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Facts about Wallflower Blush, as told by Scampy, Posh and Dubs Rewatcher · 8:54pm Jun 18th, 2020

I hope y'all are ready to learn.

Wallflower knows how to do the dougie

Wallflower can kill fuckers

Wallflower owned several Tamagotchis

Wallflower has an authentic animation cell of anthy from revolutionary girl utena

Wallflower misses watching Naruto in three-part videos on YouTube

Wallflower feels that Porygon gets a bad rap

Wallflower's favorite cartoon is Steven Universe

Wallflower is a big fan of social eating streamers on Twitch

Wallflower can’t taste cilantro. She doesn’t see what the big deal is

Wallflower wishes she had friends to go out to Korean BBQ with

Wallflower’s favorite foods are spaghetti and dandelion salad

Wallflower's favorite food is whatever food happens to be in front of her right now

Wallflower once shoplifted a peppermint patty and felt so guilty she hid it in her sock drawer for six years

Wallflower's babysitter read her Garfield comics and she always wanted to try lasagna but never had the chance until she was 13 and it wasn't even that good cuz it was shitty middle school cafeteria lasagna

Wallflower is Big Gay

Wallflower spends more time than she should looking for extremely depressing animes and mangas to the point where she's basically seen all the ones worth seeing and it frustrates her greatly

Wallflower’s favorite anime is Pokemon

Wallflower called Sunset when she finished She-ra Season 5 so she could cry about how happy she was

Wallflower once found a penny face-down on the ground and just kinda shrugged

Wallflower is really trying her best to do better, but feels like she's only doing so for Sunset's continued approval and deep down she hates herself even more than she did before the stone was destroyed, and it leads her to bury her negative feelings even deeper which will inevitably lead to crisis

Wallflower got a funny hat at Disney Land when she was 9 and still has it in her closet

Wallflower knows Sunset still shoplifts from the bodega but doesn’t say anything in case she needs a favor

Wallflower tells people she once ate a bowl of nails without any milk, but actually it was just a bowl of stale chocolate chips

Wallflower once spent two weeks nursing a dandelion back to life, then ate it because she was hungry. She hasn't forgiven herself

Wallflower went from being envious of Sunset for having friends, to being envious of Sunset's friends for having Sunset

Wallflower thinks it’s Friday when it’s actually mo day

Wallflower took piano lessons as a kid and quit when she was 12 and now she regrets it and is trying to teach herself but she's not very good and hates herself for it

Wallflower’s cat sometimes walks on the piano and it upsets her because the cat is a better pianist than her

Wallflower really wants to be with Sunset but also thinks Sunset deserves a girlfriend so much better than her so she sits on her feelings despite the fact that Sunset would absolutely say yes

Wallflower makes memes on her phone and she's damn good at it

Wallflower is better than average at tic-tac-toe. She looked up that XKCD chart on the best possible move at any given stage of the game and has it saved to her phone, and she challenges Sunset to tic-tac-toe a lot and always wins or ties. Sunset knows it's kinda silly, but it helps with Wallflower's confidence

Wallflower feels that this is a terrible night to have a curse

Wallflower's mom got her a long silly swirly straw at a dollar store when she was 10 and she still uses it and washes it and keeps it

Wallflower wishes her parents loved her but she kinda knows they dont

Wallflower breathes oxygen

Wallflower watched a playlist of Sailor Moon PSAs one night and was crying by the end because she'd never had anyone tell her so many positive things before

Wallflower is very upset about "For You" by AZU not being available on any American music streaming services

Wallflower looks like mint ice cream

Thanks to Posh and Dubs Rewatcher for helping me compile this list of facts about Sunset's future wife.

Comments ( 21 )

you're poetry qB^)

Posh #3 · Jun 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Wallflower once shoplifted a peppermint patty and felt so guilty she hid it in her sock drawer for six years

I didn’t mention this, but I did something very similar when I was like nine or so.

Wallflower thinks Mothman is hot (Mothman doesn't have a gender)

I can respect everything but this.

Best Wallflower is the Wallflower that kills fuckers bB^)

My goodness... 0.0 That's everything about her?! Damn!

Quick thing: you say it's about Wallflower, but is it really about you? :rainbowhuh:

Wallflower's mom got her a long silly swirly straw at a dollar store when she was 10 and she still uses it and washes it and keeps it

Me but with spoon-straws my parents got but the straws got clogged up and we can't use the straw parts anymore and I'm sad

Posh #9 · Jun 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

5288020 scampy is always shoveling dandelions into her mouth.

They're kinda gummy but very enjoyable. Don't judge me :v

So I don't know if we're joking but Dandelion tea actually tastes great! Just... sayin'.

I didn't know that's a thing and now I must try it as soon as possible

about Sunset's future wife. about Sunset's future wife.


I will absolutely go to Korean BBQ with Wally.

5288029 No judgement here :scootangel:

This is Very Important information.

But why mothman?

Wallflower knows how to do the dougie

The what now?

Wallflower can kill fuckers

What makes one a fucker?

Wallflower thinks Mothman is hot


Wallflower’s cat Snugglepuss sometimes walks on the piano and it upsets her because the cat is a better pianist than her

I laughed at that and I don't know whether or not I should feel bad about it.

Wallflower watched a playlist of Sailor Moon PSAs one night and was crying by the end because she'd never had anyone tell her so many positive things before

Wally needs to know that she's an amazing person with a good heart. :heart:

Fanfic where Sunset is actually Mothman when

Wallflower is better than average at tic-tac-toe. She looked up that XKCD chart on the best possible move

I always thought this chart was really interesting:


Wallflower feels that Porygon gets a bad rap

Only because his episode sent a lot of ppl to hospital due to epilepsy is no motive to judge the pokémon!

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