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Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder

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Stinger Art · 6:15pm May 20th, 2020

Here's the medic of the group, Stinger

There and back again
Stinger carried on
Under fire he carried them out one by one.
There and back again
Magic flies around
All of the lings Stinger carried away
Twelve lings would now live to see their mother
His fear held at bay as he carried them away.

I had fun with this one, especially drawing his Green Heart medal.

Report MlpHero · 113 views · Story: Blue Fang · #Stinger #Art
Comments ( 15 )

You seem to be improving!

Thanks! I couldn’t have got here without you!

Yeah, you helped me get here.

Behold! My Medical Poision and Medic Hatchet!
Just because you painted it with a medic symbol, doesn't mean it's for healing...
It seams I need to heal that hole under your nose...

Well first, that’s a flag.

Unless you’re making a joke I’m to stupid to pick up on.

Yep...Sorry m8, that was a joke!
I know its a flag and a medal...

Of course it was.

Dang it Hero...:facehoof:

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