• Member Since 11th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen April 19th


It appears that you have stumbled upon my Home Page. Well, I guess since you are already here you I may as well encourage you to look around. Maybe you'll find something you like!

More Blog Posts112

  • 48 weeks
    First Look! - UTF Character Portraits & New Cover Art

    Here are the first few artworks for UTF - The Stranger From The Outside.

    Edit: Fixed some issues claiming mobile users could not view the images. Should be fixed now.

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  • 49 weeks
    Update Blog - (July 21, 2023)

    Hello, hello, hello!

    Another update blog from yours truly regarding UTF and its future development. There's quite a lot to unpack so do bare with me!

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    0 comments · 87 views
  • 52 weeks
    Update Blog - (June 29, 2023)

    Hey, hey!

    Short update regarding UTF. Chapter 10 should be out soon, just running it through the editing process. Also, Chapter 11 is about halfway done. I wanted to try and push these out earlier, but Chapter 10 went through quite a bit of changes, almost needing a whole rewrite. But I think I got it to where I want it to be, now.

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  • 65 weeks
    Update Blog - (April 2, 2023)

    Ah, feels good to be back.

    For those wondering where the heck I've been/when the next chapter of UTF is coming out, I've got answers for both.

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    1 comments · 138 views
  • 89 weeks
    Update Blog - (10/16/2022)

    Hey, hey!

    Just a quick update blog regarding future content and behind the scenes events.

    The next chapter of the UTF rewrite will be finished very soon. Had the opportunity/displeasure of working the first couple weeks of night shift of my life, which really screwed up my sleep schedule for a bit. But now, I'm back to work on the story.

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Possible Crossover Story; Need Your Input · 6:52am Jun 30th, 2020

I have been really anxious on starting a crossover story, and I am fully on board with getting things started with it. With that said, I have a couple ideas about the crossover, but I don't know which one to do first (if I ever choose to do more than one).

This is where you guys come in. I am requesting your input on which franchise I should write about to meet with MLP FiM. The list of options is found at the bottom of this blog.

Now, about those crossover choices, leave a comment telling me which of the listed options you would like to see in a future story of mine. You can put down the number or the name of the franchise for your vote, I don't mind.

1. Apex Legends
2. Just Cause
3. Mega Man
4. Jimmy Neutron
5. Doom/Doom Eternal

With that all said and done, I leave the rest to you guys. Have a good day and don't forget to stay keep the magic of friendship growing.



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