• Member Since 29th Jun, 2015
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Curtis Wildcat

Don't ask questions. Just have fun. Slam the oven door and join the party.

More Blog Posts113

  • 2 weeks
    An Irritating Yet Amusing Thing

    Yesterday on Discord, I got a completely random friend request. I didn't recognize the name or the avatar, and he wasn't on any of the servers that I was part of. The whole thing reeked of "complete stranger, don't deal with this person". So I rejected the request.

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  • 3 weeks
    M.L.G. Status Update, June 2024 Edition

    Distractions, distractions.

    I haven't gotten much work done on the latest chapter. Reasons are as follows:

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  • 7 weeks
    Notes on Calico Driftwood and My Namesake's Origin

    Here's some background music. I'll be going on a bit of a tangent, so you may be here a little while. ()^_^

    The chapter with Levi Vs. Calico is coming up pretty soon. There are some notes on the latter that are too lengthy for me to share at the end, so I'm going to lay them out here instead.

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  • 10 weeks
    Intentional Shout-Outs and References in M.L.G.

    Some background music. You're going to need it: we're going to be here a while.

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  • 11 weeks
    Status Update, April 2024 Edition

    Part of my slowness in writing M.L.G.'s latest chapter is for the usual reasons: tiredness, minor depression, having other things on the mind, that sort of thing. However, in what can only be described as "whimsy", I've recently decided to complete a list of all of the intentional shout-outs and references in the story as of the most recent chapter.

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The Youkai's Hand of Fate · 3:42am Jul 20th, 2020

One of these days, I'm going to figure out how to keep Yukari out of my house. It's bad enough that she's been visiting me without permission; now she's playing my video games, too.

(And yes, I'm trying to stay in character for this. If she were an actual living being, I'm sure she'd be doing a lot worse than just playing my computer. I'm not that deluded.) :pinkiecrazy:

But anyway, antics aside, I've been busy recently. Sorry that I haven't worked up anything worth posting here yet.

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