• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

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Guys, don’t hex the moon. · 11:01pm Jul 19th, 2020

It’s not going to end well for anybody.

Here’s a twitter thread about how some people already tried to hex it and now gods are mad.


This shit might happen. You do not want this shit to happen.

So leave the goddamned moon alone.

Comments ( 24 )

There's no reason to hex the moon, anyway. What good does it do? Even if you succeed, what do you gain when we become moon't?

It keep the Earth's tilt stable.

Author Interviewer

We already had a plague moon to begin with. :C

Hafta ask my witch friend if she knows about this.

A genuinely helpful and informative thread. And I do have to appreciate this:

i dont know. people dont usually hex the moon, gods arent usually mad.

There's something truly special in saying "We're not sure what the wider effects will be because people usually aren't stupid enough to do this."

What are you smoking?

Majin Syeekoh

Excuse you.

I vape now.

Must we really come up with a catch-all phrase to mean "what mind altering chemical(s) are you imbibing in as you breathe?" When the intent of his sardonic comment was reasonably clear?

Majin Syeekoh


Must we really come up with a catch-all phrase to mean “what mind altering chemical(s) are you imbibing in as you breathe?”

It’d certainly be more creative.:ajsmug:

Witches go and they build this complicated social machinery and all the machine does is make them mad. They've just got one half of the floorspace in their mind palace dedicated to this massive jury-rigged, Rube Goldberg contraption that just constantly kicks them in the shins and screams at them so they are always mad about things that mean nothing.

Okay, so what are you vaping, then?


There's something truly special in saying "We're not sure what the wider effects will be because people usually aren't stupid enough to do this."

I feel like there's something topical to be said about that. Might just be me tho.

Majin Syeekoh

A mixture of vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavors.

Majin Syeekoh

Isn’t that just real life.

Right. I should've known I'd be given a Majin Syeekoh AnswerTM.

That won’t end well. Besides invoking the rule of three.

The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccan Pagans and occultists. It states that whatever a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Some subscribe to a variant of this law in which return is not necessarily threefold.

Going after spirits aka the fae and Celestial forces...

Karma a bitch, magical karma is Psychotic.

Nah, you're thinking of the Fanta Sea.

I ain't worried about none of this shit. Jesus will save me.

My phrase of choice is "if you aren't on drugs, you probably should be" (referring to medication, for the record)

I'm glad Deities associated with the Moon are generally known for their kind and forgiving nature, but come on, there's no need to push it. No, seriously, this is the equivalent of an infant smacking its parent. It's not like the Gods will actually notice. (I hope.)

I legitimately can't tell who is serious and who is shitposting here.

I've seen how well hexing the moon goes through watching The Magicians.

It does not go well.

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