• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤

  • TAll That Lingers
    The night that Cadance discovered the ghost of King Sombra lurking in the Crystal Palace should have been the worst of her life. Her greatest enemy is now lingering in her own home... and she knows that she's going to get to the bottom of this.
    Ice Star · 5.1k words  ·  137  12 · 3.6k views

More Blog Posts444

  • 1 week
    Muggonny needs help

    My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief

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    1 comments · 63 views
  • 1 week
    Hey, remember that thing I wrote?

    The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    0 comments · 44 views
  • 2 weeks
    Hello gamers

    I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

    Catch the SFW flavor here:

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  • 7 weeks
    Reader interaction poll!

    Please check it out here.

    Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.

    5 comments · 408 views
  • 8 weeks
    Pretty Pony Poems

    Lately, I have been going through various complete entries in Missing Pages that were too short to publish. I decided that "Just Weep" shouldn't be left to gather dust there. I've since published it as its own story with the addition of eight new poems about Celestia (and Luna) so that it is long enough to count as a one-shot according to the site's minimum wordcount rule. If you read the

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Summer Writing Plans, Part 1 · 7:03pm Jun 1st, 2020

Hi y'all. I hope that where all of you are, everyone is doing okay. Or, at least as okay as we can all be with all the awful stuff that's been intensifying. This is the blog I wanted to share regarding the summer writing plans for all my stories. I'll be sure to touch on the status of each one and offer some details about its completion. I would also like to take a moment to show off something other neat things I've found and mention very briefly how all the rioting will impact my presence on this site. It's not going to get political or be anything you should feel the need to click away from. After that, I'll share the stuff about my stories and any possible new projects.

MID-TYPING EDIT: There will be two blog posts. This has the neat things and important stuff. I figured that tagging the two stories I wanted to have tagged was best. The second one will have all the stuff about my projects.

First up, I wanted to mention that All That Lingers (and I wish I could tag multiple stories per blog post) ended up inspiring another story. It's very wholesome and filled with lots of fun dialogue. The character interaction is a blast, even for people who weren't big on season nine events and later canon content.

TDays of the Dead
Long ago, in the dead of night, Luster Dawn saw a dark figure in Canterlot Castle's throne room. Longer still before that, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeated one of Equestria's greatest enemies in that same room.
MayhemMoth · 8.5k words  ·  76  3 · 1.9k views

Here's the story. It has first-person perspective shenanigans and is filled with lots of Sombra-centered friendship stuff. Not to mention, he's also appropriately grouchy. Moth is a fantastic writer and they have quite a few really good stories to check out. They're also a bug of many talents, seeing as they did such nice work on my avatar too. I hope y'all will take the time to give it a read.

EOn the Complicated Logistics of Kissing Beaks
Spike has his third date with Gabby coming up and he knows she's expecting the first kiss. Unfortunately, he's not quite sure how to do it.
FamousLastWords · 9.3k words  ·  239  5 · 3.7k views

This second story is by the Spike bro himself, FamousLastWords. It's a fun and sappy romance story between post-show Spike and Gabby. If you want sassy, happy, and completely adorable ponies to brighten your day, it's very good. If you want to take a look at the comments devolving into the fun kind of anarchy, there is that too. Memes are included.

Now that is all out of the way, I wanted to get to the site activity part. With self-isolation and similar guidelines being in place, the fact that everything has been carrying over online has really taken a turn for the worse. It was nice to have SpaceX stuff streamed and see lots of fun quarantine memes, but things have, uh, gotten completely out of hand. I don't use social media, and certainly not beyond a private account on Instagram for cat pictures, shitposts, and just not observing absolute insanity. But it's everywhere now, so I've stopped going to places that aren't filled with the things I would like to be focusing on this summer: my writing. Offline things are for offline, and recent events have driven FIMFiction absolutely batshit. I just want a vacation from all this because I'm starting to wonder if my notification bell is going to be something awful. I don't want to look at blogs anymore, and I think it's fitting that I just take a breather until people chill the fuck out on this particular corner of the internet. I'm here for writing about horses and rainbow people.

I'm going to try minimizing site activity and just be more of a lurker for a while. Since it is sometimes a habit of mine and so many of y'all follow me now, I wanted to let y'all know this. Talking to people is still important, but I don't think anyone needs to explain that with the last few weeks, things have shown we've really been talking to folks in the worst ways. Yikes.

I'll pop in when I can, especially since some of my unpublished and otherwise in-progress projects and their notes are actually on FIMFiction, as are a couple of other tidbits, such as Missing Pages and I want to consider working on things like those when major projects are going slower. This means I should have fewer distractions, and hopefully will be a positive thing for my writing and starting to tackle some of the worse parts of my ADHD. As a result, this means that I won't be taking cover art requests for a while. You're all still welcome to leave comments on my works, as my comment sections are always. I'll try and read and reply to all of them. If you really want to talk to me or have me reply to a comment, PM me a link of it. I'll get to it when I can. If you have my discord (and in some cases, skype) info that is also cool. Feel free to contact me there through DMs. I don't really like pings and can't keep track of all the pings that happen anyway. Honestly, PM me pretty much anything you want to say. I like long PMs and comments because they make my day, and when things are less draining, it's always fun to answer them. Especially the comments. I don't get a lot of long comments on longer stories and they really help keep motivation up. A little more motivation is something we could all probably use right now.

That, and burgers. Meat shortages make me sad. This boy needs burgers.

I hope y'all are staying safe. Maybe share any fun summer plans in the comments? I want to finish... my summer reading pile! The other stuff I want to finish is in the next blog! :raritywink:

-Ice Star

Comments ( 8 )


That comment section was anarchy.

It still is the best kind of anarchy.

#my cats are ignorant to everything going wrong in the world and i love them

Well isn't that the thought of the year, huh? Was staring at one of my own just last night thinking 'You are so ignorant to the Hell we live in and I envy you.'

But yeah, I have quite a few social media accounts and I've been about ready to just abandon them until further notice. Too much going on. Probably gonna stick around Fimfic though, at least to catch up and read some fics, since I really don't have any Summer plans. Well, other than some regular weekend trips to my family's cabin, but that's gonna be mostly working on the cabin itself. Apparently I get to paint the ceiling, yay... I am probably going to hurt myself.

So I will be writing mostly. Hopefully. I have like three stories to work on now oops. Also 'Bug of many talents', I really like that for some reason.

I mean, moths are bugs. Also I have no clue what your pronouns are. I was gonna guess she/her and I've probably used she/her at one point, but I don't remember you telling me what they are. So I defaulted to they/them.

Manual labor probably isn't that bad. At least, not now.

Oh, well in that fact they are in fact she/her! Never really had a place to ever mention that, but I'm also not overly picky if referred to as anything else. I just thought the bug thing was kinda cute, but I also just really like bugs of almost any sort so I'm biased.

Also I'm not worried about the manual labor bit, I just know I'm gonna have to climb a ladder to even reach the ceiling and I expect the worst. Painting is a simple thing though so I might as well make it more exciting, right?

I'm just used to people mentioning it after a while! There are some folks who put pronouns in their bio and stuff.

Author Interviewer

I wish I knew what it was like to be able to plan writing. ._.

Inside me are two wolves. One is a horrible ADHD mess and the other demands everything the ADHD doesn't.

With enough effort, you can do it! C:

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