• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Axel Nyan

Eh, No one special.

More Blog Posts101

  • 437 weeks
    Excuses, Clearing the Air and Empty Promises

    So ignore that last post of the similar name, after not having done jack SHIT on this site, I forgot the hotkeys for stuff.

    Who even reads these? Hell, who will even notice?

    So. First things first.

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    0 comments · 442 views
  • 481 weeks
    A toda vela

    De colores,
    de colores se visten los campos en la primavera;

    De colores,
    de colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera;

    De colores,
    de colores es al arco iris que vemos lucir.

    Y por eso los grandes amores, de muchos colores, me gusta a mi.

    Canta el gallo,
    canta el gallo con el kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri;

    La gallina,

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    0 comments · 350 views
  • 509 weeks
    It's your choice, in the end...


    <You know, it's more exciting if you press the button.>

    "And if I press the button, countless die needlessly."

    <And if you don't, they continue to live their happy, boring little lives. Mindlessly working away at a hard-set schedule, never truly knowing what it's like to live.>

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 537 weeks
    Oh yeah, i'm still alive.

    and for some reason, i'm not doing ponystuffs. huh. well, have some shenanigans from /write/

    [4:36:21 PM] Axel "Out-Of-The-Hospital-And-Still-Dead-Tired" Nyan: Axel, I wanna caress your hairy butt and whisper sweet nothings about monster trucks and football in your earstrangely, not the weirdest thing i've had said to me, not by a long shot

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    2 comments · 535 views
  • 546 weeks
    [SPOILER] On the newest episode...

    Well, hawt damn! That was actually a pretty good episode.

    So who's driving the wagon?

    2 comments · 370 views

Yay!~ · 8:51am Nov 22nd, 2012

I reached my quota of 10 likes!

Report Axel Nyan · 131 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

thats not a vary high quota... you gotta think higher of your self :ajsmug:
btw i'm watchin you

526698 Let me put it this way. I expected to have either 0 likes, 0 dislikes, or 0 likes, 10+ dislikes. The fact that I have ONE like, let alone 10, blows me away. That's not even mentioning the fact that 7 people favorited it. I am filled with happiness.

hay you know what i just started reading this story but this was this guys first story it has 210 likes and 19 dislikes that is remarkable here its called Good Things Come click the name to go to it :ajsmug:

i'm jottingdown notes mentally as i read every story i come across i got good idea what kind of humor im going to use with some slight dark scenes for dramatic affect Maybe some romance idk... but ohh is it goona be funny :rainbowkiss: i cant wait to make it yet i have seen groups i wish i havent, i'm glad that your satisfied.

Rainbow Dash pic, look at top right corner, then to Dash's armpit. There are others as well. Even a second Derpy behind the tip of her wing.

528852 duplicate background ponies in the animated dash picture above

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