• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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A Bloody Update Kiki... · 5:29pm May 21st, 2020

Yeah, I was sleeping earlier, just resting and getting some sleep, and when all of a sudden I started to have a nosebleed. And after about spending like 2...maybe 3 hours trying to wait for the bleeding to stop, I thought to myself, "You know what would be a good thing to do right now? An update!" And after my bloody episode, I just sat there, reflecting on my poor life choices like we all do every now and then and wonder if we really should have gone for the shotgun that night...

Hello, and welcome to your monthly update, going to keep it short and sweet again sort of...

Serious about that nose bleed thing...not fun...not fun... So how's it been going all with you guys? Hope you're safe. Hope no one is dead...on the inside...

So what is there to report on Universal Magic you might ask? Well...I'm close to be done with the writing process. Really, I am, pretty much in the home stretch you could say, although it'll still take some work, but the end is near at least...for the writing process. And then it'll be off to editing and proof reading, and you'll finally have your overdue prologue episode.

After that I have to update Plans because I am backed up with updates. And then I'll be off to work on Episode 23-3, non-prologue of course.

Also just as a heads up, I ended up doing a little bit of early re-editing for some of the past episodes. Now what I mean by that is that one or two particular parts that I wrote 7 seven years ago that I thought was good at the time, but now considered to be cringe and was haunting the back of my mind for the longest time...has now been changed into something better. The thing is, I can live with the other mistakes for now, but those other mistakes, I just needed to change it as soon as possible, at the very least temporal until I can really get into the re-edit remasters.

So if you want to check out what was changed, it's in Episode 20 and 21. Although I'll doubt you guys will notice any difference, but if you do, props to you then.

But yeah, I just couldn't stand it, and changed it. And it'll be like I said, temporary until I can really get into it and fix it of course.

Also you more than likely haven't noticed, but the total amount of words for Universal Magic has deceased. Why? Well some of it was intentionally me, with deleting some unnecessary stuff in Episode 20 and 21. But also when I went to edit it, it automatically deceased in word count. I've been on here for the past 7 years, and what counts towards the words really confuses me. As well as the fact that I have to constantly keep checking the paragraphs because I swear to you, if it is bunched up together or separated far apart, that isn't me. FIMfiction is doing that, I'm assuming whenever Knighty updates the site, it fucks with the paragraphs. And since I never import any google docs like others do, that's probably the reason for it...but whatever...just pointing that thing out...


And once we hit that 100th dislike, ...I really don't know. I know I want to do something in celebration of it. Sure putting a double barreled shotgun in my mouth and pulling the trigger would be appropriate, but that's too cliche and predictable...so I'll probably just celebrate with continuing to write Universal Magic while listening to Celebration. I've got nothing else other than we reached a milestone. And it only took me 7 years to accomplish. Shout out to all those that disliked it over the 7 years, to most of which are probably not even around anymore and more than likely have left the fandom and has no recollection of ever reading my story. Good for them...

So yeah...any other news?

Not really, although I might say it here once, and never again until then so it's just on the record for me. There will be an 11th story published from me, yes a brand spanking new story from me. What will it be?

A Random My Little Pony Fan Fiction Story....3....

Thing is though I won't publish it until 2023, for it'll be the thing's 10th anniversary, and assuming we all haven't died, this site remains, and all that good stuff in life... I'll post it then. And to be clear it'll be a multi chapter thing, not just a one off like the others, cause that's the joke. I was originally going to post it like a year or two ago, but then I stopped myself in the middle of writing, asking myself what the fuck am I even doing anymore? But now we're going with this plan...so yeah...expect it then...

Other than that, I might as well get a little real with y'all for a little bit. You see, when I was looking through the past episodes of Universal Magic, I got to thinking, more in a depressed sense that is. I looked back and forgotten what I had written, it has been 7 years after all. And looking back, I was terrible, and yet at the time, I thought I was doing good. And to be fair some of it is alright, not bad, not bad...but still. I look back and think to myself why did I do this? What am I even doing? Should I continue doing this? I mean, in about less than 150,000 words, which by my experience by this point isn't much to me anymore, I'll be over a million words with Universal Magic. (Technically depending on how you want to count it, I'm already over 1 million words, or very close to it. If you count in Alternate, which some might do, then I'm less than 40K words. And if you count Plans, that's at least 150k to 200K in words, cutting out any introductions and the Graveyard and such, which would bring me over to 1 million words in total that I've written related to Universal Magic's story in some shape or form, but that depends on how you look at it.) How much time have I spent on this thing?

It makes me wonder where I would be with out it and what else I would be doing with my time you know? It makes me question everything that I've done up until this point. And it makes me question my ability TO keep going. I won't lie, sometimes when I write, I have this uncertain feeling of 'I can't do it', that I'll run into writers block or I'll have no idea what to do next. But once I get going and get those creative juices flowing, that uncertainty goes away, proving myself I can do it. Yet it happens every time, and I don't know why.

And looking at those previous episodes makes me want to quit altogether, not because of how I wrote it, but what I wrote. You can say I'm down in the dumps. But yet I'm going to continue doing this thing, as I said before, I'll keep going until I'm dead or something else happens to me when it comes to Universal Magic. I have passion for this thing. Yet I wonder, can I do it?

Well, that's it from me this month, see ya'll next month...hopefully with no nose bleed...

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