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I hav Autismᴴᴰ ヽ༼°ل͜°༽ノ

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Inane ramblings · 7:25am Nov 21st, 2012

This Tosh.0 thing is causing a shitstorm. In other news, Fluttershy can say this now:

Bronies work fast ._. if you know what I mean ;)

And now, "Thoughts On Clopping", with iloveportalz0r :moustache:

I do not see any problem(s) with it. I understand why some people do, but I think their views have been misguided. Actually, I do not see a problem with sexual things in general.

Here is my shitty explanation for being attracted to a nonhuman species, along with what I think of what other people think of Le Sexy Stuff. If you find an error, grammatical or logical, please notify me and I will correct it. This short wall o' text has not been planned, and is based entirely on what I am thinking right now. I apologize in advance for it being unorganized.

If you are female, replace "vagina" with "penis" :3

Human brains are excellent at recognizing[1] patterns. One of these patterns is a vagina. Your brain does not know the difference between a vagina on a computer screen and a vagina in real life, and that is what makes fapping to porn possible.

It sees a vagina, and vagina = reproducing. The basic purpose of your life is to make more humans, and for males, you need a vagina to do that. I think that this lust (literally and metaphorically) for it comes from an unconscious part of your brain, possibly what is known as the subconscious. Along with not knowing the difference between a pixel vagina and a real vagina, it also does not know the difference between a vagina on a pony and a vagina on a human.

As for why some people have a problem with being attracted to cartoon ponies, or any similar mental disorder (such as homosexuality or pedophilia[2]), the consciously intelligent part of your brain does know the difference. If it does not have the attraction, it will likely think of it as disgusting. It works both ways, too. I know a homosexual guy who says that vaginas are gross. Somehow, many people think that if they dislike such things, other people should not be doing them. I have not thought very much about why this is, but I think it could be partially due to how sacred sexual things are in modern society.

Why is violence appropriate for children when things like nudity and sexual intercourse are not? Somehow, humans reproducing with other humans is worse than humans killing other humans. To me, this does not make sense. Reproduction is required for the survival of any known species. Every person is born with reproductive organs. Most people want to reproduce. Why censor a completely natural part of being alive? Human violence among other humans is detrimental to the survival of our species, and is a waste of time. No person is born with sword arms, or guns on their ass, or any other type of ridiculously-placed weapon. Is violence not more mentally scarring than nudity? Whatever the reason, sex-related stuff somehow gets to be more censored than many other things that deserve it much more.

I am still unsure of why Le Sexi Tiemz gets a special treatment compared to other things. Part of this treatment is people thinking that sexual thoughts or acts performed by other people will somehow drastically affect the lives of people who do not enjoy said thoughts or acts. A similar part of it is thinking that sexual thoughts or acts significantly change the way a person acts, and makes them evil, or some bullshit like that. Some things that many people enjoy disgust me. This does not make me want to stop people who are doing these things. Perhaps part of this is having desires that are disgusting to many other people. I know what it is like to have people I have never met judge me for a harmless attraction that I did not consciously decide to have. Perhaps these judgemental people do not have any abnormal attractions. I do have a confession to make. Before I knew of my own odd attractions, I had a similar, but less strong, dislike of such things. I did not understand them. Fortunately, logical thinking has suppressed my emotional reactions[3], and I no longer have any issues with these things.

I have much more that I could say on this subject and many other subjects, but I am too lazy to do so right now :moustache:

Please tell me what you think of what I think of what other people think of Le Sexy Stuff. If you have your own explanation, I am interested in knowing what it is. If you think I am dumbshit retarded, please tell me. If you think I am the best thing since Fede's method and tones, tell me that, too.

[1] I dislike this word
[2] "pedophile" does not mean "child molester"
[3] On a related note, I think that too many people do things based on strong emotions rather than what they should actually be doing

Report iloveportalz0r · 558 views ·
Comments ( 55 )

This was very knowledgable and wordy ( I read nothing :trollestia:).

[1] I dislike this word

Which word would that be?

I think your explanation is spot on for the most part. the only thing I would have added would be that the term for having a sexual attraction to the abnormal such as star trex alien girls to ponys is called Xenophilia. But everything else explained just about everything you need for a valid defence and argument. Well done. lol:pinkiehappy::heart:

*Claps hooves* Wow portalz, that was simply amazing. This is one of the best arguments I have seen yet.

As to my opinions on the matter...

I don't read clop because I have p0rn.


It was so... logical... I can't describe any of it other then the fact it was simply magnificent.

You dislike the word recognizing?:rainbowhuh:

Because 'Llamas'

523637 :3

523638 I dislike many words. Recognizing is one of them. Re-cognizing. Cognizing again. :pinkiesick:


Oppa GakGak Style... Why portalz?

"Stomps hooves into ground" Very nice, i almost wish the brony haters would get wind of this somehow and try to troll it, they would fail miserably!

523660 :raritydespair:

523678 Is it actually that good? :3

... that's actually a word... I have never see/heard anyone ever use that word.


Here take this Pinkie Pie *hands you Pinkie Pie*

Cognizing: present participle of cog·nize
Verb: Perceive, know, or become aware of.

Have you ever see/heard someone use that word?

I like your explaination and makes more sense than mine. My explaination is that from what I've heard, or seen :ajbemused:, is that the artists of this thing are very talented and this causes people to care less about what is in it and more of how aesthetically pleasing the art is.

523633 Yup

....nahh, seriously you did a pretty good job covering the issue

Why must I hate you?
Seriously, fuck.
I hate you so much that hell hath no fury for it, but god damn.
This... was intelligent. More than I expected from you. More than I expected of anyone with an avatar related to Gak.
Also, why do I hate you? You're always making stupid innuendos, bad jokes, and derailing my/any stories/blogs. But... I also love you because you always comment on my posts... no matter the stupidity.
God damn, am I getting feels?
Don't mind those lines...
They're nothing I swear.

Maybe they censored it because it was to big of a distraction for audiences, and then someone decided that reproductive organs are bad, and I lost my train of thought. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Luna_apple.png

523706 I have heard cognizant. CLOSE ENOUGH :moustache:

523714 Indeed

523735 I do not give a fuck how talented the artist is or how aesthetically pleasing it is. If it is sexy, it is sexy :moustache:

523759 I am unsure of how to respond to that :applejackunsure:

523795 Feels good, pony :ajsmug:

523837 Cool :moustache:

523844 Okay then. You got dubs :rainbowkiss:

It's kinda funny that in Germany, teenagers are allowed to have sex with others their age at 14(I think) and at the least at 16. But porn is still for 18+.... That doesn't make any sense.

Holy shit!:rainbowderp: Something other then trolling.

And yes. I read all of it.

524050 Perhaps they are encouraging real sex instead of pixel sex :moustache:

524092 Tell me more

524093 k

524097 *than


This whole blog post made me think one thing: Nothing is illegal, if you don't get caught.

I don't have anything else to say. .__.

what i don't is why people even care ITS THE INTERNET there are a million more terrible things on the internet then porn of pastel ponies. why i disagree with it its not wrong and i think people over use the term"pedophile" just like people over use and miss use the term "Gay". will i am not affected by any one this stuff mentally or otherwise because i have complete control over almost all functions of my brain. i do find your reasoning flawless. except when it comes to the sex stuff. one being it is VERY unhealthy for children to mimic these actions this extends into very late teens and even early twenties(the child bareing part) beyond that for the societal norm thing we can"thank" your favorite thing CHRISTIANITY.

cause in japan(and France even) this is a lot more accepted THERE IS A SODA CALLED TENTICAL GRAPE!

also you have no idea how hard it is being strait when everyone thinks you should be Gay..its kinda halarius since homosexuality is very accepted in my grade me being strait yet acting "gay" and having long hair is not. if i just said i was gay and left it at that i wouldn't be joked at

also could i have a link to this tosh.0 thing?

oh and since you only ever respond with spike stache on my blogs :trollestia: HAHAHAHA

so wait, are bronies mad at Tosh? (his show is terrible, I watched it when it first came out and it's still shit)
Or is everyone mad at bronies?

Anymore links to that video, it was removed. Also epic trollage, I applaud them.

Bronies we are as controversial as evolution...and by that i mean we are only controversial for stupid people


525309 :rainbowkiss:

525324 ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْe ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ ْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ


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