• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Good News Guys... · 12:22pm Jul 5th, 2020

THE WRITING FOR EPISODE 23-3 PROLOGUE IS NOW COMPLETE! WOOOOOO!!! Even though it's just a prologue and I spent two years on it (granted though I spent that two years doing the Halloween and Christmas specials, but it still doesn't look good on me...)

But yeah, it means that you guys should expect the next episode of Universal Magic within the coming weeks, possibly one or two, but we'll see, I'm not rushing this. I haven't rushed this thing in the two years I've been writing it, I'm not rushing the editing.

So yeah all that's left is editing, which includes the proof reading of course, but whatever. It's just how I do things around here.

So the final word count in total for just the rough draft is 149,000 words. Now that can increase or decrease after editing, so we'll wait and see, but one thing is more than likely for sure, I have (not officially yet) made it over 1,000,000 words...when you combine Mane And Alternate. It still counts, maybe not to this website, BUT IT COUNTS STILL!

So yeah...a million words. I suppose we can really celebrate when Mane gets that official 1 million words and I get to join the million words club. Which by my calculations, if done right, the next episode, Episode 23-3, the NON prologue one, will put me officially over 1 million words in Mane by itself. So all around, good news.

So I'll start editing on Tuesday I guess, need to take a bit of a mental break because I've sort of been puling all nighters to just try to finish the prologue. Although Word has been giving me trouble because it gives me that, "There are too many errors" crap, so it might give some trouble trying to start the editing process, but I'll figure something out.

I just want to let you all know and be reminded that this is a PROLOGUE, as in this isn't the main event, this is a side thing. Yes, a side episode. I didn't intend to make it a side thing, it just sort of got out of hand and some changes were made and somehow i ended up with this. But like I said, I'll try to make sure this doesn't happen again because to be quite honest with you, I would be on Episode 24 by now if I hadn't done this side thing.

That's not to say it's not worth reading of course. It certainly is, it's just a side thing so it makes it less special. But it's worth the wait as it introduces some characters for future episodes, plot thingies and lots and lots of jokes. Yeah, sorry about the wording here, I've been up for like 16 hours now, I pushed myself to finish the writing part, and I just wanted to give you all the good news. So yeah, I'm kind of tired right now.

Hell, I even fell asleep while writing, I had a really weird, yet scary dream where I saw an old man getting a spoon spinning around in his ass by a doctor while in a big plastic bag while screaming bloody murder with psychedelic music playing in the background. What does that mean? Probably jack fucking shit, but I saw it. it's probably god telling me to end it or something. Who knows?

Well anyways, just remember it's a prologue, so nothing big is going to happen, it's just a side thing. That and It's going to be in editing soon. And when I do release it, maybe, hopefully, I'm aiming for a Saturday Midnight release, but we'll wait and see on that one. I might just post it as soon as it is done, but whatever.

so yeah, anyways, I'm going to get some sleep now, I bed that old guy that was getting spooned to death as his screams still pierce my mind are waiting for me in dreamland. See ya guys later!!!...

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