question doesn't have any males in it, so it would literally just be girls on stage bemoaning their fates as sex toys to characters who never appear, while posing in sexy outfits and restraints and playing with each other.

Or two, like the above but with the additional element of hypnosis. To help them better adjust to their roles, they ask Starlight to hypnotise them to adopt more easily a mindset of being at the mercy of all the males, resulting in them increasingly wanting to be the kind of subbie BDSM sluts the play makes them out to be if they find it arousing even a little bit.

By the by, this idea is partly based on two personal experiences over my life. The first was a girl who really, really, really wanted to play a helpless, tied-up victim in a dungeon, menaced by an evil rapist. We were both twelve. Needless to say, I was thoroughly creeped out at that time.

The second one was during my time as part of the school's theatre group. Our teachers, both new and very interested in feminist activism, suggested a play to us written by students from a neighbouring school. It was so badly written and so heavy-handed that we rejected it unanimously, all two boys and nine girls of us. We ended up playing Much Ado About Nothing instead.

Since you haven't responded, it's mean you didn't like my idea. I'm just wish you have been honest about it.

I think the blog just kind of died, but personally I think your last ideas (the only ones I saw) were good, but a little long-winded and did fall a little outside the prompt of willing instigating girls, no bad boys, BDSM, and casual exhibitionism.

I really like the idea of Sci-Twi creating a magic tattoo machine. I can think of all kinds of humiliating, and kinky thinks. like an ownership tattoo show-off. Girls there just want to try out ownership and now can't look at themself without being reminded that they are owned. Maybe a barcode-based attendees checking system for classes in the school :)

Ider 7: The mane 7 talked about that they may have acted to hash in punishing one of there nemesis with some boys friends. The boys are understanding and are trying to help when one of them, maybe flirtatious, suggests they can spank the girls to make them feel better. Fluttershy jumps at the idea and starts taking her cloth off as she is always spanked on a bare bottom at home. The other girls also join after encourage each other now they can see that Fluttershy dares to have her spanking. Then the boys can take the girls on a walk of shame thow the school to apologize to the now reformed nemesis who may also want a spanking. And it may now become the new norm that girls how don't behave gets a spanking and a walk of shame.


I really like the idea of Sci-Twi creating a magic tattoo machine. I can think of all kinds of humiliating, and kinky thinks. like an ownership tattoo show-off. Girls there just want to try out ownership and now can't look at themself without being reminded that they are owned. Maybe a barcode-based attendees checking system for classes in the school :)

Oooh, barcodes! She could also introduce a phone app to read those, but only the boys are given the link to download via Email. Not sure what I find hotter, having it on a spot where they'll easily see it, or on their ass. Then the boys have a good reason to rub their phones against their buttcheeks, they might be asked to bend over for better reading; there might be readers sprinkled around school, bio-wired to only allow males to use them; there could also be sensors on the chairs, so the people who manage the software can which girl sat where when.

Ider 7: The mane 7 talked about that they may have acted to hash in punishing one of there nemesis with some boys friends. The boys are understanding and are trying to help when one of them, maybe flirtatious, suggests they can spank the girls to make them feel better. Fluttershy jumps at the idea and starts taking her cloth off as she is always spanked on a bare bottom at home. The other girls also join after encourage each other now they can see that Fluttershy dares to have her spanking. Then the boys can take the girls on a walk of shame thow the school to apologize to the now reformed nemesis who may also want a spanking. And it may now become the new norm that girls how don't behave gets a spanking and a walk of shame.

This is interesting too. One could make it even more spicy, I think. Like, if it's not just a spanking, but they also want to feel helpless and exposed while it happens, so they ask the boys to restrain them somehow. They start with awkward, clumsy ties, pretty much just wrapping a rope around her arm; it's enough to get the job done, but it's neither overly effective nor comfortable. Rarity vows to improve the situation while the boys are browbeat into learning better bondage skills.

So Rarity increasingly comes up with elaborate bondage clothing for her fellow female classmates; for example, shirts with long sleeves than can be fixed in the back, turning it into a straitjacket, skirts and shorts with hidden flaps so the vulnerable flesh can be reached with minimal effort, armbands that can be used as handcuff, maybe all working because of Sci-Twi-designed magnets inside of them, retractable canes and paddles that can be drawn and stashed away again quickly, and putting more and more hooks, rings, and stationary bindings in the school for when a boy wants their girl to not move away from the spot.

Her efforts begin turning CHS into a place where a girl wearing one of Rarity's designs can expect to be tied up, bent over and have her ass whacked at any given moment... of course, the boys might do more to those asses than just smacking them around for a bit, and if the boy decides he wants to leave her there for others to play with, that's just part of everyday life now!


Some good ideas in there. I like the idea of bar codes tattoos on a girl's body to scan for purchase and use as a good way of objectification. I do like the sold slave idea too. It gives me an idea of girls trying to put a numeric value on themselves to justify their self worth so they hold an auction to see how much the guys would pay for them. How many thousands of dollars would they be sold for on the black market? Is it more than the other girls? They end up committing themselves fully to the 'sex slave' treatment in anticipation of their sale and end up really liking it. Including being abducted. They role play and record Rainbow Dash out for a casual jog in the park. I could see her being shocked to learn how easily an average guy can overpower and force himself down on her. Then he proceeds to tie her up and gag her. But then I'm just glorifying the illegal underground human trafficking business. which I'm sure plenty of people will rise issue to.

But I've been come to thinking that I should focus more on writing what I like most, not what hits the most focus groups. If I'm not interested enough in the clop, then it never gets written or finished in the first place. So... I've been thinking of dropping the "guys can't be assholes" rule. I think one of more central kinks is "people getting access to sex they wouldn't have had normally" and "people doing things that they really shouldn't be doing". Guys seeking to get between a girl's legs is slightly more realistic than the scenarios of everyone being innocent. And it's another great way to show objectification as the female targets in the stories eventually come to enjoy the treatment. It's showing them that they are just carnal animals that get off on sex when they should, by all rights, find it off putting.

For instance, here's an idea I found when reading through a story on another site that had me completely intrigued... which really doesn't happen to often, believe me. Two rival gangs send their female members to the beach in bikinis. The girls duke it out in physical fight, not really punching each other, but forcing the opposing side to the ground and securing their wrists and ankles together. One side wins showing they had fully committed themselves to training for this battle. Then the story goes into detail how they whip out the scissors next and start snipping off the loser's bikinis, and stripping them naked without remorse. They haul them into various trunks and vans, then drive them over to their gang's hideout so the men of their gang can enjoy the bodies of all the girls on the losing team. You can't really feel to sorry for them because you know they would have done the same thing to the other team if the tables were turned. Unfortunately, the story kind of gets less interesting after that strong start.

When it comes to thinking up new ideas, the setting is always a good place to start. I've sort of exhausted using a beach, party, and bedroom setting. For instance, that old Simpsons episode gave me this idea. All of the students are snowed in and trapped in school overnight. There's a blizzard outside, the power is out, and who knows when they'll be saved. It starts getting cold fast, and there aren't enough blankets for everyone to use. They need to all split up in boy girl pairs and share the blankets for the night... cause the guys have more body heat obviously, safety is their main priority over comfort! The blankets are so small they have to sleep pressed up next to each other... and spooning. Maybe wrapping their arms around their partner helps spread the heat. Maybe some couples get sneakily frisky under their blanket while everyone else sleeps around them... doing something that will really warm them up.

Confined spaces are always a good place to start with, playing on the idea that a boy and a girl together alone with no parental supervision will get into all sorts of trouble. Growing up, it seemed like parents actively did their best to prevent that sort of setting from taking place. Anyways, in terms of other confined spaces, I'm thinking a deserted island or a yacht out at sea. And anything that brings two or more people uncomfortably closer together.

Also, I'm not just looking to write humanized stories. I've been looking to branch into some foalcon lately where I'm sure I can write no shortage of appalling clop. (I tend to notice foalcon authors tend to avoid large group orgies in those types of stories)


I get you regarding cloppy themes. It can be interesting to try out something new, but writing something that just doesn't get a rise out of yourself isn't the same, especially if you mean to write several chapters and not just a one-shot. The story you mentioned indeed sounds very interesting!^^

About the money and value thing. There's a lot of ways to work with that idea. For example, you could have the characters use monopoly money when it comes to actual payment, making even more of a game going out of hand of it. You could have the girls be ascribed actual money prices, but they end up on the ludicrously low side after a quick while since nobody in CHS could afford several thousand dollars for a girl servicing them, so every girl there is turned into barely more than a "two bit whore" and buying a slave is like twenty bucks.

You could have someone like Sci-Twi argue that, in many ways, the boys are providing a service to the respective girls, so they should be paying them something back for the privilege of being their temporary slaves too; the sum ends up higher than what the boys pay initially, and the girls fall into a debt spiral where they become slaves for longer and longer, knowing it makes the 'problem' worse but finding it too much fun to stop.

You could have the entire process automatized. Sci-Twi, Sunset Shimmer, Microchips, Sunny Flare and whoever else you want come together to create a programme to run the system.

In fact, you could combine this with your other idea: Say the students are having a ski trip, or a yacht outing, or they're back at Camp Everfree. The genuises above created a computer programme to run the thing since this time, they went without official supervision. Something happens and the sudents are stuck inside, where they start to get frisky. At the same time, the programme malfunctions (or perhaps it doesn't :raritywink:), maybe the AI has a glitch and taps into one of its creators' porn folders, maybe some actively messes with it; either way, it starts ascribing a certain value or values to individual girls. It's not totally clear what those are for, but some develope and an interest in raising it; and/or it puts a price tag on certain services using a virtual currency. It's not clear how the computer distributes this currency, and it resists any attempts at finding out. Let's call them BD-Bits for now.

At first, both genders get BD-Bits. They can use them for fairly harmless stuff; snacks, sports and play equipment, television etc.. They can also be used to buy, again relatively harmless, shows of affection. Kissing, cuddling, things like that. Then things start to get weird.

More pervy items pop up on the list; groping, stripping, kissing the crotch over clothes, kissing someone for someone else to watch, kinky toys, the first restraints. At the same time, the computer starts distributing BD-Bits unevenly. Girls get less, boys get more; in fact, with increasingy frequency, the girls have their BD-Bits taken away, with the computer still refusing to explain why. As a result, they begin running into debt. New options on the list can help balance their credit, like wearing skimpy clothing in areas where they're going to be watched by the boys, letting the boys use them and play with them, wearing restraints, and so forth. Being submissive, flirty, and obedient towards the boys also leads to less BD-Bit loss while dominant boys are given more, but again, nobody really understands why and the computer refuses to tell them.

Soon, you have a place where many girls spend most of their time tied up in some way, some are cuffed in recreation rooms for the boys to freely use, pretty much all of them have regular spankies and groping times and other fun punishments, and the next step is for the boys to buy girls to be their personal slave.

As for why they would even go along with it. Well, you could go by porn logic, or magic empowering the computer. Maybe it doles out its own punishments for falling into debt. Maybe it uses subliminal messaging or hypnosis, perhaps after witnessing a girl early on letting a boy hypnotise her for fun, and learned from it. Or a combination of the above.

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