• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Episode 23-3 Prologue Now Up! · 5:04am Jul 15th, 2020


Episode 23-3 Prologue

Yeah so here it is, I spent a lot of time trying to edit it. I kept falling asleep because of my dumbass not getting enough of sleep the night before.

But it's ok, it's all done. Just remember what I said, don't expect too much because it's a side episode. Its still worth your time though, you'll love it.

So you might be asking me already? When will the next episode be up? In a few months? Ha ha...ha ha ...HA HA HA HA! that's a good joke.

I would love for it to be in a few months but probably not. After being on this thing for at least two years while in between doing a Halloween special and a Christmas Special, while also re doing the plans / the outline to Universal Magic, I'm kind of tired right now.

Obviously I'll be working on the next episode, but it's going to be a while. First off I need to update the Outline because I've been meaning to d so for the past few months, but I wanted to focus on finishing the episode, so a lot of notes have been piling up to where it might take me a week or two just to organize it all.

And after that, I need to take a "Break". And when I mean by that, I've got to take care of some other stuff first before focusing on the next episode, so technically it'll be a break for me, but not really. I'm just doing something else that's not Universal Magic related.

And even then, I can't start writing the next episode right away because I need to finish the outline. Remember in 2018, stuff got messed up and I ended up redoing the outline, so I need to finish that outline. And then I'll be able to start, which might take me a while.

Also I may or may not do a character commentary on this new episode, so I might do it...might not...

Other than that, yeah that's about it.

But...Universal magic is now at 907,000 words long. Granted minus about say 2K for obvious reasons, it's 905,000 words long, but we're close.

So technically we're over a million words right now when combined with Alternate, but less than 100,000 away from Mane being over 1 million.

Now the thing to expect from the next episode is that it will more than likely, 99.9% chance will put Mane over one million words. So that's great, but how long will it be? I don't know. So far with my outline, it's over 30 pages long, and I'm not even at the halfway point yet with it. And give about 3K - 5K roughly per page, and it might break the record for the longest episode, which the previous one was 206,000 words long, but I'm not counting on it, but it might. So I don't know, it's way too early to call right now.

But yeah, that's the future. Now there might be a short or two in the future to keep you guys company while waiting for the next episode, but we'll have to wait and see. But until then, which might be awhile, here we go. And we're close to joining the one million word club too. I know they wouldn't invite me into it, but in spirit I can...

Well...I'm going to listen to Ghost now, hint hint, join me in chat we can laugh at the hambone Ghost together...


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